2013-02-18 03:37:11 UTC
They gave me this job 3.5 years ago when I had been unemployed for nearly 1.5 years when the recession was at it's worst so I really appreciated being given a chance! When I first started here, I was only employed to be someone's assistant but over the years I have been given a lot more responsibility and I mean a lot more! I am not being big headed when I say this but they would be pretty screwed if I wasn't here and people have even said that directly to me. I have taken on pretty much a whole department of the company with little to no help and I still assist with other general duties which need completing. I think that the management actually think I am an octopus because there is no way a normal human being could get through the work load that I get given. I do the best I can to keep on top of things and I get annoyed with myself because I don't like to let people down but i have realised that it's not my fault. I simply have too much work for one person. I do all this for a very VERY low wage. I won't give exact figures but it wouldn't surprise me for a 16 year old to be on these wages and be a bit annoyed! I am 24 by the way. The company as a whole is very disorganised, by far there aren't enough staff for the workload and as far as I can tell, nobody is on the type of money they should be for the amount of work we do. My boyfriend and I live hand to mouth and are always wondering why we have so much less money than our friends and cannot afford to go out and do the stuff they do.....Well it's because I don't earn enough.
My boyfriend has been in his job for 5 years and is currently looking for something else as his company have pretty much said there is no room for progression and he won't be getting a pay rise any time soon. My place is the same, as much as I do get the odd little perk such as a company mobile phone and it being a pretty relaxed place to work, it's not enough. I have been categorically told that they will not be hiring any more staff which leads me to believe I also won't be getting a pay rise any time soon and I know that EVERY ONE here wants more money.
I was curious so have had a little look on some jobsites. There seem to be a lot more jobs out there nowadays and it seems like I could be on a LOT higher wage for a LOT less responsibility. Don't get me wrong, I like having responsibility but my current job take the pi** with the amount I am expected to do. Especially for such a crappy wage!
So I am wondering firstly if it's a good idea for both my boyfriend and I to leave relatively secure jobs at the same time? I don't want to end up with one of us being unemployed / made redundant etc for being the last one in, first one out! We generally don't seem to be having much luck in life at the moment so it's the sort of thing that would happen to us!
And secondly, I want to know if I should make my current employers aware that I am looking for something else? I want to be honest with them because they gave me a chance when nobody else would but I also know they will try and get me to stay. The thing is though, they would need to give me a £2.5K per annum pay rise for me to be on the absolute minimum amount that I would ideally like to be on which i don't think is going to happen! I want to be honest with them so that they would have time to find a replacement but what if I don't manage to find another job? I am worried it will then create an awkward atmosphere if I ended up having to stay but everyone knew I didn't really want to be there.
Sorry if any of the above isn't clear - I just wanted to try and get as much info as possible in there!
Thanks in advance for an advice.