Michael D
2009-03-17 19:32:30 UTC
I got promoted to Office Staff in which I began working in Customer Service. Behind the counter, you deal with $1000s and once again, in the beginning, I would have cash variances, but as time went on, I began to do better. I would have a few here and there, but again, they wouldn't be too high.
In April of 2007 (almost a year ago now), my lottery till checked up $56.00 short one busy Saturday. That night, five people including me touched that cash because it go so overwhelmingly busy I felt I had no choice but to allow others in the drawer to move the lines. Big mistake! I do not know if it was my mistake or someone elses. I was taken what my company calls "off cash" for one month.
I got back on cash and did well with maybe one cash variance afterwards that was not big enough to go off cash. In fact, June through September, I had no errors at all.
In October, I began training in the Cash Office, which is a different animal altogether. I was thrown into training and in my opinion, set-up to fail. I continiously could not balance at the end of the night ans was instructed to leave it for the morning person. I would ask if I would be accountable and I was told "if they correct it, no." They always corrected it. I never got written up or told I was having "cash violations" or taken off cash.
In December, another Office Staff's customer service till was $99.99 short. Two weeks later, my till was $100.00 short. There is one common factor for both shifts. Another Office Staff, who was very shady, worked both days. A month later, she was fired because she was caught taking money from another employees till. She was never caught stealing from my till or the person who was off before me's till, but my department manager was certain she had and didn't hold us accountable. I never went off cash.
Now in March, three plus months later, my Store Manager has decided that the violations in the Cash Office, plus the $100.00, will result in demotion from supervisor position for One year. Never took action on the other Office Staff who was $99.99 off.
I tried to argue I was in training for the variances in October and I was told I would not be accountable. This isn't flying with him. Is this fair?
If you read this and give honest input, I'd much appreciate it.