Has anyone ever been a secret shopper. If so, did you like it?
2006-05-05 12:08:22 UTC
Has anyone ever been a secret shopper. If so, did you like it?
413 answers:
2006-05-05 12:10:02 UTC
I'd like to know too!

Update 5/7/06

After reading through the first 6 pages of responses:

From the responses below I'd say that the information I have found on other web sites agrees with the folks who reported having been Secret Shoppers. The majority of those said that their experience was anything but positive, however many people seemed to enjoy the experience. Others did indeed report making some income but also stated that it was a lot more work than it was worth.

The basics: 1. Do not pay to join a mystery shopping company. 2. Any prospect should be investigated thoroughly with BBB and/or Internet research. 3. If you are the type of person who does not like face to face questioning of store employees - stay away. 4. If you are the type of person who does not like dealing with store returns - this is not for you.

This is my humble opinion based on knowledge summarized from the respondents to this question and from my own research into this subject.
2006-05-06 20:41:39 UTC
I know a person who was a mystery shopper. M-shopper liked it at first then the company wanted to send M-shopper to places an hours drive for a 10 or 15 dollar shop. The good shops were things like free glasses or free tires. But the paperwork that went with the shop had to be done a certain way and turned in by a deadline. M-shopper quit because of 2 reasons. 1. shops that were 50 miles away and only paid 10 bucks. and 2. the company wanted the shop papers filled out on the web site and submitted the same day of the shop. #2 would be a problem for some one who has the old antques dial up internet.

Anyway, I do not know if this person i refer to as Mshopper,

is or was an actual myster shopper, but they never would talk about it.
2006-05-05 15:32:15 UTC
Yes!! I'm a secret shopper, but it took a looonnnggg time to find a valid one. Here's some info, followed by a link that I think you'll be happy with!

First off, do NOT sign up with a company to which you have a single red cent....reputable companies NEVER charge for a membership or list-that is first and foremost the rule of thumb! Next, you will read about the company and their strategies and policies and then asked to take a test-simply laid out right there online on their website. Don't worry about getting questions wrong, they give you PLENTY of chances to correct your answeres, over and over!! They will ask why you think you'd be a good shopper and if you had previous experience. Don't worry, no experience is ok. They will however read your answers for clarity and check your spelling, so be mindful of what you're writing.They will send you a response, and if you show you are moderately can be one of their shoppers. You will be assigned a user id and password. you can check every day for new assignments. I'd love to find a shopping site that offers upscale restaurants, but haven't been successful, so if any of you can send me a valid link that would be awesome! For you newbies, you can click on the link below and in an hour you'll be an official mystery shopper! You can do as many shops as you like, and your membership is never dropped. I've done only two in the last six months. If you take a shop, make sure you can do it...there will be plenty more later. With ShopnCheck, most are fast foods. You buy food, you do a report, you get reimbursed for the food PLUS paid for the work, which is usually 8-10 dollars. Sometimes you get free memberships into places like Sam's Club. Have fun!
2006-05-07 17:14:43 UTC
I was a secret shopper when Safeway first started the program. My husband was a store manager. I also have encouraged several other prople to be secret shoppers for a while. It is very easy to do. You just have to pay more than the usual attention when you do your shopping and you may have to do a few extra trips. The company provides a list of questions they want you to answer. I used a piece of paper that had my shopping list on it to take some notes. Then when you get to your car (locked) you can check-off and make comments on the official form. You will be paying attention to things like sale items, pull dates, employee names or ID #, whether or not you are greeted and offered assistance. You cannot tell anyone at the store that you are a secret shopper. If you live in a larger area, you may be able to be a secret shopper for more than one company. The companies usually rotate secret shoppers so that employees will not learn who you are. I hope this helps you.
2006-05-05 20:03:17 UTC
Two friends, (a couple) have been market research shopping evaluators for fifteen years.

They work for the same company, met there!

But theirs are real full time employment.

They do get reimbursed for most or all of the costs. Some higher ticket items are offered at a partial pay and they can choose to buy or not. Much deals with service like delivery, acuracy of salespersons description, callin for warranty service etc...

They have fessed up some sweet electronics over the years!

They often get matching assignments at different times and have a second item.

However, as I said this is a real job!

Ironically, Ron was assigned to Internet shopping for almost a year, mostly income ads for work at home, sweepstakes' and yes secret shoppers!

He found no legitimate site in that time ( six hours a day! ) that actually paid or even full reimbursed without some other side attachments, fulfill free offers. The offers were free but somewhere, before getting paid you needed to buy from or join other "Affiliates"!!!

He found only a few that you can join and start, however they give you a list from which you need to complete a certain amount and there are not as many totally free as you must complete to be eligible for payment....see the pattern? >>>>YOU will pay $$$

My thought>>>> if there were even a small fraction of these sites legit, marketers would be spending more on their products than the rest of us!
2016-12-24 00:46:26 UTC
2006-05-05 17:31:06 UTC
Yes, I am currently a secret shopper for a few places.

The project started out good a few years ago, but the survey company has not increased their payout despite the cost of everything going up! I complained, but they said I can always quit. I guess they get enough people doing it they do not have to worry about pleasing the shopper.

The survey I complete is done on-line so that part is good, but they only give you a few words and they expect complete responses to every thing and they want to know the time it took for different things such as in a food places. We did one this week that cost me 64 dollars and I will get a max of 35 plus 10 for the doing the survey on time. If I do not get the survey done or make any mistakes I do not get paid. I get a lot of warning emails about what to say and how to say it and being on time. It gets bothersome some times.

When you look at it, it gets you out of the house and gets at least some of the bill paid for. That is better than if you was not a secret shopper.

Also, I have seen suggestions I put in actually go into effect at some chain-businesses and that is gratifying!

So, it is a mix bag of concern, but for now I am going to continue to do it.
2006-05-05 14:31:09 UTC
Yes I am a secret shopper. I really didn't care for it because the amount you get paid is not worth it. Unless you have all the time in the world and can travel to different cities you only make about 20 max per place. The most I was paid for a shop was 6.50 and I got to keep the socks (big whoop). I did restaurants (limit on what to buy or they tell you what to order), Wal-mart, and Jockey clothing (there is where I got the socks). It isn't a thing of you go in and look around. The people that send you out give you a set of guidlines to follow, a time schedule, and strict instructions. There may be a shop where you have to inspect BOTH bathrooms and take picturs :-P. For me it isn't worth it. It is also voluntary you can refuse a shop but then you don't get paid either. If you want to do it then check out it is free. Do not go to a place that charges you to be a mystery shopper.
2006-05-07 11:03:40 UTC
I've done some with an agency, and I'm still on their list. They paid me less than they agreed, the questions I had to ask were very embarrassing, and it wasn't "fun" like shopping. It's more like an under cover cop pretending to be a weirdo.

You have to pretend you want to get whatever the hiring company decides, and to keep up the secret you can't tell people later that you were just doing it as a mystery shopper or everyone will know your career will be ruined (I live in a small town, it might be different in a big city).

At a travel agency this could be asking about a holiday to somewhere with a dodgy reputation, at a health club you might have to pretend strange things about yourself to test if the staff discriminate, at a shop you'll probably be asked to buy the weirdest items they sell (things you didn't realize they sold).

If you really like shopping for anything more than anything else, can keep a secret and fool people, and don't get embarrassed very easily, it could be an idea. But if you blush easily and want to get paid on time, I'd really consider something else.
2006-05-05 12:31:30 UTC
I am a secret shopper. I have done a few shops but for some reason there arent a lot offered in the area I am in with the company I am signed up with.

I really like it because you get to be totally reimbursed for what it is that you are doing. If we go out to eat, we get a flat payment back. I went to a car wash once and just got reimbursed for the cost of that.

It's a lot of pressure because the company wants such specific information and you cant let the place you are shopping know that you are shopping them. So, you have to be extremely discreet if you write something down or dont write stuff down at all. A lot of times you have to write stuff down so you just have to do it without anyone noticing. It's definitely nervewracking but worth it in the end.

I have to tell you that there are secret shopper companies that DO NOT CHARGE you a fee to be signed up with them. If they ask for money for anything at all, DONT DO IT! Legitimate secret shopper companies have corporations who pay them to have you do the shop, so there is no expense on the secret shopper company's end to do this. They make plenty of money. So, dont join a company if they ask for money for any reason.
♥Me-Just Me♥
2006-05-05 23:41:08 UTC
I've done mystery shopping off and on for 5 years. I had a lot of fun. I only accepted offers within a 15 to 18 mile radius since pay is minimal (anywhere from $5 to $25).

You have to remember that they don't pay a whole lot, some companies will reimburse you up to a certain amount. Others may not reimburse you at all. There are some shops that require you to purchase something and then return it within a certain amount of ours. This is basically to see how their return process flows. Some shops don't even pay or reimburse at all. For instance, I've gotten several offers to shop Orchard Supply Hardware, first requirement is it's always a 2 person shop, 2nd requirement was always to purchase and return, but they did not compensate you for your time. Other shops you only get a reimbursement, which works well if it is a restaurant shop and let's say you and a friend want to have lunch or dinner (it doesn't pay to take the whole family). I did a shop once where I had to call a pizza parlor, order a pizza for delivery, have them give me a time for delivery & the evaluation was based on timeliness, courtesy (both the order taker & delivery person), if the pizza was good and if it was still hot to warm as opposed to ice cold. There was no pay for the shop but they did reimburse me for my entire pizza.

I've also done shops for travel agencies, cellular phone service, toy stores, party stores, etc. And generally it's all been about the same, was the store clean, was outside of the store clean & well lit, how were the changing rooms, how were the bathrooms, was the sales clerk helpful & courteous, was the checker courteous and fast, were the employees wearing name tags and uniforms, did employees ignore you and have their own chat fest, how was the return process, etc. I always found it helpful to read over the clients instructions several times to familiarize myself with all the particulars, then I would go in and do the shop (no need to be nervous as we all shop). After I finished my shop I would go into my car, and with the clients instructions I would write down all the answers they required. After that, it would be an immediate drive home (unless I was in an area where I had some things that needed to be done then it would home after that), go to the computer and pop in the information.

Clients usually want the reports within 24 hours from the shop. Shops generally have to be done in a certain time frame (certain days of the week, during certain hours, etc.) and this will be stated in the instructions prior to you accepting the shop. And spelling, punctuation, etc. do count so no run on sentences, spell correction, know when to use a comma and other punctuation, etc.

This can be fun, but it definately is not a money maker. In my area, shops are few and far between, AND they get snatched up very quickly!

Good luck and happy mystery shopping! :o)
2006-05-06 21:58:02 UTC
I work in a grocery store And we have 3 secret shops a month sometimes how they rate us Doesn't make sense from the points we get for every department and the overall rating at the end for example we get a -2 points for not carrying a conversation with the customer and 2/6 for not being fast enough but at the overall rating " The cashier was friendly and efficiently" These secret shoppers need to get more organized. I don't like them!

Thats what I think of them
2006-05-06 20:19:57 UTC
I was a secret shopper, shopped the women's appeal shops.

Did I like it, I was a little disappointed. I was approached to do this while I was a magnager for the Pottery Barn and had been shopped by a group a few times.

I found it not really worth the money. I got paid with merchandize. I would go into the shop, as for help, try on clothes, and ask for further help. Grading the individuals and the store over all for its repsonse to me. I would then buy the items I wanted and leave. Writing up a report and then faxing it to whomever.

It was alright. I think I would not waste my time, and only shop if I got paid in money or could shop at just the stores I wanted.

Good luck.
2006-05-06 07:15:26 UTC
I have been a secret shopper and really enjoyed it when I did it. I don't remember the company it was through, but I did not sign up online. A lot of the ones online make you pay for a membership or some other fee before giving you secret shopper assignments. You should only sign up with companies that don't charge you to work for them.
Ive got several...
2006-05-05 15:43:29 UTC
Yes, I was a secret shopper and I liked it. It was free reign to be sneaky. Monitoring customer service is fun. Especially at places you know they are already lacking. Procedures are kind of crappy, because you need to remember what to look for and make sure you you remember them all. You can't be too negative or too nice, but still be honest. Which is sometimes, tough if they all suck. However, the biggest downside is it isn't very lucrative. Assignments are not always coming in. So, there are long periods where you are not working. Being a secret shopper for different places, gets you different discounts and perks as well. From small, like free meals at fast food or regular restaurants to bigger and more useful gift certificates for the mall.
2006-05-07 19:17:27 UTC
There's different kind of secret shoppers. The kind I did was more of an investigative type. We 'shopped' high end stores like Neiman Marcus, etc... with marked money. Our biggest function was catching employee theft.

Then there is the kind that just shops & dines, ect... and rates the help, quality, cleanliness of stores, ect....

Another is to take a job like a regular employee, but you basically get paid an additional fee by an alternate co. to basicly be a snitch. Most times, even the managers aren't aware of an undercover.

I enjoyed being a shopper! I got to shop to my hearts content and buy things I never would have normally been able to purchase. It was interesting work, with alot of travel.
2006-05-06 17:18:20 UTC
I was a secret shopper for a while but the places they wanted me to go were too far away and would have been a money losing situation. I also was a secret shopper for one of our local banks and that was OK for a couple of months but became too routine and boring. Not sure the time and paper work is really worth it.
2006-05-07 13:32:46 UTC
I have been a secret shopper since last July. I enjoy it. The main thing to remember is not to pay a company to work for them. If you would like to get a list of companies to sign up with you can do it with Yahoo search. Sign up for as many as possible to have a variety of work. To make the process easier, use (free) RoboForm for filling in all the applications. You need to be sure to spell check, and grammar check all the writing samples you give. You may want to use an e-mail address for only your shopper e-mails.

Here are some web sites for lists of shopping companies.
2006-05-07 00:21:08 UTC
Nope, I've never been a secret shopper, but I've got a question. To be a cop, customs officer, teacher or anybody else whose report can ruin lives, you need training, security check and all the rest. How do these firms know that a secret shopper's report, which can be damning, is reliable?
2006-05-06 11:48:23 UTC
yes i have been a secret shopper. it's actually a lot of work for not that much of money. You have to go into the store and ask questions to the employees and remember names and descriptions because they have to be able to verify that it was the actual employee that did something wrong or right. Depending on the company they want to know how long it took at check out. i actually work at staples and saw how long our secret shopper thing is and it is so detailed. But when you get home you have to fill out a detailed report and usually you have to return the items to the store.
2006-05-06 11:19:43 UTC
Yes, I was a secret shopper. I worked for a large well known chain store, and my job was to go to the competition and compare their prices against ours. I usually got a list of about 300-1000 items per week to shop at about 6 different locations of the same competitor (so I had to travel a lot too)Then I had to input all the comparison prices into the computer, which usually took a day and a half. I was paid around $15 per hour(10 years ago) plus mileage.

It was fun for a couple of months, but got really boring and monotonous. I did it for over a year.

At my new company I've hired people to stage phoney accidents at businesses to test the response of the company's employees to make sure they are following procedure for the real thing.
2006-05-06 06:44:10 UTC
I have recently become a secret shopper for a restaurant chain. I thought it would be fun and make a little bit of money. You get a flat amount which is told to you ahead of time so you can stay within that limit or you can go over and pay for the rest yourself. What it has turned into is a way for my husband and I to go out to dinner and not have to pay for the entire bill. We were spending way too much money eating out so now we have decided to only go out when I have a shop to do, it works great for us because we are saving money which turns out to be making money.

There are a lot of questions you have to answer and you need to be able to be a descriptive writer but it can be fun. I will be going on a New Home shop soon and that pays $45 plus I get to browse through some new homes in my neighborhood, should be fun. If you pick wisely you can "make" money by saving money. If you go on a grocery shop you many only get 20 dollars(I have not done one yet so I don't know what you actually get paid) but that is 20 dollars you didn't have to spend of your own money on your groceries you get to keep.

Never pay to get involved with a company there are a lot of non pay places. I found a great site that list hundreds of places and I have signed up for all the ones that are registered with BBB and in good standing.
2006-05-05 12:57:38 UTC
Im a mystery shopper... I do like it somewhat, but like when I have to do the shops that I have to buy alcohol and make sure the person checks my i.d... I really hate those. I dont want anyone getting in trouble.. and I know I would hate if I found out it was a secret shopper trying to test me..
2006-05-08 10:19:28 UTC
Yes, I was a secret shopper and I did evaluations for a major records store. The pay was $10 per shop, but I estimate that the actual shop took at least 30 minutes and then I had to fill out an Excel spreadsheet, answering about 10 questions that took me 30 minutes. I would receive an email from the mystery shop company, asking me to do a shop on a certain day between very specific hours. So the job was not flexible. I would go to the store, purchase whatever CD the guidelines requested. I had to remember the name of the clerk and a physical description. Then I had to approach a different clerk and ask specific questions about the store policies, like how to order an item that was out of stock. Then I had to wait a few minutes, and go to another floor and return the item I just purchased with a different sales associate. I had to keep track of the number of customers in the store, what music was playing at what time.

Within a few days of the mystery shop, I had to fax over my completed spreadsheet and my purchase and return receipts to a phone number that was not toll-free. The time spent was not worth the trouble. It took 4-6 weeks to get my checks.

Once, a sales associate at the store who was handling my return did not want to give me my receipts even though by law, I am entitled to them. I had to take them out of his hand so I could get reimbursed for my time.

I was a mystery shopper on four different occasions for the same store. I accepted the assignment, thinking it would be fun and glamorous, but it was stressful, time-consuming, and required a lot of thought.
2006-05-08 10:31:38 UTC
Yes, I have been a secret shopper. Mostly for McDonalds but thru an outsourced vendor. I'd never be rich doing it, but it was pocket moeny and I could do it with my kids who thought it was a hoot.

I had to go between certain times and on certain days. I had to time the order, I had to complete questionaires about the quality of the food, how it was presented and the overall cleanliness of the restaurant.

After a while it got boring since I did the same 3-4 McDonalds.
Evil J.Twin
2006-05-07 02:13:09 UTC
can't tell you, it's a secret! Yes I am a part time secret shopper. It's ok but I haven't had many jobs. I enjoy getting paid well for 5 minutes work! But I hate shopping so it's not that good. Maybe if I liked shopping, it would be better!
2006-05-06 21:24:31 UTC
I work for a Citgo station and they have secret shoppers to inspect us for things like uniforms being worn, and customer service. Some of the inspections look for things like the signs being well lit (no bulbs out etc).

I have been on staff on two recent occasions when we were observed by secret shoppers and got perfect scores. Everyone working that shift gets gift cards from Citgo when that happens!

I don't know what Citgo pays their shoppers, but I do hope it's good pay, because traveling around these parts to do an inspection means a lot of distance from one store to another. We do try hard to please everyone. Sometimes we get that perfect score, and sometimes we miss it, usually because ONE person won't be wearing their vest, or something small like that. That kind of stinks, but no one has ever gotten fired for it,LOL!
2006-05-06 19:12:40 UTC
I was a secret shopper where I used to live. Enjoyed it...takes lots of patient paperwork...have to be really observant. Tried to join in the state I moved to...but, waited a long time then got one assignment which I answered right away, but, it was given to someone else already. Got 3 more over several months, but, they were so far away and in rough neighborhoods... Just be careful which one you sign up for. Some actually have hidden fees. Others are a blast!
2006-05-06 17:59:13 UTC
Yes I was a Secret Shopper. They had me visit fast food restaurants. I did not enjoy it because there were so many things to remember and if I couldn't see a worker's name tag, I wouldn't get paid for the visit. It also didn't take long before I was "discovered" and let go from the company. I was "discovered" because they had me go often and I did exactly the same thing each time. The site I went through referred me to many companies that do mystery shopping.
2006-05-05 19:23:02 UTC
I think everyone has been a secret shopper, because somehow, have to buy a gift or present for someone, or maybe your parents or sister, brother, or a friend had asked for it, at the beginning sometimes it's exiting, if is a work or homework?, could be hard to do it but the end you'll feel that everything you done worth
Margie F
2006-05-05 13:19:10 UTC
I was a secret shopper for several months. I actually found it was a bit more of hassle than it was worth. You don't actually "make" money. You basically get back what you spent for the activity. I mainly did haircuts at Great Clips for my kids. The questionaire is 5- 8 pages long and you spend about 20-30 minutes typing in the info on the computer.

Depends on how much you value your time, and in my case, just what was a free haircut worth?
2006-05-07 16:54:31 UTC
I am a secret shopper. It is best to go through an agency, a lot of them are online, where you get credentials and are given a daily list of things to pick from in your area. It is something that you cannot make a career out of, just a hobby, as a lot of the "reimbursement" is in food, movie tickets, etc.. THIS IS NOT A WAY TO MAKE CASH! If you are bored and a good citizen that wants to help local businesses it is a good hobby. and that is the most truthful answer you will get on the subject.

2006-05-06 23:40:46 UTC
I actually got fired from my restaurant job for scoring too low after i got shopped by a secret shopper. I didn't get fired for giving bad service, I got fired for not asking the shopper all the questions my restaurant wanted me to ask. So as you can imagine I am not a fan of secret shoppers.
2006-05-07 08:39:32 UTC
I am a shopper and if my service is not up to par and really bad I will call the manager. I tell him/her of my experience and the problems I had. I do this for free and it gives me satisfaction to know that maybe it will be better for the next person that shops there.

Everybody is a secret shopper this way.....and they will eventually know it.
2006-05-06 20:24:01 UTC
I use to work at a grocery store and let me tell u something I can tell right away if a secret shopper shops, usually atleast, because they dont buy a lot of stuff and stay in the store for a long time pondering things.
2006-05-06 18:32:46 UTC
I've been doing it for a couple of years, and it's ok. It's a lot of writing if you want to do the "good" jobs. You have to really pay attention to detail, and it detracts from the overall shopping experience.

I suggest trying as a hobby first to see if you like it, and...oh, yeah! DO NOT PAY MONEY TO BECOME A SECRET SHOPPER! You would have though that was a gimmick, but people still fall for that!
2006-05-06 17:52:22 UTC
Yes, I was a secret shopper. I did it for Sonic. I didn't like it because I had to order certain items, then do a two page questionaire about the item, the store, the signs, etc. I only made less than 4 dollars a visit.
2006-05-06 04:13:25 UTC
It was fun being a secret shopper, but you have to really pay attention. There's quite a few details to remember on some assignments that you can't take notes on until you're outside of the area.

Since secret shopping was so sporadic for my area, I found it far more reliable to do something else, like selling Avon or getting a regular part-time job, even if for just extra milk and bread money.

Paying for your time with a fast-food meal wasn't cutting it for me. (Time is valuable!)
2006-05-05 14:28:54 UTC
I am currently a secret shopper. I like it pretty well, it makes me go to stores and places I wouldn't normally go to unless I was getting paid to go. Because of that reason, I've found a lot of cool little stores and restaurants.

The part I hate is when the store I go to is a mess and the sales people aren't doing their jobs. I hate "tattling"! I know people working retail don't get paid a lot, but it's not hard to keep the store picked up and at least smile at a customer at some point during their shopping trip.
2006-05-08 10:53:13 UTC
Yes, I was a secret shopper in the New Orleans, Louisiana area from 1997-1999. I liked what I did but the jobs were few and far between. Then I had to refuse a job because I was taking my finals for graduation the day of a job and I was "dropped" from the list. In other words, I was no longer called to "shop" because I refused one job. The jobs I was asked to do were all very different, I did everything from going to a local drug store to count panti-hoes boxes on the shelf (inventory) to going into three of the same major department stores to ask a certain question, then leaving and rating the employee response. Always afterward, I would have to tell management of that store who I was and what I was doing, which at times was a pain because management would be out of the building (no calling before and/or contact before the job). Most companies only wanted a manager's signature on the paperwork to be sent in. I usually had to fax in my information, which I did at the University Library, as I didn't own my own fax line. I was paid anywhere from $10 to $75 a job. You are paid per job and no gas, travel, or personal expenses. As I said before I liked what I did, it was very interesting because it felt like a "spy game". I would get a call from a company, they would ask if I could do (fill-in-the-blank), then I would get a date to go and a fax number to send in the information. Two to four weeks later I would get a check in the mail. However, I may get a job twice a month or once every two months. At first I thought it was to weed out the flakes but it never changed. I would not recommend trying to make a career out of this but it a good part-time temporary job and it is very interesting.
2006-05-06 17:02:47 UTC
yes, I was one a while back. I did it especially for gaz station, that's the only thing there was in my area at the time. the only downside I saw to it, is that the most interesting things like the movie for example, are always taken very fast by other people. sometimes the deal is not so great...they are not really paying you, you end up consuming more than what they are in for. but that was about 10 yrs ago, it may have change since then. you should try it and find out for yourself, I mean its not a mistake you are under no real contract, you take the jobs you want, and the next month if you dont want to, you dont. The best thing I found is that to write this on your Resumé is pretty useful when you are trying to find jobs in the customer service business. it can definately be an asset in that sense
Mocha Choco Latte
2006-05-05 16:21:16 UTC
Be careful with those. There was a court case on Judge Mathis where the man worked as a secret shopper and never got paid. He also paid them some money out of his own pocket. I would check the company out first. The BBB (Better Business Bureau)can help out with this.
2006-05-08 08:30:18 UTC
I was a secret shopper for several candy companies and fast food restaurants. "Cool" wouldn't be the word I would use. It's just like any other job, and it involves a fair amount of paperwork. But it usually is more interesting than some other jobs, doesn't involve much time, and pays fairly well.
Judy C
2006-05-07 11:08:47 UTC
No. I have never been a secret shopper but think I would like it since I love to shop.
2006-05-06 09:18:12 UTC
About 20 years ago... Yes I did it for awhile for Square pan pizza, one of my clients worked for the corporate store and they needed a secret shopper to check out all of the stores in the SD area, I got the job. It was great! free food, and you critique the rest. you are eating at. It was a lot of fun. Think it would be great to do the department and chain stores as well.

I would love to get into it again, but I won't pay to buy the book on-line, and looks like you need a friend in the business.
2006-05-06 08:24:33 UTC
My uncle was a secret shopper, but it is really called a mystery shopper, and he got a whole bunch of gift cards after he told the stores their quality and supply was good, and so we got a whole bunch of free gift cards and some for me from limited too and stuff, but now he is in the navy, so I'm not sure he loved it..
Sgt. Guju
2006-05-08 10:28:42 UTC
I haven't been a secret shopper. I do get spam scam emails once in a while offering me a chance to be a secret shopper, but it always says i would have to pay a startup fee.
2006-05-07 22:30:09 UTC
Every "secret shopper" advertisement I've checked into wanted me to pay them to put me in contact with companies. Therefore, I've decided not to be a secret shopper.
Leader Lady Sue
2006-05-06 17:46:39 UTC
I was a secret shopper for Hardees once. Man, that got old FAST. I was told what to order, drive-thru or eat in and the time of day. They were having trouble finding people to do it, so I was given a lot of assignments there and I finally had to quit. I don't think that they wanted my opinion of their food anymore. To this day, I still cannot eat there. If I paid $5.50 for my meal, they would pay me double that for doing it. It was okay while I was in college but I don't have the time for that silliness now.
2006-05-05 15:52:01 UTC
Yes and it is not all that great!

1st of all, there aren't a lot of good shops out there - I can contacted for a lot of apartment shops, oil change or shops that pay very little ($5). At least I haven't found any really fun shops like they also advertise for - no one has sent me a Gap gift card to buy clothes while I'm secret shopping!

2ndly, the pay is minimal and usually if there is a purchase involved, you have to pay for it and then get reimbursed weeks later.

Other than that I guess it's an okay hobby if you can get signed up with the right agencies that have the really cool shops.
2006-05-05 15:40:39 UTC
my mom is a secret shopper and gets paid about 7 to 12 bucks a store. she's called a mystery shopper.
2006-05-08 04:45:32 UTC
While working for an apartment advertising publication, one of the sales reps experienced rude behavior & difficulty getting info from an apartment manager. The apartment manager worked for a management company that advertised several properties with our publication, all other apt. managers working for this company at other locations, would gladly provide the info every month. The info needed, to better understand, was the number of people interested in renting apts. and the number of people who learned of the property using our pub. This is called tracking. We "shopped" the manager to see if they were treating potential renters with courtesy and asking them the questions we needed answered. The details of the "shop" lead to a warning, an additional Apt.Managment Co. "shop" and eventual release of the manager for discrimination.

Not sure of the secret shoppers personal exp. However, this is an example of how secret shopping was used to assure fair housing for apartment renters.
2006-05-05 13:59:24 UTC
I was a secret shopper, and I have to admit, that the first few times I was a nervous wreck. I have no idea why, I just thought they could see right thru me, and knew why I was there. LOL

But once I stopped worrying one way or another if they knew or not, It was a blast....
2006-05-07 00:33:56 UTC
I've been a secret shopper. I found it mostly wasn't worth the trouble. I thought it would be fun to do it but it's really a lot of work for very little pay. I would get reimbursed for whatever I was told to buy if it was at a restaurant, or paid a small fee for doing regular shopping.

I decided it wasn't for me when one of my shops (department store) told me I had to report on three sales associates that I felt were "excellent", three that were "average" and three that were "poor". I was required to find three bad associates and report them. For finding nine associates I got a total of $15. Yay.
2006-05-06 21:10:30 UTC
I recently signed up to several mystery shopping companys and from all what i have seen it is practically SLAVE LABOUR, the reports you have to fill out take agesssss and they pay you peanuts for your 'mission' , these companys are making alot of money doing this and paying the mystery shoppers an insultive miserly payment for all their time and effort.

Yes it sounds fun, acting like 007 , red fox at 12 o'clock and all that 1 but really your just being used, I suggest people don.t bother with it untill these companys pay a DECENT wage for it.
2006-05-06 20:21:15 UTC
Yes I have. But you need to be sure what the companies require or you will not get paid. I now do secret shops for a company that wants me to see if I can get the cashiers to slide me some items at reduced rate. This is really fun. Also they pay me extra if I can hide items and the cashier not look in the box or other packaging and I get out without paying for the items. The manager is always aware of the shop.
2006-05-06 11:50:08 UTC
Yes, It didn't pay well at all. They also asked a million questions in the surveys like how clean the establishment was, did the employees wear name tags, etc. There was an awful lot of things to remember for no pay. I hated having to go into an auto parts store and buy something totally ridiculous and then return it two days later per their instructions. Check it out first and see what is all involved. I thought It would've been more fun.
2006-05-06 06:55:46 UTC
Yes, I used to get paid to visit fast food restuarants. I then had to write a report.

Heres some links on how to become a secret shopper:
2006-05-05 19:13:37 UTC
I am a secret shopper, it is kind of neat but the pay is like a discount or a free meal. I like doing the food ones because you get a free meal like from Carls jr. and Arby's, its pretty cool, but it also takes a lot of time to get certified for the job, then you got to do the job.
2006-05-08 10:00:47 UTC
Yes I was a secret shopper, and mine was Sonic. I think I made $10.00 and had to fill out a lot of paper work. I had to buy my food too. I'd say if you eat there anyway it is okay to do, because you get your meal free after you receive the 10 dollars.
tara d
2006-05-07 08:18:49 UTC
I am a secret shopper,I love to shop and if I shop too much.I stash things away because I feel a little guilty for spending too much money,but then I forget about the things I bought and when I discover them again its exciting,i dont feel guilty anymore
2006-05-06 21:24:10 UTC
My mom was a secret shopper for restaurants. She absolutely loved it because she didn't have to cook and the food was free. It's a good deal!
2006-05-06 18:47:44 UTC
I remember always waiting for the "mystery guest" in the restaurant that I worked at. They had to say that they were never in the restaurant before and we had to give a huge spiel to them and they rated everything. Our clue was that the called and asked for directions. So we knew that they could be on their way. Or it could of been legit and someone really didn't know where the restaurant was and wasn't a mystery shopper at all. It was kind of fun trying to see if they were or not.

Wow!!! You have a lot of responses to read huh. Good for you. = )
Zoee N
2006-05-06 12:07:58 UTC
My aunts a secret shopper. I go with her all the time. She takes me all over the country. Its nice that we get stuff and the get reinbrusted. I got this really expensive toy one time and we got all the money back and more!!I would advise everyone to become a secert shopper.I will when I become old enough.
2006-05-05 18:16:07 UTC
I was a secret shopper for Target and would g o to Wall'mart it was ok but it got annoying looking for brands not only the item but the size and name you could look for a while trying to find cleaner 12 oz and only can find 16 oz frustrating but then agin you work whenever you wanted to
2006-05-05 17:48:02 UTC
NO i have not been a secret shopper but i have heared about the mysterious shoppers and they get paid for there purchases.
2006-05-05 13:40:02 UTC
I was a secret shopper and sent to shops to see if the shop owners were playing by the rules.

It was quite interesting.
2006-05-08 03:52:13 UTC
My mom does some secret shopping on the side. The stuff they have you find out is so wierd and unusual I personally couldn't do it, but my mom said once u do them a few times u get used to it and learn short cuts and stuff how to do them. And depending on what you do you could get reimbersed more. Like when she does a restaurant she has to order certain things a certain way, and the place pays for her food and then gives her money, but the money isn't a lot. You've just gotta do shops for something you want or need, like a clothing shop or food. My friend does mystery shops on the pizza places and stuff, and she's in college so it works out perfect for her.
Miss. Kitty
2006-05-07 17:02:13 UTC
Its pretty fun and you can do it as it fits your schedule. They don't all pay a lot of money though. Most of them are free food and like five dollars. Some you can earn about $20 on.

I recommend DSG Associates (link provided in source). This is a mystery shopping company that works with a lot of companies (Sonic, Cingular Popeye’s.. ect).

You can sign up on their site (They don't charge you anything).

NEVER pay to be a mystery shopper. It's a scam if the company asks for money.
2006-05-06 05:25:56 UTC
I've done it before. It doesn't pay very much. Often times you are required to spend up to an hour in the store and then go home and write a report, and then you have to consider travel related expenses. All this for between seven and thirty bucks! That,in some cases is less than minimum wage in many states.

Retail shops pay between nothing and twenty bucks.

Restaruaunt shops will pay seven bucks, and then give you an expense reimbursment between twenty to eighty bucks.

I mystery shopped a vet clinic and two of my cats were accomplices.

I got bored with it.
Sandra B
2006-05-08 10:06:21 UTC
I have been a secret shopper for three months. I enjoy the shopping experiences and filling in the questionnaires, but be prepared to stretch your memory if you want to take one of these jobs. There are a lot of jobs available, but you also have to be careful with the companies you choose to work for, as some are reluctant to pay when you have done their shops, including reimbursement for your purchases.
2006-05-08 07:29:12 UTC
I did it for a little while, but the problem is that they don't offer many in my location. Also, they bug you to death, and when you do have something in the area they tell you and want you to have it done the next day. I didn't like it because I work during the day and wanted to do it on weekends and things and they never offered that it was always during work hours on weekdays. They don't give you enough notice. Also, I would sign up for like mystery shopping and get asked to do displays in the store which required tools, and a lot of work. The pay is good, and they reimburse you but I would like to find a really good website that offers more.
2006-05-07 21:21:24 UTC
Yes I did it for two years from 2000-2002 and I loved it. I not only did stores but restaurants too. It's a great way to get free meals, and merchandise. The only thing I didn't like was that my pay came in the mail and some time I would go as much as 3 weeks before I got paid.....
2006-05-07 12:59:22 UTC
Yes, and yes.

I travel on my main job so i can take secret shopper jobs that are far away up to 150 miles.

If you do not travel try to find locations close to your home, and keep accurate and detailed information regarding associates in the business you are secretly shopping for, also the location of said business, (Mall, next to other building, or by itself, what is next to the business' left or right?)
2006-05-07 05:56:16 UTC
I was a "mystery shopper" at one time...most shops available in my area didn't pay very much...or took weeks to see the payment. Most times, they require you to pay out of pocket and keep receipts and you're reimbursed the cost plus a certain percentage OR the cost plus a flat fee. For some, this might be convenient...for wasn't...also..Each company has a different pay scale as well as pay dates. There are lots of sites that you can sign up with for free and search for local shops in your area/state. I have several that emailed jobs directly to my email address I listed with them. Check out it's the national organization for mystery shoppers and has lots of information there.
2006-05-06 21:57:18 UTC
I see advertisement all the time about them being a secret shopper, I would love to do it. let me know about some good ones, if you can.
2006-05-06 19:57:08 UTC
I am a secret shopper. I like it because you get reimbursed for what you buy and depending on the type of shop you get paid extra. It's pretty cool.
2006-05-06 15:49:35 UTC
I signed up on one of those internet secret shopper sites, but it sucked. I paid like 30 bucks to be a member of this site and then all of the obs required me to purchase things such as cell phone service with no compensation for buying it. And the jobs paid a max of 12 dollars... doesnt even cover gas.

If you are a teenager, there is a site called its so cool. They send you products, tv commercials, awesome coupons, and all you have to do is try stuff out if you want to nd give out feed back. I got 10 coupons fo free shick quatro razors, 9 free 20oz. coke coupons, a free sony minidisk with tons of product coupons, and much much more. I also got to vote on unreleased music and movies titles and trailors... so cool.
2006-05-06 07:45:41 UTC
I did it when I was off on a medical leave. I was ok. They wanted very detailed information. If they ask you to pay them to become a secret shopper, don't do it. Good luck
2006-05-05 13:30:15 UTC
I was a secret shopper for a restaurant chain. They give you a checklist of information to obtain and a deadline. They also give you gift certificates as a reimbursement.

I basically started doing it as favor to a friend, and I really didn't like it. I felt like a snitch. Plus, it takes up your time on a deadline basis.
2006-05-08 04:49:20 UTC
What the heck is a secret shopper?
2006-05-06 17:23:54 UTC
I have been a secret shopper. I did not like it, they o not pay!

We went to a restaurant, the food stank, the service stank, then I did not get paid

NEVER again! There are easier ways o make a living!
Jill Girl
2006-05-08 12:22:31 UTC
I am not a shopper but we get them in our store occasionally. One piece of advice- and this is for everyone!! Act like you're a secret shopper (even if you're not) and you will get the best customer service of your life!!
2006-05-07 07:23:09 UTC
I have registered in my area to do this and they send me countless email. At the time I registered I was not working but I got a job soon after. I never got to actually do one but think it is a great way to earn extra $'s and you can get great freebies as well. I ever had an assignment sent to me about doing a flight to Melbourne and back to check out the airline service. Cool Hey.

Why not if you have the time give it a go. If I was not working I would definitely go back to it, I just don' have the time right now.

Good Luck
Debbi P
2006-05-06 14:27:40 UTC
I am also a mystery shopper but I only work for one company. It's a part time job for me with each job paying between 10.00 to $20.00. I usually pass on the $10.00 paying ones and do the higher paying ones. I enjoy it, and it's quick money. I guess you could do this full time but I wouldn't enjoy riding around to each location in the winter.
2006-05-05 22:31:22 UTC
No." But I would like to be a secret shopper and also it would be cool to be a secret shopper."
2006-05-08 09:58:23 UTC
I have done it and still do occasionally. It is fun, but you just have to keep good notes about the businesses. It doesn't pay as well as people think, but you do get to eat the product.LOL. Just remember -don't ever pay to be a secret shopper. They pay you.
2006-05-08 09:22:39 UTC
I was a secret for a national drug store. I was not contracted and employed soley with the drug store. I had a blast. I critic customer service inside the stores, from the cashier to the pharmacist. I retrieved the times from stores on how long it took to obtain a perscription and how long it would take to be checked out by the front cashiers.

I had lots of fun.
2006-05-07 10:09:56 UTC
Yes! I have worked several jobs. I like the companies that pay right away. The ones I didnt like were the ones I had to put money out of pocket and not see my reimbursement and paycheck for 6-12 weeks.

My husband and I did movie theatre s.s. jobs that were the bomb! We were paid 115 to just count how many people went into a specific theatre and count seats!
2006-05-06 19:54:54 UTC
I've been a Secret Santa... is that the same thing?

But to answer, no, I didn't really like it. The person I was supposed to buy for was someone I didn't really like to begin with, so when I started trying to eavesdrop on the person to get an idea of what they were like, they caught me red-handed and we spent the next two weeks fuming at each other. Instead of getting them a gift, I gave them twenty-five bucks (which was the price cap) in a Christmas Card and told them to find their own damn gift. That was the same year I got one of those ten packs of different flavored gum... ironically, it was also when I had braces, so I gave the stuff to one of my nieces, and they liked it fine.
2006-05-05 16:30:05 UTC
Yes, been there done that. Did not like getting people fired for not saying, "have a nice day" Since they only make $6 a hour I felt everyone has a bad day sometimes. Women with kids to support work hard.. Of course there will always be those who get off on the power of the job to end someones job.

memyself, your soooo funny.
girish ch
2006-05-08 07:22:25 UTC
ya but there is some problem with secret shopper . because if he or she wants any thing u can loose some think so i think it is like or dislike by u i like it . can i be ur secret shopper plz. bye
2006-05-06 20:15:03 UTC
I got paid by my former job to be a secret shopper to make sure that employees were checking ids. It was fun handing them the red card, which meant they failed.
debbie s
2006-05-07 09:26:53 UTC
I run a business that has secret shoppers they help billed customer relations and my employees get prizes for good shops but they get retrained on bad ones.I think it would be cool to get payed to shop!But just make sure its worth it
2006-05-07 08:25:17 UTC
No, but my friend's daughter is a secret shopper and loves it!
2006-05-07 00:53:47 UTC
did it - it was way back before they advertised all over the Internet. You have to be able to pay for the items up front, then they reimburse you, plus whatever they pay you. If it's a restaurant, you can sometimes take a friend along. If it's a store, sometimes you have to take the items back and grade them on that too. There is a lot of information that they need. Also, it can be hard to get jobs in your area, I live in Phoenix, and they wanted me to drive like 100 miles. It was fun though!
2006-05-07 00:00:13 UTC
no but i knew someone that was one or is. it seemed dangerous because they would run after people that ran out with liquor and stuff. The thiefs even through bottles at the shoppers or try to run them over. I dont recommend at a retail store.
2006-05-06 21:26:13 UTC
Yes I did it along time ago. It was fun except for the time I had to do a Love's visit between 2-4 am with a child. I was a single parent at the time and needed extra money. Now that I am married, I would do this again it was fun.
2006-05-06 06:21:51 UTC
i was a secret shopper for chucky cheese. I had to be reimbursed with free pizzas but that was only after i spent the money up front. I spent more money that I got in return.

i had a good time with my kids tho, but wouldnt do it again
2006-05-05 13:49:06 UTC
I secret shopped a restaurant before. It wasn't beneficial because I had to pay for the meal upfront. I took my family, so I spent double the reimbursement price. Also, the time frame wasn't convenient for me, so it ended up being a hassle.

Afterward, I had to answer an extremely long questionaire. It was very time consuming.

In the end--not really worth it at all.
2006-05-08 00:45:01 UTC
Yes I am currently with my wife. it is alot of work at first. I recomend getting a seperate email account. We signed up with several listing firms and I get about 12-15 job request a day. we apply for all of them and about 4 will actually work out. it's ok money, something extra, but not enough to live on. be warned. if you have to travel over say 20 miles for the shop, it may not be worth the effort or money with fuel prices now. just know what your getting into
2006-05-07 20:30:37 UTC
Yep. I was a secret shopper for the dine in part of Pizza Hut. It was fun while it lasted but I got sick of pizza after a year.
2006-05-07 17:35:26 UTC
I am a secret shopper and I like it,They offer good jobs and pay mostly to paypal.there are some really good jobs too such as luxury car shops where you go to 4 different dealers and act like your interested in the cars take a test drive and the usual pay for this $120.00 not bad for driving cars and talking to salesman.[]that's who gives me work.Here's for the car shop's you should try it.I do it for extra money.and so far I'm happy doing it.
2006-05-07 14:49:17 UTC
what is a secret shopper in the first place?
2006-05-07 09:33:06 UTC
I have been a mystery shopper and have been out shopping and for meals its very good as you get free food and you can keep the clothes and you get paid.
2006-05-06 23:37:25 UTC
whats a secret shopper?
2006-05-06 19:11:12 UTC
What exacly do you mean by a secret shopper? I shop but I really don't know about secretly.
chima o
2006-05-06 14:23:35 UTC
first in my own definition Secret shopping is an excellent way to make extra money. It offers a flexible environment and schedule because the shopper chooses which assignments seem attractive, and which fit into his/her i really like it thx
2006-05-05 15:37:08 UTC
What is a secret shopper?
2006-05-05 12:23:47 UTC
I did do it many years ago, I was actually thinking of doing it again . It was alot of fun. I also did what they call bar shops, and that is the owner of a bar pays to have you go there and watch the bartenders, making sure that they don't double pour liquor, put the money in the register, and so on then you write a report at the end of the night. It was fun.
2006-05-06 10:15:06 UTC
I couldn't believe how many answers you have here! I have often WISHED I was the secret shopper whenever the food or the service is so bad, I would take great pleasure in reporting them. Also would take great pleasure in good reports for good service!
2006-05-07 20:04:04 UTC
I am not a secret shopper,I love shopping anytime.
2006-05-07 10:06:14 UTC
My work colleage is a secret shopper. She has meals out in restaurants and stays in hotels. She loves it, Ive asked her to put my name down.
2006-05-05 17:48:47 UTC
I've been mystery shopping since 1999.

I do like it - I can usually bring my kids, so I don't have to pay for daycare. I can usually wear my regular clothing, so I don't have to buy "work clothes."

I generally make $1000 per month - I could do more, but I only do the jobs I enjoy. Some of them are horrible, or require way too much work for the fee/reimbursement given.
2014-06-23 19:14:04 UTC
If you really like shopping for anything more than anything else, can keep a secret and fool people, and don't get embarrassed very easily, it could be an idea. But if you blush easily and want to get paid on time, I'd really consider something else.
2006-05-07 18:27:58 UTC
I was a secret shopper. I worked in market research years ago. we were payed to eat lunch and dinner at a well knowen resteraunt. and we graded them on diffrent customer service things as well as the food. it was fun.
2006-05-07 11:38:44 UTC
I signed up because all the sites boasted "make your own schedule" "get paid LOTS for shopping" , etc. It might just be the one I went with, but I had to pay 29.99 to have access to their website, then it became last minute emails or phonecalls to get me to drive to restaurants an hour away to do a survey. They want you to be a party of 2, but they only pay for you-- and that's 5 weeks later. It is ok. But maybe for someone retired, not someone trying to earn an income. It's fun if you don't need the money.

Asberr N
2006-05-07 11:35:13 UTC
did do it many years ago, I was actually thinking of doing it again . It was alot of fun. I also did what they call bar shops, and that is the owner of a bar pays to have you go there and watch the bartenders, making sure that they don't double pour liquor, put the money in the register, and so on then you write a report at the end of the night. It was fun.
2006-05-08 10:32:43 UTC
wow, is this like officially the question w/the most answers on Yahoo!Answers ever? i'd like to see one with more. but, yeah i was a secret shopper, i didn't much like it cuz you had to write detailed reports about everything, that took the fun out of it.
2006-05-08 07:45:08 UTC
yes and i like it as a secret shopper shops only on a special occasion like buying surprise gifts etc...
2006-05-08 03:20:34 UTC
I was a secret shopper . but security caught on and now I'm a secret inmate. lmfao
2006-05-07 17:34:23 UTC
I havent been the shopper, but I have been shopped before! They tell you later how you scored on customer service..I think I would like it!
Pat M
2006-05-06 23:04:12 UTC
Doesn't pay enough. Especially with the gas prices. They usually want to send you 30 miles

Takes up lots of your time just making the reports. They also have the right to refuse payment if they don't like the report. Who can second guess that one? I signed up and looked it over, but didn't even complete one job after reviewing what it entailed.

And by the time you get through tearing up your pizza and taking pictures at all angles, who wants to eat it!
2006-05-05 14:50:32 UTC
I personally have never been one but its sounds like a job for retired people.Good for someone who has lots of time,wants their money back,and in the end is satisfied that someone somewhere will have to deal with the consequences.Don't get me wrong,maybe good if you are available but the payout isn't gonna make you lots of money.On the other hand you may never go hungry but will have a weight problem from all that eating out.
Mark R
2006-05-06 17:16:54 UTC
I used to Secret Shop. I liked the food ones better then the store ones. I had to do so much work for this one Secret Shopping Gig that it wasn't worth it. The ones where you eat and then rate everything are much better.
Megan K
2006-05-06 10:46:35 UTC
I have been a secret shopper.
2006-05-06 00:31:42 UTC
2006-05-05 17:55:23 UTC
Yes I have done it before, since I live in a smaller town and I had to drive 15 or 20 miles to get to a shop. so the pay was really not enough to make it worth all the trouble
2006-05-05 16:45:59 UTC
I'm not sure what you mean by a secret shopper...
2006-05-07 07:20:54 UTC
can some one here tell me what a secret shopper is?
2006-05-05 19:37:35 UTC
yes,once I had been a secret shopper,but later I was very regret.
2014-06-21 14:04:12 UTC
I thought it would be fun and make a little bit of money. You get a flat amount which is told to you ahead of time so you can stay within that limit or you can go over and pay for the rest yourself. What it has turned into is a way for my husband and I to go out to dinner and not have to pay for the entire bill. We were spending way too much money eating out so now we have decided to only go out when I have a shop to do, it works great for us because we are saving money which turns out to be making money.
Sarah N
2006-05-07 20:51:31 UTC
Ummm what exactly is a secret shopper, like what do you do?
2006-05-07 15:06:52 UTC
no but i would love to be a mystery shopper online for the poker games out there. anyone know where i can sign up for that let me know!
2006-05-09 20:17:09 UTC
all depends on for which types of companies you work for... make sure it's on your own terms, NEVER pay to become a shopper, make sure you read all agreements well! You have to fully uinderstand what you are expected to do.
Dear Old Dad
2006-05-07 22:04:24 UTC
It's so-so.

If you get your "shops" from an online service, they will generally take the lion's share of the fee and you will end up doing the work for little over what it costs you in time and energy(not to mention vehicle expenses). In addition, you have to wait for your money that you have to front, and then hope they don't cheat you.

Good luck!

Dear Old Dad
2006-05-06 20:47:03 UTC
My sister was actually a secret Pizza tester several years ago. She had to order a pizza from Domino's once a month and evaluate the phone service, delivery service, delivery time and the pizza. Then they paid for the pizza. She loved it.
2006-05-06 11:52:11 UTC
I have done it for a restaurant before. I enjoyed it very much and would do it again if I could find the opportunity. We had two gift certificates to use at two different visits, and we were supposed to order an appetizer, meal and dessert to see how they came out. It was fun.
2006-05-05 20:25:05 UTC
yes, many years ago. For a chain named Hills Dept store. The object was to see how customers were being treated in store...other times I would be in competitors store to see what they were charging or if any promo ideas were working out. It can be get to be a difficult person to deal with, but the pay sucked-
2006-05-05 16:47:16 UTC
I did it for a time. It was a nice job, but it isn't all shopping fun, fun, fun. You do have paperwork and reports to write, so don't think it's like running out to the mall with daddy's charge card and coming home with arm loads of clothes. Would I do it again? Yes, for a limited time.
2006-05-08 10:08:37 UTC
I liked it cause i was finnaly able to evaluate the people who are so rude to me at stores, even though I have money to buy things. See we are told to dress down and look normal or out of place. We eveluate everything in the place, from customer service,cleansliness, and product display and quality. Whatever our client wants us to look for in our locations. Like when I went to Sams Club and had a full cart of items but one of the items i was to buy was way up on a shelf, nobody helped me get a ladder. even after that I was going to the counter and the guy told me to try a cheaper product cause it was affordable. I was pissed off and offended. I showed him my platinum card and business licenses and paid for the stuff. sent out my evaluations. A few months later I was contracted with the training of the staff at that location for customer servace and personal skill training. Also the guy got fired, cause they are trying to make money not trying to make people pay less at there stores.
2006-05-05 19:26:05 UTC
I did it and didn't like it. The pay was not good enough for the hassles involved in lying to the people at the store, which I did not like. Also, there was a lot of reporting to do. I think it is just like any other job -- you need to make sure it fits your personality.
2006-05-08 00:59:24 UTC
2006-05-07 18:40:23 UTC
secret shopper? i like to show off my shopping skills!
2006-05-07 17:12:29 UTC
Yes...and it was fun at first then it just got bad...they keep sending you e-mails and calling you about jobs and stuff...but with Gas prices going up...they don't compensate for drive...just completion of the can try it out for a lil bit but make sure you go with a good company that has big stores
2006-05-06 14:31:39 UTC
Yes, and they didn't even pay me enough to cover what they told me to buy.

Most places just remiburse you for what they tell you to buy and then don't pay you any extra.

It's like fronting the money for somethign and having to wait 2 months for them to send you a paycheck to reimburse.

Sometimes you can find apartment mystery shops to do, and they pay like $25/shop. But again, you have to wait a month or two to get your check.

If you ask me, it's a waste of time.
2006-05-08 09:08:19 UTC
i was a secret shopper. it was pretty cool. it paid fiarly decent and that was quite a few years ago. just make sure you keep good track of your mileage w/ gas prices the way they are.
2006-05-07 18:28:32 UTC
Years ago I was for Domino's Pizza. It was cool, I reimbursed for pizza once a month.

I also did for one of those comnpanies on the internet and they paid me a lousy 9 bucks plus 5 dollars in gas reimbursment (PULEAZE!) to do gas station shops. Gimme a break.
2006-05-05 19:41:36 UTC
It was alright, but it seem like theres alot of paper work to go with very little pay. I used more gas driving to all the places then what the check covered. I don't think that it's worth it personally.... but it doesn't hurt to try something new.
Jo Jo Gunn
2006-05-05 12:59:09 UTC
I have a friend who has been doing it for years - full-time. Don't pay any cash up front - that job offer is bogus ! She claims it pays her over $ 30.000 per year , ( that's not great ) but, it is a reputable company and not so easy to get into for. there is a waiting list 4 years long !
2006-05-05 14:20:24 UTC
i hated it. i hated the sneaky part. most of all the detail was too much it took me 3 hrs for the report plus travewl TIME and the assignment was about 2 nd 1/2 hrs and they only paid me $15 and i had to wait 6 weeks to get it . i quit
2006-05-06 22:55:38 UTC
There are more advantages specially if you are a woman(you enjoy shopping dont you) I did this for several years as a Customer Research Analyst like any other jobs,it becomes superflous and boring.
2006-05-06 21:37:48 UTC
Yeah, it was okay. The money's not really worth it, but it was interesting, and the free stuff was cool. I got a bunch of maternity clothes, which made nice gifts. But then I did one too many McDonalds shops, and the grease just got to me, so i quit.
2006-05-05 20:44:56 UTC
I read all the previous answers and was amazed that people thought they would get rich doing this. I love to shop, and I would be thrilled to get stuff free! I wouldn't expect to make a living off of it!

Anyway, I haven't done it but have thought about it. I mean, how can you beat free?
2006-05-05 19:07:16 UTC
I have been a secrect shopper. I it is alot more better than dragging your slow, annoying, loud, troble making, friends around.
2006-05-06 12:33:58 UTC
I used to mystery shop but it wasn't worth the hassle. It takes up a lot of time going to each place and you usually don't much or any money. Although it is cool to get free meals, etc, but you usually have to pay and then get reimbursed...
Keeper of Sins
2006-05-08 05:54:32 UTC
Well I thought I would do something like that..

but then when I found out some compnay had sacke around 200 employees for manipulating bills... I got scared

I do intend to do something though..
2006-05-05 13:40:46 UTC
I use to be one years ago and at times it was fun but sometimes it was hard work and there was also the times that the companies would try tog et out of paying so that sucked!
2006-05-07 02:23:55 UTC
Yes, it was mainly bars and country pubs. You have to write quite a detailed report. Sometimes the bars/pubs are horrible but you get some really nice ones.
2006-05-06 17:49:28 UTC
U waych 2 much 6teen lol
2006-05-06 08:18:23 UTC
no i have not myself been a mystery shopper but i do work for a bank call centre and have been mystery shopped. and i am happy to say i have received great scores back! this means i get small gifts like chocolates or toiletries to say thanks for giving excellent service.

anyone else BEEN mystery shopped?
2006-05-07 22:01:45 UTC
I have been and still do so. I don't care for it because I have been with the company for many years. I am only sent when there are serious problems...... I get to investigate from a customer's POV. However, someone has to do it.
2006-05-07 16:40:51 UTC
whatz a secret shopper?
2006-05-07 11:18:32 UTC
it's alright, but I have never done a mystery shop where I could buy a T.V. and get fully reinbursed for it. I think that kinda sucks. Usually, I get mystery shops in restaurants or cellular phone places...not much happening there. I just have to look out for customer service and stuf like's alright............
2006-05-06 14:01:38 UTC
No. But I'm a SAHM of 5 so I was thinking about it doing it too. The ones that I was checking out want you to pay to start. I wasn't so sure about that. I'm afraid to pay and then not like it.
2006-05-06 08:22:15 UTC
No but I have been secret shopped. Passed with no problem. But hate to be under the microscope.
2006-05-05 19:19:55 UTC
Yes, For a Movie Theatre it was lots of Fun
2006-05-08 06:51:47 UTC
2006-05-07 21:55:20 UTC
what the hell is a secret shopper?
2006-05-07 11:56:43 UTC
nope. but it seems as though it could be alot of fun.. i attempted to obtain info once but this particular website was asking for money upfront and that was a total turn off. but i do know that the legit companies wont ask for money at all so be careful, good luck, and most of all have fun....
2006-05-06 13:40:52 UTC
2006-05-07 19:18:30 UTC
Yes, it's a lot of fun. Especially when you are asking about products from your own company and the sales person doesn't have a clue and feeds you all the wrong info.
2006-05-07 14:46:15 UTC
I have been... it was interesting, but I felt like it was very obvious I was one (they gave me a set list of things to buy which seemed to tip the check out person off). Easy money, most definatly.
2006-05-05 21:28:13 UTC
everybody loves chris!
2006-05-06 10:48:00 UTC
i have done it for subway, woolworths (in the UK) and Burger King

its a lot of fun!

you need to be a fussy kind of person who has an eye for detail and a damn good memory for when you get out of the store, you have a heck of a lot to write up!

i say go for it though
Radio Filibuster Help Desk
2006-05-06 09:46:11 UTC
Have been, and still am. The great thing is that very few people suspect a guy will be the one performing the evaluation (smile).
2006-05-05 16:30:59 UTC
Yes, I did this for several years. It was enjoyable as you got to go shopping and often got to purchase something for free. Plus which, you rewarded good service and helped improve bad sales staff :)
2006-05-05 16:01:42 UTC
no because you're going to meet someone that you know while shopping & the other person will say what you're doing here

and there's nothing secret about this anymore..Talking loud

for the whole world to know...Now I can understand haven't

seen you in years but it's the same results.
2006-05-07 15:34:49 UTC
im a secret shopper for clothes and tickets for basketball, soccer, football and boxing matches........yea i love it its all fun for me
2006-05-06 14:11:02 UTC
what's a secret shopper email me at to tell me and give me your email adress! bye! hurry!
2006-05-06 11:28:41 UTC
Well, i know a lady that was... she told me it was a lot of hard work... she showed me some of the paper work she had to fill out and such...

But said she liked it since she was able to spend more time with her family...
2006-05-06 08:28:05 UTC
yes, I liked it, but one must be very get paid, expenses, etc. Some want you to buy something and then return it...I do not want to put any of my money out. I shut down a Texaco gas station with my report.
2006-05-08 10:42:48 UTC
I would like to do that too . Never can find out how you get involved. I would think maybe start going to a manager in the grocery store and begin asking questions of where to go and whom or who to see .
2006-05-07 17:27:47 UTC
I haven't ever been one but I thought this was a great question. I read all of the responses because I have always wanted to be one so the responses helped me decide whether to pursue it. Congrats on being a featured question...and thanks.
2006-05-07 06:10:36 UTC
It's a secret!
2006-05-06 02:52:20 UTC
i did it about 10 times but i found all the paperwork for each shop that had to be filled out made it a unprofitable to do too much time
2016-12-10 20:51:11 UTC
2006-05-08 00:20:11 UTC
Yes, I did it for 2 years and loved it. Go to Infotel Marketing .com and sign up.
2006-05-07 22:26:11 UTC
yeah i liked it cuz they had to guess who picked them and espacilly cuz you have a secret shopper for you that you got to pick so yeah i like it
2006-05-05 13:13:35 UTC
No.....but after all interesting job that is! more fun than fbi and food free everything...that is my dream job..i didnt know such job even exist or i would have taken a degree 4 that
2006-05-05 12:48:14 UTC
i think it would be helpful if someone could post several websites for the companies that do offer mystery shopping jobs. i know they are mostly part time jobs, so you dont earn a whole lot, but it is fun.
2006-05-05 13:46:58 UTC
Once for Sonic while I lived in Texas. Was okay got free food, but had to be what they told ya to order.
2006-05-07 21:00:01 UTC
I did some mysetry shopping for restuants. There's not much income from it, but it was fun and easy. Basically I ate for free.
2006-05-07 18:30:29 UTC
I was. I usually bought makeup and stuff like that. Things that promised to make me look more beautiful. I felt very guilty afterwards.
2006-05-07 15:30:11 UTC
Yeah i mean i bought like 4 million candy bars lol
2006-05-08 10:21:20 UTC
Secret shopping is really cool except you have to return the stuff once you have bought it
2006-05-07 05:00:53 UTC
2006-05-07 03:03:58 UTC
i have, and it was LONG AND BORING. I used to do it for time share seminars, and had to sit through hours of sales pitches for time share. In the end, the $100 was not worth it!
2006-05-05 20:42:55 UTC
No, I haven't, and wouldn't want to be! Used to be a bigtime shoplifter. Don't do it anymore, but sometimes think about all the stuff I could get!
2006-05-07 23:33:01 UTC
I rad an article on it once in a magazine, I dont think it would be worth it as a profecion.
2006-05-07 17:36:53 UTC
That looks like such an awesome job, I saw an add for it in TeenPeople.
2006-05-07 12:11:41 UTC
I have and I found it extremely difficult by fun. I needed to know what they liked and disliked and then get them the perfect gift.
2006-05-08 07:10:49 UTC
Yes it is nice, but hard to find work in smaller areas like mine. You dont get paid very much- but it is fun.
2006-05-05 13:40:43 UTC
I didn't but I know someone that was, occantionally they let me go on shops with them to remember things. What you have to remember is very easy, how clean was the place, how was your service, where they fully stocked in each item? very easy.
2006-05-07 18:46:35 UTC
I try to shop secretly, but my wife always finds the credit card receipts.
2006-05-07 08:31:38 UTC
almost became one but I felt like I was ripped off by a company that just said here read this and sign up with this company. I wasted about $45.00
2006-05-06 05:16:52 UTC
Yes I was and it took almost a hour plus gas and all I got paid was 5.00 not worth my time.
2006-05-07 21:24:32 UTC
Yes, and it actually worked, But, I haven't responded to any of the junk I get in eamil.
2006-05-07 14:05:39 UTC
Did it once as a child and got away with it, but did not do again. Felt very guilty.
2006-05-06 14:27:34 UTC
yes i have,it is alot of fun. but you have to know just how to do it right. or the manager of the store can have you put out of the store. the stores fron on this. but they all have their own lol. if your really good you can make good money at it.
2006-05-06 12:15:36 UTC
Be very careful with these because a lot of them are rip off artists!
mary j
2006-05-05 19:24:12 UTC
Yes...It was kind of fun going into a place to see how u will be treated.
Carla A
2006-05-08 10:28:53 UTC
i have never been but would love to know how to get started. I have thought about it several times over the years.
2006-05-07 22:33:59 UTC
Its a secret.
2006-05-07 15:49:12 UTC
Yes I have and I like it. My husband thinks it is a pain in the butt and it doesn't bring in much money.
2006-05-06 14:45:39 UTC
My sister-in-law did this for sometime. She said it was fun, except for the gas it took to go to each store.
Frances C
2006-05-06 13:26:42 UTC
yes, it is easy and fun. Doesn't happen but once every 3-4 months
Hunter pilot
2006-05-05 16:19:27 UTC
Id like to know myself because i hear they get paid big money to shop at their customer's stores
2006-05-08 10:06:18 UTC
Yes when I was really young commission only I liked it.

Ya you can do that kind of job and work on commission.
2006-05-07 08:34:28 UTC
Yeah totally it is awesome they give u money and then take u to a certain store and u shop till u drop. I went to target and i got so many cool dresses
2006-05-08 13:12:28 UTC

It has been my experience to have worked as a SECRET SHOPPER, SECRET CHECKER for fifteen years in many categories and venues.

I had to eat TACOS til they dribbled out of the corners of my mouth, rate them for many and sundry conditions and complete incisive, demanding questionairees.

I SECRETLY checked K-Mart stores as to IN-STORE, on-site availability of merchandise as listed in their flyers and advertising.

Many other store conditions and observations had to be detailed in writing on the SECRET report-forms MAILED IN TO A SECRET, non-K-Mart reporting agency in Georgia!

I have conducted 'secret' head-counts of shoppers passing a certain location in a MALL so as to provide viable information to businesses as to whether a certain location was appropriate for their type of OPERATION:

I checked restaurants in Washington and Oregon for food appearance, temperature levels in hot foods, food taste, kitchen cleanliness, employee hygene practices, public relations level of employees and many other points of interest. Great Job!

DURING the time period of [1985 til 2000] I was paid adequately by check for some jobs and given free food or generous food coupons in advance for some assigned RESTAURANT checks!

One negative factor in restaurant checking was the cost of gasoline because at the time there was no travel allowance.

NOTE; My work for cinema producers did offer an adequate round-trip mileage allowance from home to theatre site.

Most of these assignments were fun-filled, provided pleasant excursions away from home with my darling wife, opportunity to meet mostly INTELLIGENT AND HIGHLY MOTIVATED INDIVIDUALS.


My work as a 'theatre-checker' for seventeen years was occasionaly more interesting because of the oft-needed requirement to conduct my head-counts in secret, (unknown to the theatre manager)

These THEATRE assignments of 'SECRET-CHECK' and mainly 'OPEN-CHECK' paid well and offered a mileage allowance. It was light-duty, dressed-up duty, and offered chances to watch movie presentations because I performed the job intelligently! Theatre managers offered me passes and 'comps' for my wife and myself as I became acquainted with, recognized and treated these responsible managerial people with honor and respect! They also liked and respected me as a 'professional' person: I often made over one hundred fifty dollars for a total of a few hours on Friday nite, Saturday afternoon and evening, Sunday afternoon and evening services.

An.....................ON-DUTY, slick, easy job!

It was only necessary to be present one half hour prior to each movie screening, count the people entering each little screening room or theatre then remain and count all people entering the particular assigned movie screen or individual theatre for one-half hour after the movie actually begins on sceen! Simply make an accurate head-count!

Sometimes I would check two movies and double my weekend income, WOW!
2006-05-08 01:49:06 UTC
yes, I'm a shop-a-colic spend much cash. my boyfriend wants to kill me!!!!!!!!!! ha. so i shop in secret, wait for a couple of days then tell him i bought it last month or my mom gave it to works, i get a rush.a kick out of it its way better then any drugs its ex trimly out of this world............
2006-05-07 20:06:10 UTC
yes and it was fun but it was weird though going through stores and then answering a bunch of questions
Lulu (:
2006-05-05 17:28:49 UTC
I think it would be so cool ... but I don't have the time. Obviously a lot of stores would be a snore, but it sounds cool to me.
2006-05-07 09:51:59 UTC
I shopped for a surprise b-day party!
2006-05-07 09:19:44 UTC
no it seams like fun but i think it can get u if u send to a Friend something might go wrong
2006-05-07 23:37:00 UTC
i think i was fr a smll period as if i m getting u right it was a experience that i m not able to describe bt it was tooo good to be explained here.
Amina .
2006-05-06 12:46:02 UTC
My brother was one...he liked it. But he had to quit because he's a student, and it was too time consuming.
2006-05-06 08:19:53 UTC
Me and some of my friends heard about it but never dicidet to do it. Although one of my co-workers tried it. She said that they asked her for some money($100.00) and they never called her back.Go figure!
2006-05-05 13:44:58 UTC
I used to be one for Johnson and Johnson products. And It sucked.
2006-05-05 17:13:00 UTC
I was, and I loved it. It makes you feel important to an extent, and you notice things you normally would not.
2006-05-06 17:22:53 UTC
Nope but it sounds like fun.
2006-05-08 00:32:46 UTC
no, but from what i'm reading, don't sign up with a money up front company, and let me tell you, i've tryed to get into it, and it's really hard to find one you DON'T have to pay upfront for.
2006-05-06 01:12:27 UTC
Nope ^_^ but it sounds like an awesome job! lol xD
2006-05-05 18:28:37 UTC
I heard it's so cool ,they had a chance to rate the store.
2006-05-08 06:52:50 UTC
I liked it but was about to BUST sometimes when I was treated rudely. I wanted to tell them who I was.
2006-05-07 12:10:00 UTC
I have done it a few times... I liked it.

You can't 'get rich' doing it, but it is a nice 'fun' job.
niki no
2006-05-06 13:47:51 UTC
yes i have . it was neat and relaxing. nice to keep a everyone loves to treat themselves, once in a go right ahead.
2006-05-05 18:58:02 UTC
yes..and they don't pay enough. most you just your own money and they reimburse you..with a 10 or maybe 15 payee fee.
2006-05-05 17:33:52 UTC
SSSHHHHH it's a secret and I'll never tell it to is a secret.
2006-05-05 13:03:21 UTC
NO but it sounds cool and I'd like to someday
2006-05-07 14:56:40 UTC
yes I love to do it and I have get 5000 dollars for it
Latin Princess
2006-05-06 22:35:37 UTC
i hate mistery shoppers.... makes my life a living hell.. blah!
2006-05-06 11:45:23 UTC
Well crap, now that you have told everyone about us the whole damn thing is ruined. i can't believe you did this to us I was making over a half a million a year. Thanks alot!!!
Aitannaa ツ
2006-05-06 07:30:48 UTC
no i tend 2 spend 2 much!
2006-05-05 20:58:00 UTC
My mother.. she just took pictures of tha place to show tha people if it was trashed or not..basicly
2006-05-09 17:52:25 UTC
Nein, mein mutter will zu
2006-05-07 13:46:06 UTC
I have....I did not like it. I was usually too busy to do the assignment and I didn't enjoy it.
2006-05-06 17:13:07 UTC
NO! but when i bcum a fashion designer i will hire u in my shop if u want!?
2006-05-05 18:58:18 UTC
Yeah I did it and yes I liked it, I liked it a lot.
2006-05-05 12:18:32 UTC
no, but I was thinking of it, if you find out let me know! I have heard from other people that it was really cool.
Ernestine w
2006-05-05 19:00:12 UTC
no but,I will like to be one they say that the money is good. I'm thinking about doing it.
2006-05-07 03:00:43 UTC
no but i am a secret agent it is fun donot ask my name
2006-05-09 16:43:52 UTC
yes I always went shopping Iwas obess if it
2006-05-07 16:35:23 UTC
whats a secert about shopping everybody shops but i never did it so i wouldnt know
2006-05-06 23:08:01 UTC
yes. i would like it. I want to buy some products like condoms etc.
2006-05-06 11:14:14 UTC
my friend did- she said it was reallt fun and that she got to keep all the clothes she bought!!

with $1000 bucks...
2006-05-06 02:30:23 UTC
Want to know the same dear,,,, plz let me know if u get that answer.

2006-05-05 19:26:20 UTC
Its a lot of work for little money.
2006-05-05 12:44:33 UTC
no but i was a secret shop lifter
mioshi m
2006-05-08 18:35:21 UTC
sarah s
2006-05-07 08:35:21 UTC
2006-05-06 11:36:32 UTC
Not sure if this link will work or not, but you can try it, it lists quite a few companies.

Yeap it seems to work, have fun!
2006-05-05 17:15:08 UTC
♥My 2 Cents♥
2006-05-05 14:49:17 UTC
yes, but we dont have lots of money and after i get done, we are in the whole, i have grounded myself from all stores that are tempting to me.......
Krazy Blu
2006-05-07 20:17:48 UTC
No, but it looks like it would be fun to try.
2006-05-07 12:18:20 UTC
All you get are free samples of things.
2006-05-06 21:09:35 UTC
Hey I heard about that, it does sound fun!
~*~ Flutterby ~*~
2006-05-05 19:35:06 UTC
no, but i've always wanted to do that. hello getting paid to shop! that's my kind of job right there.
2006-05-05 13:52:26 UTC
why in the heck did they put u on the featured questiions? who cares!
2006-05-06 15:55:46 UTC
It sounds like fun!
2006-05-07 10:16:22 UTC
I have thought about it but never followed it up.
diiA b.
2006-05-07 08:58:47 UTC
sunshine can u tell me whut dat iz: hit up at ~much luv~
2006-05-07 03:32:54 UTC
nope,looks like a scam to me,remember,if something is too good to be probably is.
2006-05-07 02:55:43 UTC
are u kidding me!!!

i loved it

i do it all the time

and ppl just stare without a care!!###
2006-05-07 01:36:47 UTC
yes iam
Flower of The Sandy Place
2006-05-06 06:29:32 UTC
I am one and to tell you the is sooooo much fun
2006-05-05 20:51:04 UTC
yes it was pretty neat you get lots of new things for free
2006-05-08 10:40:50 UTC
Hey, I still remember those days when I use to shop for shaving blades when I was without facial the blades to shave off my............airs...............heeeeeeee
2006-05-08 05:29:03 UTC

though no big deal doing it.
2006-05-09 02:29:08 UTC
I didn't know there was such a thing!
Avraham R
2006-05-08 04:08:18 UTC
yes, i like it

reason it`s cheap because he/she is the sole decision maker
2006-05-07 15:11:33 UTC
Nope, but would wanna know too.
2006-05-06 07:46:31 UTC
I enjoyed it very much, who can argue with a free meal. ;)
l♠dy de♠th
2006-05-05 14:30:06 UTC
Yes and believe me it's not worth what they give you...
2006-05-07 01:13:45 UTC
i've done it once. i was told to "annoy" the clerk so i did. the next i knew, she got fired & i felt so guilty... = (
2006-05-06 14:13:01 UTC
yes it was a lot of fun
2006-05-05 15:38:50 UTC
Yes & it was fun at first, then it got boring! I'd consider it one of my "THANKLESS JOBS"!
2006-05-05 12:52:15 UTC
no, but that seems like a cool job to have!
2006-05-09 16:38:31 UTC
yes once when i went by my self
2006-05-08 09:23:17 UTC
i would consider becoming one only if i knew for sure that it would pay well and fairly!
daniel c
2006-05-08 09:22:02 UTC
yes i did and i did like it
2006-05-08 02:45:34 UTC
sounds interesting
2006-05-07 22:59:27 UTC
I have not, but i would love to give it a try.
2006-05-07 09:03:01 UTC
sure it would be fun to just shop & try new things
Dragos B
2006-05-07 03:53:02 UTC
Yes. Why not.
2006-05-06 11:43:11 UTC
No but i have been visited by loads
2006-05-06 11:42:36 UTC
sounds real cool but sadly no
2006-05-06 08:13:26 UTC
I thought about. It seems like it would be fun. :o)
2006-05-08 06:42:32 UTC
Yes. I enjoyed it.
2006-05-07 13:08:40 UTC
Yes, I am and yes, I do like it.
2006-05-07 10:42:38 UTC
i wood like to know too
2006-05-06 14:47:02 UTC
Sure , its okay if there are shops in your area.
2006-05-06 13:22:44 UTC
No But damn!!!! 151 answers wow!!
2006-05-06 08:25:51 UTC
its the best thing around spending for yourself and being paid for it NOTHING BETTER
2006-05-06 04:44:38 UTC
i did it and its a scam to take your money, then they send you on jobs that cost you money not make you any money lol
Weary C
2006-05-05 21:55:24 UTC
I was thinking of it too...I've seen a site that offers it for free but it only caters to US, Canada and UK. So if you find a site that caters to Asia, please email me. Thanks!
2006-05-05 21:53:22 UTC
no but would surely like to be one it sounda great
2006-05-08 13:26:10 UTC
i like it
2006-05-06 10:28:01 UTC
No, but I would like it.
2006-05-07 08:19:01 UTC
yes, it was really really cool going out secretly.
2006-05-06 12:52:03 UTC
yea totally
2006-05-05 15:21:05 UTC
no, i've never been because i thought the claims were bogus
2006-05-06 06:23:12 UTC
I'd like to know too!
2006-05-05 20:48:35 UTC
i loved it! you get to suprise some one with the gift of their dreams!!!
2006-05-05 16:59:14 UTC
My friend tried and was scammed, lost her money!! Don't do it!
2006-05-05 14:30:44 UTC
yes I am
2006-05-05 14:13:18 UTC
No. But, I bet it would really be fun.
2006-05-08 09:52:46 UTC
no, but i wanted to. if you find out how to be one could you tell me.
pam w
2006-05-08 09:09:29 UTC
well no i had to hide it so my friend could not find out
2006-05-08 09:07:52 UTC's cool. it's a chance to give your opinion
2006-05-06 21:47:49 UTC
i shop secretly so my parents dont bug me about what to buy> and of course i loved it!!!!!!!!
raj m
2006-05-05 23:09:01 UTC
yes i m, and have done it lots of time
2006-05-05 18:54:09 UTC
will someone im me at cooll555 and this is aim
2006-05-05 18:14:48 UTC
if i told you it wouldnt be a secret would it?
2006-05-05 15:54:46 UTC
no but i would like to
2006-05-06 07:36:07 UTC
me, myself and I
2006-05-08 10:39:20 UTC
yes it is very fun
2006-05-06 08:53:06 UTC
I wish! That would be fun!
2006-05-05 20:15:56 UTC
No never have
viren k
2006-05-08 01:20:16 UTC
2006-05-07 16:07:51 UTC
Have and they don't pay,like they say.
2006-05-07 15:56:10 UTC
You mean for like,celebs.?I think it would be fun!!!
2006-05-06 19:34:15 UTC
is it the same as kleptomaniac. If so, I have done it.
2006-05-06 18:52:37 UTC
yes i was pretty good at it too
2006-05-08 08:03:29 UTC
sectert shoper as in stealing???
2006-05-08 07:07:22 UTC
No, I do not like it.
2006-05-06 16:12:15 UTC
yes trie it its sorta fun ha ha ha ha ha
2006-05-06 18:42:12 UTC

i like it
2006-05-06 09:36:18 UTC
whats that
2006-05-08 12:49:31 UTC
no never but want to be
2006-05-07 14:48:45 UTC
yeah it was fun and free!
2006-05-07 13:15:24 UTC
yeah and ya
2006-05-05 15:15:43 UTC
i hate snithces
2006-05-07 20:43:40 UTC
no but it seems fun and intresting.
2006-05-07 17:28:11 UTC
Nope. If i didn't, how would i know if i if i liked it?!
2006-05-07 17:22:32 UTC
yes and it is cool
2006-05-07 15:46:10 UTC
No, I'm not a theif!
2006-05-07 13:36:32 UTC
yes and it was cool
mel mel
2006-05-07 11:43:15 UTC
no that sounds cool
Shruti c
2006-05-07 21:18:38 UTC
nope. never! but i would love to
2006-05-07 17:04:56 UTC
I haven't, but I'd like to know how too. Thanks for asking this question!
2006-05-08 01:30:51 UTC
2006-05-07 22:11:05 UTC
2006-05-07 06:49:17 UTC
Been there, done that. Don't go there, do that.
2006-05-06 19:55:02 UTC
2006-05-06 18:08:35 UTC
sometime yes and sometime no
2006-05-06 14:05:04 UTC
oh teah
2006-05-08 05:21:12 UTC
no i have'nt but my mother inlaw has and she enjoys it.
2006-05-07 18:41:36 UTC
nothing to lose
2006-05-07 03:50:05 UTC
i don't like it ahak2
2006-05-06 20:07:29 UTC
yeah, that's how i met my husband.
2006-05-06 08:15:17 UTC
2006-05-08 09:04:51 UTC
no i have never experienced
2006-05-07 16:03:49 UTC
2006-05-07 09:50:39 UTC
Yes, it was fun :-)
The REBELution!
2006-05-06 12:41:19 UTC
i dont get it
2006-05-06 12:03:10 UTC
what do ya mean
2006-05-06 07:22:04 UTC
no...but looked into it. don't use any that asks for money.
2006-05-05 13:09:52 UTC
What is that?
2006-05-08 09:07:19 UTC
I don't know, actually. No, I don't.
2006-05-05 17:19:01 UTC
whats that?
desai a
2006-05-07 07:33:37 UTC
yes. you must try.
Humble Bee
2006-05-06 15:13:27 UTC
no, Nitai
2006-05-07 19:41:14 UTC
2006-05-07 02:18:09 UTC
i'd like to know!!
2006-05-06 15:13:11 UTC
2006-05-05 17:49:44 UTC
it was fun
2006-05-05 14:43:06 UTC
i'v got no idea, so if you find out email me and let me now thanks
2006-05-08 06:16:50 UTC
no i have no such experience.
2006-05-08 04:17:48 UTC
2006-05-08 01:59:50 UTC
noo...but i would love to be one!!
2006-05-07 08:48:37 UTC
No, not me, really.
2006-05-06 13:32:05 UTC
no but i always wanted to...
2006-05-05 17:06:32 UTC
no not yet
2006-05-08 08:26:44 UTC
not sure
2006-05-07 12:07:34 UTC
2006-05-07 11:38:09 UTC
no i havent been
2006-05-07 10:21:43 UTC
2006-05-05 20:47:07 UTC
2006-05-08 07:15:15 UTC
2006-05-07 20:23:55 UTC
2006-05-07 20:18:15 UTC
2006-05-07 08:16:07 UTC
2006-05-06 15:07:19 UTC
2006-05-06 13:27:13 UTC
2006-05-05 20:03:01 UTC
it was ok
chef spicey
2006-05-05 19:51:58 UTC
single mom@38
2006-05-05 18:36:32 UTC
l a
2006-05-05 15:11:58 UTC
2006-05-05 13:26:04 UTC
no but I have thought of it!!!
2006-05-09 16:31:58 UTC
2006-05-09 02:43:19 UTC
Ijir A
2006-05-08 10:40:45 UTC
2006-05-08 03:00:49 UTC
2006-05-08 07:14:22 UTC
what is that?
2006-05-08 03:32:28 UTC
not me. i wish!!!
2006-05-06 18:45:31 UTC
what is that??
2006-05-08 02:07:04 UTC
no, what is that??
2006-05-06 07:33:38 UTC
2006-05-05 21:33:50 UTC
2006-05-07 08:57:54 UTC
2006-05-05 22:52:32 UTC
No i didn't do it...................!!!!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.