2011-01-25 08:23:48 UTC
I have considered some things I would like to study, if I ever got any kind of money to go to college. Psychology is a major thing I'd like to study, mostly because I'd like to study criminals and how their minds work and I thought about maybe being a criminal profiler? But, I think for that I would have to be a cop first, which I absolutely do not want due to the physical nature of the job. Plus I'll admit I'm a little old fashioned and since I'm a girl I wouldn't feel right doing what is typically a man's job. Please do not give me any comments about that, it's just how I feel for myself not other people.
I'm also interested in the medical field, but I lack the people skills to be a nurse or doctor. I considered studying to be a medical secretary or work in medical billing and coding. Other interests of mine that I'd like to study are photography, cosmetology, modeling, and of course pharmacy. However, I lack the skills to be a pharmacist even if fibromyalgia was not an issue. Even though I love math, science just isn't my thing. I love to be at a job where I can organize things and solve problems, I also enjoy filing. I like to have direct supervision, but only to a point. Once I have learned a job, I like to be on my own doing it and have freedom within the job, but I also like to have a boss/supervisor that I can go to for help or that can give me specific tasks. I'm a very organized person at work but I mind my own business. For example in the pharmacy I liked my workstation to be extremely neat and in order, set up a certain way to be efficient to me, but didn't ask or expect co-workers to keep theirs the same way.
So, I'm kind of looking for suggestions on a career that will be easy on my fibro, use what skills I do have, is interesting to me, and of course, pays the bills. Whether such a job is realistic or just a dream, I don't know... that's why I'm asking for ideas :)