I am sorry about your situation. Don't lose hope as these things often take time.
Are you looking for careers in your chosen field? Or maybe reaching beyong your expertise?
Have you created serach agents on Career Builder, Monster, Hot Jobs?
Have you contacted your area Chamber of Commerce locations?
Are you actively networking and attending business related meetings?
Have you contacted your local Rotary Clubs, Professional Business organizations?
Have you looked at what the local Univeristies are offering on thier jobs?
Have you let everyone and thier "circle of influence" know you are looking and for what type of job?
If you are a member of a Church or Synagogue, have you let other members there know?
These are just a few ideas. I actually sent a ton of resumes out like yourself at one time. I had such little luck as I was moving to a new state and people just didn't seem to open their doors to me. The scary thing is that I had already bought a house in the new state and had a baby to support as a single mom!!However, by fate, I met a woman in the shoe department of Macys (believe it or not). Because I am very outgoing and friendly, we started chatting. Turned out her mother worked at a high level job in the exact City I was moving to. I asked if I could send her my resume and was invited to do so. She did not have a position at the time, but knew of someone that did, and BINGO! I ended up with a great job for 1 year now. My Boss has "his moments" but otherwise, it is a true blessing.
Hang in there. Don't lose hope as that will bleed into all of your potential interviews and prospecting for jobs.
I am living proof. Good luck my friend!!