I've read everyones advise on here and from own personal experience, none of these things worked.
She was basically an "unfit" manager and she was sleeping with the boss, so he backed her word on everthing and that's how she got her position. Everyone in the office new it and she treated 8 out of 10 people the same way. I was the 3rd of 14 to finally quiet because I developed high blood pressure.
She made my life a living hell. I swear she must have spent her nights just thinking of ways to put me behind on my work.
I tried the "kill her with kindness", I ignored her, I complimented her only to a point, I'm not an assss kisser, she is just a B@%$*.
HR came into the picture but they didn't care, because like I said he backed her over any of us.
Listen, when 14 people quiet for the same reason....her..your boss and HR doesn't do anything, why stay and be miserable?
Now that I look back, it was so bad, I should have taken a lot of sick leave or done something for her to fire me and I could have had a law suit against the company, because she placed me in a hostile work environment, I documented everything and even printed all emails from her. She sent me 31 emails within 1 hour one morning and her office was right behind me.
So....I forwarded all her emails to me to Her BIG boss out of state so he could see what she was doing, of course she was denying everything she did.
On monday EVERYONE had a small vase of miniture roses from her. Guess what? No one thanked her, because we knew she was told to do it.
We didn't want flowers, we just wanted to be treated the right way, not "I'm the princess" way. (That's what hangs on her office door)
So, if you can find another job to go to before you resign from this one if you just can't take it anymore, I'd suggest that.
I told myself, life was too short to be that unhappy everyday and to have developed high blood pressure. I saw my dr. every week for him to monitor it. I was only 15 mins. away so I could go to the dr.s and pick up fast food on the way back within my one hour lunch break. Oh, how I wish I'd done things differently.....but what goes around, comes around and she will have her day..
Good luck, just don't let your job start affecting your health ok???