I have been with this company for 1.5 years. It has not been fun. I came from a large company where I held a well respected position. I transitioned to a very LARGE company, but small department. I am one of 3 employees. From day one I was hated. I came in with more experience and knowledge about the role than the two here before me. They were engaging in a lot of practices that violate regulations and they were doing all they could to shut me up. I went through the chains of command from my manager to hers to HR to legal. One employee was transitioned to a 'new role' and the other employee took her place as manager. I thought all was well until last month I was placed on a 60 day Performance Improvement Plan. What we do here is a LOT of manual data entry and double data entry - because they refuse to use the technology we pay for and automate stuff. So, I was told that in order to successfully complete my PIP I cannot have ONE error in 60 days, material or non-material. I have had two non-material errors: I spelled a street name wrong (put an A where an O should have been) and I input a customers name backwards (I put middle name as first name). I was informed that I have had 2 errors where the limit is zero. I think I will be fired, so I have been using up all my vacation time in these 60 days. My BF thinks they are just trying to 'put me in my place.' Thoughts?