I'm 20 and I currently work 2 jobs part time. I'm thinking about becoming a truck driver in a few years. I just don't know if it what I should truly do. I know that it's considered dangerous but I'm really good at driving.i drive alot and I'm sort of a chauffeur nowadays. The thing is they get paid some decent money. I'd have to travel to different states and delivering merchandise to different stores. Another thing had me thinking is because I saw my old teacher from college and he sees potential in me. I was 18 and I scored very high on their placement test. TBH Ive always been considered smart. Not trying to boast but alot of my teachers have said that. My grades aren't the best because I started slacking in my junior year and ditched classes but I scored a total of 24 on the act without studying and had a 32 on the reading the part alone. My teachers says he thinks I should go back to school. He says if I retake the act and score a 30 then Ill have a great chance of getting into a university. I don't know though, school just doesn't seem like the path for me. I don't really want to become a truck driver but I can see myself doing logistics. I just need a little advice school or persue this path