How do you handle a difficult boss?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
How do you handle a difficult boss?
116 answers:
2007-10-01 19:16:49 UTC
Easy. Do it a good job and then work to do a better job.

Make sure that you are not the reason your boss is being difficult. Often times, employees don't realize they are making life difficult for the boss with shoddy work, lack of initiative, or by not thinking through problems and offering solutions for the boss to consider. If you are dumping your problems on the boss and then rationalizing that they get paid to make those decisions, then you are probably the cause of a great deal of difficulty and you are probably not carrying your weight. Take solutions to your boss; not problems.

Make sure your work demonstrates quality and that it is timely. Make sure you are on board with company objectives and doing your part to make the team a winning team. If all employees do their part, the boss will be smiling from ear to ear and will be able to concentrate on issues such as needed resources for employees and performance bonuses instead of reprimands and lay offs.

Of course, it is easy and common for you as an employee to say that (in your own eyes) you are doing a good job but does the boss agree with you? Get feedback on the results of your work. Ask questions. Seek clarification. Make sure you have a good understanding of how the boss wants the work done and then work to deliver a good solid product. The measurement of quality has to have the boss's approval.
2007-10-01 10:48:33 UTC
just do the job
2007-10-09 10:26:50 UTC
Stab him/her in his/her head with a shiv constructed of his/her office supplies.
2007-10-01 20:27:11 UTC
Your best bet is to let the stupid stuff slid when it's not your butt on the line and build a repoir with your next level supervisor so that if something goes down you are as covered as possible. You have to know when to roll over and do whatever they tell you to do. If they are that difficult then just do your best while looking fo something else.
2007-10-01 19:54:52 UTC
Kindness kills!
2007-10-01 18:24:01 UTC
Go start your own business.

After experiencing first hand the amount of stress involved in getting everything done on time and paying all the bills, including your wages. ..... I have heard of many people who have started their own business and have decided to go back to work at their regular job because it was more comfortable to get yelled at by the boss than taking responsibility for their own business and risking loosing a lot of money they don't succeed.

There are risk takers. There are hard workers. And there are whiners.

The bosses that scream and yell all the time are basically whiners. Because this is basically their way of complaining about the risks and hard work that they cannot handle.

In my personal opinion, if a boss can't handle the stress of his/ her position. You should find other work. Unless you are also the type of employee that complains about everything and is basically also a whiner. Then you two are made for each other.
2007-10-01 13:05:57 UTC
document everything including dates/times, etc. In the professional world, petty bosses are usually s-canned in short time as talent is hard to find but bosses are usually easier to hire.

If he breaks the rules or the law even in the slightest, report them. People who are difficult usually self-destruct over time.

If you are working for a McDonald's or WalMart, find another job - there are thousands of low-paying jobs. No one needs to put up with a petty and difficult person.
Linda W
2007-10-01 12:45:22 UTC
Try your best to stay on their good side. Walk on eggshells, and just do your best to please them. There really is no easy answer, I've had to quit a few jobs, due to a jerk boss.
2007-09-28 14:19:37 UTC
No 1 Prayer.

No 2 You just do what you're told. Deal with it. It's called work.

I Cr 13;8a
2007-10-01 13:02:26 UTC
I've had everything from really sexist bosses (one even said in numerous meetings that "women don't belong here" and was a blatant alcoholic) one that told me point blank that I would lose accounts when he found out I was pregnant telling me that he didn't know "where my mind would be." I even had a boss that was stealing from the company and wanted me to also!

I'm in sales....

I win every time by doing the following:

I put everything in writing. Document, document, document! When these fools become so powerful that they don't think anything can stop them, I write down the date and time and keep notes (hard copies and on computer).

With that in my back pocket, I continue to work the hardest and be the best at my job. I am usually the top or one of the top sales people. My clients love me and rave about me. I take care of my co-workers too. I always befriend the accounting department and anyone who helps me with my sales orders!!! It makes it really hard to fire me. And keeping a record of things you could take to HR makes certain that you are protected if needed. Just be honest and work hard. You will be okay.

The guy below me (Mr. PhD) is correct...the bad bosses usually self-destruct. I was at a job for 10 months and had 5 crappy bosses rotate through in that time!

EDIT: A lot of people are saying "quit and find another job." That isn't always an option. I served in the Navy for 5 years and you just can't quit if you are stuck under a poor supervisor. Worse, on a ship you live with him or her 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

For others, they may have a job paying the bills for the whole family and are afraid to lose that pay-check.

The question was how to handle a difficult boss. Assume you have to and can't leave the job.
June Campbell
2007-09-28 12:55:59 UTC
Its difficult to answer this without knowing more about the situation.

However, here are a few suggestions.

1. Observe the way your boss treats other people. Does he treat some better than others? Can you tell if these others are doing something differently than you? Are they chatty with him (or her) while you stay away? Do they work harder and take fewer bathroom breaks? Its hard to say what this could be .. just be observant and see if you can find out what is different if anything.

2. Consider asking your boss to meet you with. Ask him or her if there is anything you could be doing differently. Be polite.

A lot of difficult bosses aren't really difficult. They just have a different way of doing things than you are used to. If you can fiure out a way to give them what they want, they will no longer be difficult. I used to be a boss. The people who rarely finished an assignment on deadline thought I was difficult. The ones who met deadlines thought I was fine. That's just an example. Your own situation will be different.

A few bosses, of course, truly are difficult, abusive and hostile. If you are working in such an envirohment, and you don't want to quit, your best bet is to fly below the radar and keep a low profile. Or, contact the boss's boss, or the HR department and let them know that bullying is going on. They may be able to help but be aware if you do this that you will be in for a difficult time for awhile.

Good luck with it.
2007-10-09 10:32:48 UTC
You can't handle a difficult person. Some bosses enjoy being difficult - it makes them feel powerful. Stay under the radar, do the best you can and when things go awry, accept all of the responsibility for the mistake. Taking the blame will often diffuse the tirade. Then correct the situation to perfection.

But at the end of the day you must recognize that it is an abusive relationship and you must decide whether or not you can live with it.
2007-10-03 05:26:00 UTC
I have the answer and it helps you and the boss determine how you will behave onwards. You ask him/her what they expect from you. This is your direction. Then, you do your job to the best of your ability and ask for help from a constructive point of view when you need it. For example, "To get the packages here , we called x, y, and z. but still no answer. I'd consider a, b, c but they are expensive. What do you suggest?" Never complain. For every problem, you also have to provide a solution. As you get your work done, you tell the boss if there is a discrepancy--keep them in the loop. If they are angry or emotional, it's their problem. It is their job to help tackle the very big problems that are over your head, like maybe the supplier contracts. Don't try to take on the suppliers yourself (unless that's your job). Don't get emotional. Don't take anything personal. If the boss interprets problems as something personal or emotional whilst you are behaving professionally, that's a sign he can't handle decisions. If the boss is abusive, then definitely move on.
2007-10-09 11:32:39 UTC
Get the hell out of there as fast as you can. You are wasting your time, energy and talents with someone that doesn't appreciate you and who is just using you! Most of the time, nothing you do is going to change the situation. I'm in a similar situation now and I know I'm an excellent worker. I have measurements and documentation to prove it and yet in still I end up with crappy appraisals because somehow this mean-spirited broad feels threatened. When I showed her where my performance exceeded the job description, she just changed the job description on me, which ended up with me having more work! Interesting since I was rated somewhat poorly! She constantly comments on where I live, my car, my clothes, my age, my education which to me, indicates jealousy. I've never missed a deadline. I always agree to take on special projects. I open up this office everday so that she can start at 10:00 and 11:00 AM. I pump out an enormous amount of work each day with flawless quality. The residents always thank me for my promptness in resolving their issues. Nothing works. The company tolerates this. This woman has been here five years and I am the fifth administrator. She had problems with the last administrator and her performance appraisal was really horrible -- worse than mine! In my experience boss problems have to do with the boss' insecurites, not you or your work. I try not to do or say things to add fuel to the jealousy fire and not look too good going to work even though I have been hurting financially since I took this downgrade of a job. Get out of there and go somewhere where you are celebrated, not just tolerated. Actually, I think the other guy had the best solution -- WORK FOR YOURSELF!!. I know I will be as soon as my house sells and I can get my hands on some capital!
2007-10-04 10:08:41 UTC
Try to look at it from his/ her point of view. It's a lot of responsibility to be boss of anyone. It's stressful and time consuming. If your boss is difficult, just do what you're supposed to do on the job. There's a reason for everything. Everyone has things going on at work and at home. Try to look at it from their perspective. As long as he's not being unfair or unjust, just let it go and get back to work. You only have to deal with the boss for a couple of hours, then you leave. Try approaching him/her. Kindness never hurt anyone. Sometimes if we don't react that person will see the error in their behavior.
2007-10-09 11:37:30 UTC
yo! a very good question being ask by so many employees-how to deal or handle a difficult boss-oh yeah!- check this out- a boss hired you because he thinks your qualified-he thinks you can do it-he thinks he can handle you*-he'll buy you,he's gonna pay you because he wants you do to what he wants you to do-now...he thinks he can handle you that's why the boss hired you-he's not gonna hire a guy or anybody else even if he's overqualified if he thinks this man will bully him or will not respect him or this employee will try to act as if he's the boss,who knows everything-the bottom line-don't handle a difficult boss,let him handle you-obey and do what he wants you to do and in case there are open meetings then perhaps you can suggest or share some of your ideas-boss are always difficult that's what we always think but the thing is they're the one who try to solve the company's biggest problem- always thinking about the investors and of course the employees- so next time you're difficult boss is coming don't hide or ignore him-greet him and don't forget to smile and the boss may seem doesn't mind you but i assure you he heard and will notice you and in his mind he'll say " hmm... i like that...i like this guy- he'll feel good you know!
2007-10-09 10:52:53 UTC
You handle a difficult boss by standing up to them and getting in there face and if they raise their hand to you, you let them have it with no mercy. We are working to support our families and ourselves people!!!! we are not at work to be abused or lied to or be treated like apes!!!! at the end of the day all jobs do not matter except to make money off of and that is it!!!! the best thing to do is just quit and never come back and take some souvenirs with you on the way out the door good luck to you all and god bless.
2007-10-02 08:06:49 UTC
I've found that no boss is too difficult, you just need to know how to work with them. The best way to deal with any boss is just to simply do your job in the way that they want it done. If they give you a deadline, finish early. Want things a certain way, do it. That's all. No butt kissing, nothing. Even the most difficult boss will be happy if you do your job the way they want it done. End of story. And don't complain about them to others. It will only get back to them and make a bad situation worse. Now it their conduct is demeaning, or illegal, document everything and take it to HR. But don't be a whiner.
2007-10-09 10:26:10 UTC
Of all the answers I'm reading, I have to agree with prayer #1 and then "documentation". Just because they are difficult doesn't make them right. I have just gone through a similar situation with a difficult boss and I documented everything. After 3 months, I sent my paperwork to corporate HR. The "difficult" boss is now in mandatory management training and I have my case in both of our files. I was told by Corporate HR that I did the right thing and did not is a job I love. Retaliation now could lead to a lawsuit, where my documentation would hold it's ground. Never let them see you, say thank you, kill them with kindness, pray and stay strong...but keep documenting...that's your key to peace of mind.
2007-10-09 17:08:27 UTC
Been there done that. By all means, do not react, play nice or make a new best friend. Understand that your boss is human and is capable of all the emotions and mistakes anyone else can make. Approach them only if the behavior is affecting the workplace and if you think that they would be open to your feedback. If they've done anything illegal, unethical or immoral, handwrite yourself a letter describing what happened and send it to yourself. Then file a complaint with HR. If you don't think it's that serious but it still bothers you, imagine yourself there in six months. If that thought makes you feel miserable, it's time to start looking for another job.
2007-10-01 13:59:23 UTC
Being quiet!

I took 6 years working in a jewelry store, making some stressed big sales, and giving the best attention to the cruise ships passengers, so there was a lot a pressure.

My chief, Cristina Romero, just to have very very bad humor some days, so, something in my heart started to rock to find out the answer of that.

Well, The other way to handle a difficult chief (or boss) is to discover what the matter is.

Cristina just to open the shop about one hour before the all team just to arrive.

I just to the take lunch at 12:00 or 2:00 pm, and Cristina at 4:00, ones all we were satisfied.

Sometimes, a south american employee just to play hip hop and hard music, in stressed hours, while few were dancing, some of us were stressed.

Many employee just to make more scandal with the Cristina orders, when it was better to be quiet, and say "yes".

Cristina had teach me many good tips for making sales, and some others to resist that team attacks in case I was having good rates in my

Whose was the stronger here? and who was the good one here?

I believe always her...

Even many think, rich people , or bosses are bad... we must find the reason, and give them support.

Now I think, that after I left the shop for family reason I found a good friend in the life´s shore...some one whose I understand....and it is Cristina.

Margarete von Jezierski G.


2007-10-07 18:21:26 UTC
I've read everyones advise on here and from own personal experience, none of these things worked.

She was basically an "unfit" manager and she was sleeping with the boss, so he backed her word on everthing and that's how she got her position. Everyone in the office new it and she treated 8 out of 10 people the same way. I was the 3rd of 14 to finally quiet because I developed high blood pressure.

She made my life a living hell. I swear she must have spent her nights just thinking of ways to put me behind on my work.

I tried the "kill her with kindness", I ignored her, I complimented her only to a point, I'm not an assss kisser, she is just a B@%$*.

HR came into the picture but they didn't care, because like I said he backed her over any of us.

Listen, when 14 people quiet for the same reason....her..your boss and HR doesn't do anything, why stay and be miserable?

Now that I look back, it was so bad, I should have taken a lot of sick leave or done something for her to fire me and I could have had a law suit against the company, because she placed me in a hostile work environment, I documented everything and even printed all emails from her. She sent me 31 emails within 1 hour one morning and her office was right behind me.

So....I forwarded all her emails to me to Her BIG boss out of state so he could see what she was doing, of course she was denying everything she did.

On monday EVERYONE had a small vase of miniture roses from her. Guess what? No one thanked her, because we knew she was told to do it.

We didn't want flowers, we just wanted to be treated the right way, not "I'm the princess" way. (That's what hangs on her office door)

So, if you can find another job to go to before you resign from this one if you just can't take it anymore, I'd suggest that.

I told myself, life was too short to be that unhappy everyday and to have developed high blood pressure. I saw my dr. every week for him to monitor it. I was only 15 mins. away so I could go to the dr.s and pick up fast food on the way back within my one hour lunch break. Oh, how I wish I'd done things differently.....but what goes around, comes around and she will have her day..

Good luck, just don't let your job start affecting your health ok???
2007-10-03 07:50:31 UTC
5 rules to deal with a "difficult" or "cranky" boss:

• Learn: I learned that if he is always cranky, than he must be way worse off than I. Something must be wrong in his life/home to become this way and I am a better person than him for dealing with life head on and not taking it out on people.

• Karma: believe in karma!

• Exercise: relieved all my frustrations and stress

• Ignore: I tried not to care so much about his mean actions. Tried to roll it off my back. Ignore his uncontrollable ways.

• Leave: I left my job and this cranky boss when my stress level and life was getting disrupted too much. I knew my mental health was way more important than that job.

I am now a much, much happier person with my new job and nice, new boss. I took what I learned and now feel I can deal with many other types of personalities b/c nothing is as bad as dealing with an angry, miserable person. Knowing that I will never have to deal with this cranky boss ever reward enough!!! Well that and karma!
2007-10-02 05:23:02 UTC
Difficult bosses are often quite egocentric. This means that for an easy life you must do a little ego pampering but also not be a doormat. Be amenable and polite about requests but don't be too willing to do just anything or their behaviour will only get worse. Smile, argue your corner diplomatically if necessary, be difficult back, if necessary use cunning and trickery or leave.
2007-10-01 14:50:53 UTC
Depends on how the boss is being difficult - Is s/he trying to get you to do your best? Or is s/he demanding the impossible?

If it's the first, I always try to meet or exceed their expectations as long as they're not being verbally abusive. I've had bosses see potential in me and get me to meet it - which was really nice!!

If it's the later, and the boss is yelling at you to get it done when there is no possible way of accomplishing the task AND THEY KNOW IT, then IMO they're just looking for an excuse to write you up for not getting it done. I've had bosses set me up to fail so they can tell their boss that it wasn't them, it was me - which is unacceptable.
Ryan S
2007-10-04 04:38:45 UTC
If you have a problem it usually stems back to a lack of a relationship between you and your boss. If you get a opportunity try to find a way to build this relationship. They will in turn begin to value you and the treatment will become better.

Of coarse if this going nowhere it may be time to look at another department or even job. You could wait it out as it has been my experience that managers that behave poorly tend to get fired in the end away. - Message to bosses unhappy employees leads to poor performance, poor performance leads to your neck.
2007-10-01 23:29:18 UTC
One of the thing we " surbornites" always forget is that; we have the right to choose the job but we don't have the right to do it the way we wish". To acsertain therefore that our bosses are difficult we need not to jumb in to the conclusion that are difficult, rather we need to do self auding and if the results are still the same that they are, then read this " if you think your freedom is important to you, then quit the job. Short of that learn much as you can to comply to your boss's requirement.
2007-10-01 17:31:02 UTC
Number 1: make sure you are doing a good job and it shows

Number 2: know when to pick your battles

Number 3: Be professional and show no emotion while saying how the treatment from your boss, whatever it may be has affected you. Ask if there is something that they feel you have done to upset them... be very positive.
2014-10-29 16:41:44 UTC
I put everything in writing. Document, document, document! When these fools become so powerful that they don't think anything can stop them, I write down the date and time and keep notes (hard copies and on computer).

With that in my back pocket, I continue to work the hardest and be the best at my job. I am usually the top or one of the top sales people. My clients love me and rave about me. I take care of my co-workers too. I always befriend the accounting department and anyone who helps me with my sales orders!!! It makes it really hard to fire me. And keeping a record of things you could take to HR makes certain that you are protected if needed. Just be honest and work hard. You will be okay.

The guy below me (Mr. PhD) is correct...the bad bosses usually self-destruct. I was at a job for 10 months and had 5 crappy bosses rotate through in that time!

EDIT: A lot of people are saying "quit and find another job.
Dustin H
2007-10-09 10:20:15 UTC
depending on how your boss treats you will determine how you respond. For instance, like me, if you boss belittles you then its time to hold a conference with a third party. That way there will not be any miscomunnication. Whatever the stakes are never back down if your boss has personal attacks against you. Always make sure you do it in a professional manner. Kill him with kindness.
2007-10-06 23:38:07 UTC
Just ignore and do your job. Don't pay attention, smile and say yes to her or him all the time. As long as you know your job, boss doesn't make a difference. Be cool and don't show that he/she gets on your nurves. Although, it doesnt always work because I, myself tried to do the same thing but I ended up quiting w/out giving a two week notice. Sometimes you have to do what you have to do. If it's up to a point that you cants possibly take it quit BUT look for a job starting today. Don't quit if you don't have something in mind.
2007-10-04 10:50:43 UTC
How to handle a difficult boss?

Look at the situation differently, i.e. see it as a challenge to overcome objectives.

- I personally go out of my way to learn their likes and dislikes. Learn what makes them tick.

- Learn what it takes to get their approval.

- Learn to work smarter not necessarily harder.

- Learn their schedule to make yourself available.

- Learn what they do on their spare time, so that next time a conversation comes up, you can engage yourself.

- Walk the walk and talk the talk.

You can make this a win win situation if you wanted to, it may take some effort but if you applied yourself this can be the best job ever.
2007-10-03 14:28:56 UTC
Invite him for a drink and get him drunk, and you will see what happen, you will find a different person within that body, a coward personality, most of times humans like to show we are difficult persons but we aren't, just want to show we are the boss, I did that when I had difficult boss, I got him drunk and since then he is my best friend. Try with a nice drink and you will see.........who is who.
2007-10-04 04:38:50 UTC
you can be polite, gentleman, always with a smile even if he tells horrible things, try to understand his situation if you were in his place. of course it is not very easy, but if you want this job so much you have to do some sacrifices. for me a good way to deal with a difficult boss is to try and find him in a good day and ask him to talk for what is going on. in a good mood of course. if you see that he is only at work so difficult and at the relations he has with you out the job are good then is up to you if you want to accept it or not. the decision is yours!
2007-10-02 13:17:18 UTC
A few years I had a boss from corporate who used to just antagonize the living Christ out of me. I soon formed a plan. I made it a point to make sure that my numbers were up, first and foremost. If you're overall numbers are good, then that will trump all in the big picture. I also became invisible to him, IE out of sight=out of mind. I made sure to be in the opposite room as him, if he was in the conference room, I would be on the floor. I hef was on the floor I was in the $h!tter, if he was in the sh!tter, then I would be on the roof. It was that simple. I also ran a propaganda campaign against him. The said @$$hole boss also had a "yes-man" in our center feeding him information. I used this to my advantage. I would feed the spy positive information, thus making sure a good message would be heard in the upper echelons of the company. It worked.

2016-03-19 05:54:56 UTC
Depends on what about the Boss makes them difficult. There are many different ways to handle many different situations and, personalities.
2007-10-09 11:32:10 UTC
Here are a few quotes I exhibit throughout my desk, it keeps the boss away from my desk that's for sure:

Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway.

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.

Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.
2007-10-09 12:17:11 UTC
Play Clever!

I am a hardworker and expect appreciation for my work. But, I have been in situations where in its all work and no motivation, chaotic processes etc.

Just be clever when you commit to a task. Say yes, and at the same time take enough time in a manner that you agree to your boss and want to achive the way your boss wants.. but it a matter of time..

Ease yourself .. no matter if you have to delegate it to others cleverly by impressing your boss.. it works and may be you tend to become a boss very soon!
2007-10-03 13:59:56 UTC
You have decisions to make when you have a boss that is a boss spelled backwards double s..ob..One is to do as he asks of you,and the other is to leave and find another job. If you don't agree with him do it will fall on his shoulders. Treat him like he IS the boss and a good one at that. and one other thing NEVER talk bad about your boss to your co-workers, it will come back to bite you.
2007-10-02 14:55:31 UTC
If you see that your boss is cranky or moody, first give space or trying staying busy so that he/she don't have any thing to tell you. If you are approached try asking a few light questions to really see where your boss feelings are at that day. For example: How are you doing today ? Is there any thing extra you would like for me to do for you today? Now today we as people must heal the situation not worsen it.
Reggie M
2007-10-09 11:25:46 UTC
Continue to go in to work, do your job, while looking for other employment. When you find the new employment, resign. I have had to do this before and after I had found new employment, I waited til the end of what I knew would be my last day and told my boss that I would not be back.
2014-10-30 23:39:48 UTC
A few years I had a boss from corporate who used to just antagonize the living Christ out of me. I soon formed a plan. I made it a point to make sure that my numbers were up, first and foremost. If you're overall numbers are good, then that will trump all in the big picture. I also became invisible to him, IE out of sight=out of mind. I made sure to be in the opposite room as him, if he was in the conference room, I would be on the floor. I hef was on the floor I was in the $h!tter, if he was in the sh!tter, then I would be on the roof. It was that simple. I also ran a propaganda campaign against him. The said @$$hole boss also had a "yes-man" in our center feeding him information. I used this to my advantage. I would feed the spy positive information, thus making sure a good message would be heard in the upper echelons of the company. It worked.
2007-10-09 13:01:24 UTC
I believe the best way to handle a difficult boss is to have a one on one conversation with the boss. Be genuine, and express your true feelings in a professional manner. One way in which to begin the conversation is to say, "I do not have a problem with constructive criticism, nor do I have a problem with what you are telling me to do. I do have a problem with the way in which you tell me to do things." Many bosses simply do not know, or do not give it a second thought about the way they speak to their employees. In addition, if their employees are too scared to approach them about their managerial, and people skills they will continue to treat their employees badly.
Hawaii Fire Walker
2007-10-09 10:33:31 UTC
I would do my work as ask and keep my self awareness of my task at hand . note to ask my self in rationale thought was i the cause of it? or was i just a sounding board because of my strong and helpful qualities in the company? More over my roll as the employee, "looking through my job description, and code of ethics ? Nothing i see said i need to calm disgruntled boss's so relax .....everybody has a bad day now and then .look at that persons horoscope?
2007-10-09 11:12:50 UTC
do your job well and love it, and after doing everything else and your boss have not change then find another job, your wasting your time and effort in that company. A good boss is a professional boss and should not act unprofessional.
Victoria L
2007-10-04 10:21:32 UTC
I would request a meeting. Then I would state that I felt that maybe there was a "chemistry" problem with us and find out what I could do better or for that person to make things better between us. If I was given appropriate answers, then I would take that advice and try to do better. If that did not cure the problem, I would have to look at transferring out of the department or looking for a different job. Sometimes, there is no way to please that person.
2007-10-09 10:03:38 UTC
There are two rules:

(1) The boss is always right.

(2) See rule One
2007-10-03 05:18:39 UTC
depense on what you call difficult i believe every one that come in your path come to teach you something meaning you might be a boss two years so what you dont want him to do are say to you when you become a boss just do what is best your worker ,let me say this i dont have a boss persay i have a leader.
2007-10-09 11:20:20 UTC
The word "Bosses" is defind as the most useless and stupid creatures ever exist in the workplace, and meant to make everyone's life in the office miserable. It's the latest addition on the Meriam's collection of baseless vocabulary. che!

They shout, they get angry and make the small thing as a big a deal most of the time, and always pretending to forget his / her mistakes whenever they are caught.

They are people who love to be appreciated more often, and they despise people who are always do contradict with their opinions. They are the most pathetic, selfish, self centered individual ever exist in your life...but, behold, because it's really their job to always accuse you of doing nothing because they don't like to be alone with this job.

Some bosses maybe are excemption with this difinition...but for God sake! Why most of you are intellectually stupid and great pretender...Gosh! where's the nerve to be ashamed?
2007-10-09 10:42:07 UTC
Geez...that is hard...Most people i know...just QUIT...because they FEEL THE BOSS WOULD not listen .....and that is ok....If the boss is aggressive, you could say.."wow, I did not expect that"...and see what he/she says...and just look away...Or if the boss is mean......"wow, i think that will hurt someone's feelings"...(but then she/he could say)..."so what"...then you just walk away...there are no easy answers...i would just do what my friends do and just ...Quit"...but on the exit interview i would HAVE A PAD OF PAPER AND TELL THEM WHAT HE/SHE IS REALLY LIKE....Maybe take a class...on "how to deal with difficult people???"""
2007-10-01 22:57:00 UTC
Luckily, she's not really the boss of all bosses. I deal with the "higher" boss and let her be. It's also consoling to think that her term's going to end pretty soon and she'll just be one of us again.
2007-10-01 17:00:06 UTC
If you are doing everything by the book and not doing anything wrong, look for another job. Life is too short to lead it miserably, and no matter how good the paycheck is, it is not worth your happiness. Don't we all dream of holding a job we love, but if someone is gonna mess it up, it won't be a dream job any more.
Doom Diva
2007-10-09 11:39:17 UTC
I just got out of a collections firm job I worked at for almost seven years, resenting the last six. I stayed because I needed the money. I just did the best I could to get through the day and to get my work done, even though I was never appreciated for it. I come to find out now, people I know who are still there are wishing I had stayed! >:)

If you have to stay for whatever reason (paycheck, health insurance, near retirement, etc), then try to keep yourself busy so the day goes by quickly. Just make sure you have something to look forward to when you leave, because otherwise you are killing yourself to live.
2007-10-09 15:26:58 UTC
There are no hard bosses! It is the situation or surrounding changes any person’s personality, do whatever it takes personality but with CONTROL. The normal person is who can see through all situations and stay in CONTROL . No offence to anyone! Personal eye opening bad experience with positive result LESSON LEARNED! So don’t try to be hard with any human being.

Be your self and have fun in any tuff situation and chase your dreams!
2007-10-02 21:57:42 UTC
Give him some chances to adapt, change and some time. If all does not work, better start finding a job 1 month in advance before you leave.

Yes in the long run it's not healthy for your own career and personal life.
2007-10-01 12:51:29 UTC
I've dealt with this in my past, I dreaded going to work, developed resentment and much more, chip on my shoulder. Just recently I discovered logic and common sense through The Laws of Attraction - The Secret. It explained alot. Main thing is we're all part of the universe - connected, if we put out negative thoughts, we get back negative reactions. Reverse your thought process with daily positive affirmations. I promise you if it's worked for me, it'll work for you. Find answers through The Secret - will help with all aspects of your life!
Mike K
2007-10-09 10:30:12 UTC
It depends on the situation. If he doesn't have any respect his employees. I would only just do what was required of me in my position and let him know in respectful way that, it is easier to work with your subornates and give them respect as they show respect to you. Because, it makes it easier to get the job done. The other is if he wants done his way meaning, if he wants control every move and everything in how things are done. Then do it his way, but do it with a smile. Meaning don't take it personal. By that just do his way, like kill a person with kindness.
2007-10-09 11:33:01 UTC
Whats up with this picture? Its like commercials now a days

always depicting the man as an idiot, weak, and subserviant to women. Wake up men! We are allowing ourselves to look like fools. I dont believe anyone should be made out this way, man or women. But all I see now is some man looking like an idot like in this picture, or on TV. Women heros in the movies, kicking the *** of men, ect...comon, get some balls men.
2007-10-03 15:40:52 UTC
1. Understand his/her goals.

2. Try and see their point of view.

3. Understand where they are coming from.

4. Be available.

5.Study, look for advances in your field of work, improve yourself.

6. Think.

7. Work hard.

8. Be your best

9.Learn everything there is to learn, one day you might be one.

10. Share your thoughts with someone, so they would remind you of who you are/were.
2007-10-03 08:11:53 UTC
You should not be handling anyone then your putting out what your not trying to get in the first place. Stand for something or fall for anything.
2007-10-09 10:35:29 UTC
Life's short. If you need the experience your job provides, put a time limit to it. If you don't, get the hell out.

People drop dead everyday--young and old. A job, beyond a paycheck, is simply not worth it! Decide what's important to you in life, and go for it! Money will follow!
2007-10-09 10:59:30 UTC
Use the torque end of a pipewrench to unscrew his head. If that fails just stick the handle in his rear.
2007-10-14 20:45:36 UTC
First you try to be reasonable and deal with the problem. If that doesn't work I usually go over his head to his/her boss. It always makes them angry , but never ceases to resolve the current issue at hand.
2007-10-09 11:44:34 UTC
Try to be calm and be professional. Think about where he/she is coming from (his/her angle). Document, document, document all the detail (including time and place). Have a meeting with him/her. Continue to do your best, keep your head high, and pray.

Make sure no one pays wrong for wrong, but always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else. (I Th 5:15)
2007-10-03 09:47:38 UTC
Quit and tell his/her Boss exactly why you are quiting.

Bad Bosses are bad for business!
2007-10-09 10:22:34 UTC
always keep in mind that you're that your options are open. you don't have to another human being talk crap to you. allow it to go on for a couple of weeks and if nothing change then look for another job and give your boss a verbal *** kickin.
D Hemachandra S
2007-10-09 10:18:56 UTC
be more difficult then the boss
2007-10-09 14:59:06 UTC
make an eye to eye contact, let him/her know that he/she is not going to put you down, be strong and ready for any challenges she or he asked you, always prepared for unexpectable behaviour, i guarantee you at the end of the day they will realize thier mistake; and said; HI, LISTEN I´M SORRY FOR WHAT HAPPEN, CAN I BUY YOU A DRINK!!! well, at least they drop thier ego's but remember this; rule no:1, the boss is always wright, rule no:2, if you do mistake, look at rule no:1... THE BOSS IS ALWAYS WRIGHT!!!!.
2007-10-03 08:40:35 UTC
Well you can either punch his lights out if it's a guy or you can just listen to her complain b/c she is a woman and women are allowed to do that for some reason not known to men.(Literally not known)
rakesh m
2007-10-01 08:39:42 UTC
Boss always wants only YES. Yes Sir is the key word to please the boss. When you wants to solve yore problems with boss, Start the thinks which BOSS want and use term " BUT" and than put up your problems. e.g. Sir it is heavy rain and I wants to see you BUT sir no convene is hear and my scooter at mechanic shop, which is closed due to rain.
2007-10-09 10:45:43 UTC
Sometimes, it is not the boss but it is "YOU".

Evaluate yourself if you keep seeing difficult "BOSSES".
2014-09-21 07:11:29 UTC
mistakes anyone else can make. Approach them only if the behavior is affecting the workplace and if you think that they would be open to your feedback. If they've done anything illegal, unethical or immoral, handwrite yourself a letter describ
phillip g
2007-10-09 10:38:32 UTC
Get legal help and file a law suite that will stop it!!

or if you work at the post office buy an automatic weapon!
2007-10-09 14:37:21 UTC
Give your boss a good bl0w j0b. Dont forget to diddle his nuts while doing this
2007-10-06 16:56:58 UTC
"Manage up" That was a nice catch phrase back when I was still obliged to work for a living. If that don't work, hey, I'll call my cousin Frankie in Nahant.
Clown Knows
2007-10-01 15:36:48 UTC
Either kiss up to them, or get a job without a sociopathic boss.
2007-10-01 20:41:25 UTC
2007-10-01 14:27:15 UTC
Depends if you can stand the heat. For me, I chose not to waste my life day after day in situations like that.......I look for work elsewhere.
2007-10-07 09:46:03 UTC
Work for yourself @ home.You can email me back. For I am working @ home & taking care of my kids too & lovin it & the best thing is I really do get pay for doing.
2007-10-09 10:50:21 UTC
To "Chicken God":

The combination of letters, "funner", is not an English word.
2007-10-09 11:39:08 UTC
Be a submissive employee. It works
book writer
2007-10-07 19:08:22 UTC
He would be telling his wife and friends, "You are to see the other guy"! If you think this looks bad! Yea, Right!
2007-09-28 13:23:05 UTC
Try to avoid him or her and start looking for a new job.
paul w
2007-10-09 10:39:04 UTC
Listen to what he or she says and then do my work in away that they have no room to dispute even if they do I always stick to SOP.
2007-10-09 13:21:24 UTC
I think i have a good boss she funny and easy to get along with so can i have a raise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2007-10-09 10:11:05 UTC
f u c k your boss! without you nothing would get done, without him/her you have no job. just slash his/her tires. problem solved
tommy vercetti
2007-10-01 20:27:21 UTC
they own you like a trained ape, nothing good can be done that is legal, illegal things are funner but can land you in jail, just deal or find another job.
2007-10-09 10:23:13 UTC
Take time to understand his reasoning and what his responsibilities are........learn before judging or reacting
Nina S
2007-10-07 02:06:49 UTC
find another job, he has the problem if he is difficult, maybe he's insecure in his job.
2007-10-02 18:02:18 UTC
i swear mine is bi polar nice one day crazy the next well anyway dont take it we are all the same with just different title remember that
2007-09-28 12:43:00 UTC
you don't he's the boss not your equal, find a new job
2007-10-09 10:26:44 UTC
2007-10-15 09:08:05 UTC
I will be trying to dance to his/her tune, since I accepted be under his/her management.
2007-10-02 17:44:50 UTC
some people just ingrone them and find a new job and then quit
2007-09-28 12:43:49 UTC
With a forklift
2007-10-13 19:30:46 UTC
Pray for him and ask God to change his ways.
2007-10-13 09:55:46 UTC
Say "good morning" to him/her every morning. Never underestimate the power of saying "good morning".
Amanda W
2007-10-05 11:17:58 UTC
how do u mean difficult by sexual or other wise just unagreeable?
2007-10-09 12:28:28 UTC
try to work with them rather than against them.
Matthew G
2007-10-09 11:27:12 UTC
how?........well talking to him /her usually works. Though if it doesn't, I prefer the shotgun method.........its when you go to work with a shotgun : )
2007-10-02 20:23:02 UTC
pray and let GOD lead the way!!! All thing will pass.
2007-10-08 09:20:09 UTC
find a new job
2007-10-01 11:34:33 UTC
2007-10-19 10:12:39 UTC
Avoid him/her as much as you could, and do your job.
2007-09-28 12:49:02 UTC
Kill them with kindness...It works every time and everywhere!!!
Good F
2007-10-09 11:15:59 UTC
Stephanie Castro
2007-09-28 13:48:58 UTC
Stroke his/her ego..

works everytime
2007-10-09 11:30:14 UTC
keep silence
daossh d
2007-10-01 10:51:30 UTC
2007-10-20 11:11:33 UTC
u quit and find a another gob
2007-10-01 07:39:41 UTC
make friend with him.
2007-10-09 12:49:14 UTC
Give him a *!@%job!
2007-10-01 14:53:13 UTC
more later.
Mike P
2007-10-18 18:29:32 UTC
marry her/him if opposite sex.
2007-10-01 13:30:36 UTC
Beat the **** out of him every day...........
2007-10-06 16:31:58 UTC
Fire him!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.