What do i do? I can't give two weeks notice?
2008-09-26 09:47:30 UTC
Ok i work at ABC company and they are selling to a different company in another city and can't promise me how much longer i will have my job, i currently make $10 an hour. So i interviewed at new places. XYZ company called me yesterday and said that they want me to start monday. They said they want to discuss the salary with me in person on monday but guarantee that i will make at least $10 an hour if not more to start. I told them in the interview i'd like to give two weeks notice but if it affected wether or not i got the job i'd forego it because i am really interested in the job. they want me to start monday now. i work by myself (nobody else is in the business at all) on saturday and i won't see my boss at all today. well the new company said i get 2 weeks probation they do it with all their new hires and that they give me two weeks and if i do well those two weeks they will keep me on long-term, they just want to make sure that my personality meshes well and that i can do what i said i can do. Arizona is a right to work state which means they have the right to terminate any employee at any time without notice, and employees have the right to terminate employment at any time without notice. So this whole two-weeks thing is just an official heads up, they have the right to do that any time they want. I can't take two weeks off the current job and i really want the new one. What do i do? Should i call my boss tomorrow when i go into work (i can't see him today i get my wisdom teeth pulled in an hour and he is out of town all morning out of cell service range) and tell him then. Or should i ask for monday off from the current job go work the new job and make sure that i like it and all, and then come back after i get off work at the new job (it closes at 330 the old one closes at 430) and talk to him then. It feels sneaky to get the day off (especially cus i'll have to be sneaky, and possibly even lie to get the day off on monday) to go see the new job and then show up and give him an hours notice that i am leaving. But my brother says i should do that to make sure i really do get 10 plus as i was promised. cus they told me over the phone she guaranteed i'd get 10 plus to start. so my question is do i call him saturday or show up monday afternoon and tell him then.

Background info: sorry but bear with me, i asked to transfer across the hall 6 months ago on wednesday and they still haven't given me an answer. plus now they can't guarantee that i will have a job! i know i need to take the new one but when do i tell the owners? and my boss? and if it affects the answer my bosses last day is friday the 3rd!
35 answers:
2008-09-26 09:57:09 UTC
Sweetie, take the job. Give them as much notice as you can. One day, whatever the case may be. You aren't even guaranteed you'll still have a job? Take the one willing to pay more.

Go tell them due to unforseen circumstance you will no longer be able to continue your employment with them effective monday.
2008-09-26 10:07:25 UTC
I agree that a two week notice is a courtesy and not a requirement. As far as the reference goes companies are now so limited by labor laws that management can basically only verify your employment when they are asked. It doesn't sound like your request have been treated with much respect at your current job, so you should let them know this and about the possible increase in pay with the new job. To really show some class and dedication, do this either this afternoon or tomorrow when you call your boss and ask for Monday off. Never good to completely burn your bridges and it's a bit shady that the new folks won't tell you what you are making until you begin there, that's just highly unusual. If your boss balks at giving you Monday off after you give him your list of reasons regarding why you need it, then screw em and go for your new job. But, even in the business community, being honest and upfront will get you far while being devious will someday catch up to you. It's all about karma, man. Good Luck.
2008-09-26 10:02:47 UTC
My best advice would be to speak with someone at the new company and get a clearer idea of what they're offering and how solid their offer is. Even though you don't know how long your current job will last, I wouldn't be so quick to give it up and run to this new place, where things seem a bit unclear. I know your brother suggests going in for a day, but I have to say, that won't do much for you as you really won't get a good idea of what the place is like or the people in that amount of time. Lastly, it seems weird that they expect you to start Monday and are not flexible enough to give you a week or two to work things out. If you were to do that, then they in turn should give you some sort of guarantee as to what you will be paid and that it will be permanent. Otherwise, what are you getting out of this? I'd recommend taking the afternoon off next week and going in for a face to face meeting with the new company to meet people, look around, and see if they are what you want, instead of letting them decide if you are what they want.
2008-09-26 10:00:35 UTC
Let me tell you something I've learned in job searches: nothing is guaranteed unless it's in writing. Things can change and they can suddenly tell you the job is no longer available because of a budget crisis or hiring freeze order or whatever.

So...until you've got a written offer, you have to assume that you do not yet have the new job.

If you have the vacation or sick time to take the day off, then do it. You don't owe your employer a reason WHY you're taking the day. Just say you have some personal business that you can't take care of outside of normal work hours. Go down to the new place and insist that they spell out the terms IN WRITING and that both you and them sign it.

Once you get that written offer, THEN you can talk to your boss and give him appropriate notice, whether it's an hour or a day. If your boss' last day is in a couple of weeks anyway, it really won't matter that much.
2008-09-26 09:59:18 UTC
Ok, lol. I would probably do the "take Monday off and see how the new job is" thing. Your boss is leaving soon anyways, your current job is up in the air soon, and in the end, you need some secure income. So try it out Monday, see how the day goes, and then tell your boss that afternoon. I'm sure your boss will understand the situation, you do need to make a living, and if he/she doesn't?? Too bad! Good luck, I hope you like the new job....
2016-04-06 10:06:26 UTC
Two weeks notice is the polite thing to do, but sometimes it just isn't possible. Once you have the job, go ahead and give notice, but if things are as bad as you say, they will probably tell you to leave. Most companies don't want someone around who isn't leaving on good terms. If they don't ask you to leave, start calling in sick. If you are in a work at will state, notice is a courtesy, not mandatory, so you could just leave. Regarding the FMLA, keep in mind that you have most likely gotten the opinion of a clerk in the office based on what you told them. They would not be able to make a correct determination until they have heard both sides in a hearing. Not having enough work for you is grounds for unemployment if your hours are reduced or you are terminated or laid off.
2008-09-26 10:08:32 UTC
Be up front and honest with your boss. Call him as soon as you can and explain that because you don't even know if you have a job going forward you've been forced to look for alternatives and one of those would like you to go in Monday, and if it seems like a good fit you would like to take that job. However, if it's not a good fit you'd continue to be willing to work there. Tell him that you don't like having to leave them in a spot without someone, but that this new opportunity will not allow more notice.

Be willing to discuss with him, and as others have said maybe they can come back with more info about the future in ABC company which will influence your decision. And never burn your bridges behind you, leave on as good a note as you can. You never know when you might need a recommendation from them.
Santi - It means James
2008-09-26 10:00:13 UTC
Something I have learned. Sometime you have to do whats best for you. Weigh out all the goods and bads of both sides and it already sounds like you have a good answer. If the company you currently work for is moving out of town and you leave the bridge you are burning isn't going to effect you unless you move to that town. Also when or if you leave that ABC company write a letter stating that you did not feel secure in your job know that they could move without notice at anytime which forced you to find employment else where and you are sad to leave but feel the urgency of the hour and you need security in a job.
2008-09-26 09:57:56 UTC
Any company would do what is in their best interest by keeping you or letting you go with little or no notice, you need to do what is best for you. While I don't think you should do the sneaky thing and wait until Monday, you can call your boss at your next available opportunity and let him know what is going on, he may be willing to up your salary to keep you, or even give you Monday off in the hopes that you won't like the new job and you'll come back.

Just be honest, and it'll work out.
2008-09-26 10:00:17 UTC
I think that I would be leary of a company that wont let you give two weeks notice to your current employer.

I also wouldn't give up my current job, until you the people at the new job have agreed to a salary....that's retarded.."quit your old job with no notice so you can't go back...and once we have you in a corner...we'll discuss how much we want to pay you."

The professional thing to do, is to say that out of respect for your current employer, you have to give AT LEAST one week's notice and that perhaps that will give the new employer time to come to an agreement and salary offer BEFORE you agree to work for them. You can also say, that "IF I worked for your company, I'm sure you'd want me to show you the same courtesy, and give you some notice if I intended to leave."

Anyone, that wants you to walk out on your current job with no notice, AND has not committed to you on paper what your salary offer is...isn't someone I'd be in a real big hurry to work for.

Good Luck.


I can't believe the sheer number of people here that are telling you to walk out with no notice...Apparently common courtesy and respect are dead in today's's really sad.

Show some class.

Pay your current employer the respect of giving them notice.

He may not be able to ensure your future job...but he's given you the job you have had however long you've been there...and he's had the decency to be honest with you about your future with the company.

#1 Establish a solid offer with the new bullllshit "We'll discuss it later" need an offer paper BEFORE you agree to take the job.

#2 Give your current boss the common courtesy and decency of at least one week's notice.

#3 Start your new job after the swelling goes down from your wisdom teeth.
2008-09-26 10:05:06 UTC
it is common courtesy to give 2 weeks notice, but you can let your boss know, due to financial constraints and uncertainty in the market, i need to seize this new job lead I received. Stability and growth is what I need right now, but let them know, since you are probably the only qualified person to train someone to take over, ask him if he needs you to stay a few extra days, have you just work a few hours enough to train the new hire. so for a short time, you are holding 2 jobs.

Good Luck!

FYI, since you won't be able to give an official 2 wks notice, it may not look too good on you, but as long as you explain your situation, what can ppl say.

Make sure XYZ knows what you plan too, this shows you care about the company you worked for, and will transcend to XYZ. Either way it's good that your new employer knows so they can compromise on your schedule.
2008-09-26 10:01:36 UTC
I would let the boss know as soon as possible so if he is in tomorrow then let him know. He will understand especially since you aren't even guaranteed a job for long term. Now if the new job says they are going to pay you 10 or more then give them the benefit of the doubt. If they don't then stay with them until you find another job. I get the feeling you will get the pay you requested. Try not to worry.
2008-09-26 09:59:08 UTC
Whew! I would be very honest with your current employer- let them know what you have been offered (minus the salary) and see what they say. If they make the effort for you to stay, its probably in your best interest to do so. My employer was recently purchased by someone else and the legally have to say "no guarentees". The thing in your situation is you probably dont make enough money for them to let you go. Usually in these situations they weed out the upper management or HIGHER paid employees!!! Good Luck.

P.S. It doesnt seem promising to work for a company who doesnt respect your ethical obligations. No guarentee or not- they deserve notice and the new employee should understand!!!
2008-09-26 10:03:53 UTC
I think your brother has the right answer, that's the smart thing to do.

Chances are the company you are currently working for wouldn't give YOU a 2-week notice that they are going lay you off or fire you so I wouldn't worry about giving them one..

Plus you don't have much choice if you're going to take this new job right away.

Inform your boss after you secured the new job.

Good Luck
2008-09-26 10:02:45 UTC
I would take off Monday. Do not lie and say you're sick, just tell them you can't make it in to work. Then if you do like it and they offer you the money you want; go in Monday afternoon and tell them. If you dont like the job, then go back to your old one. Most people don't give 2 weeks notice anymore, but usually you aren't entitled for a pay-out of your accumilated vacation/sick pay unless you give the 2 weeks notice; so that would all you would probably be sacrificing. You can look at your employee guidelines/handbook to make sure.
2008-09-26 10:02:34 UTC
Take Monday off. See what the other company has to offer and go from there. There is no law that you have to give a 2 week notice, it's just common courtesy. If the new company wants you to start right away then go for it.
2008-09-26 10:00:04 UTC
If you have a human resources department tell them you have to take an unpaid leave of absence for personal reasons (give yourself a few weeks). People in my place of employment have taken off a few weeks for personal time to take care of sick kids, parents, etc. If the new job works out great, if not at least you can go back without any repercussions.
Tracy H
2008-09-26 09:57:57 UTC
Take the new job. You are going to be losing your job, you have no loyalty to this company you are currently working for. The reason you haven't gotten transferred is probably because of the sale of the company. You could call in sick on Monday and then decide, but ultimately you are still going to be looking for a job in the near future.
Super Mom!
2008-09-26 10:03:25 UTC
Def. take the higher paying job. With the economy the way it is, you are lucky to get offered a job that pays more. Tell your current boss you have a better job offer, it may work in your advantage, your boss may offer you more to stay with the company. Just don't lie to your boss about it, that will come back to haunt you some day.
Alanna G
2008-09-26 09:58:09 UTC
GO... if your current job can't promise you job security, and you're really interested in the other job, AND they told you you'd definitely be making at least what you're making now... GO and don't look back.

BUT make sure that you're not forgetting about things other than salary (benefits, etc) when your considering your compensation.

I would definitely take the day of monday... and if you have anymore time off, you can just use those as your notice...
pete j
2008-09-26 10:10:02 UTC
Tough call, do what's in your best interest.

New jobs that want you to start right away for a tryout, are only worried about their own interests and might be quick to replace you.

New owners of businesses often don't keep old employees for long.
2008-09-26 09:55:49 UTC
If you have a better job offer, you have a better job offer. The lack of notice will only come into play if the next job doesn't work out and future employers call for refs from that employer. When it comes to "testing" the job by trying it for one day - that's unethical and unfair to your new employer. Do yourself a favor, don't make excuses. Write the letter today, send it to you employer saying, "Thanks for the experience but I must move on to a more sure footing" and leave.
2008-09-26 09:57:42 UTC
Give them as much notice as they would give you if they where letting you go . If you are fired from a job, you don't get any notice. You are fireing the company you work for so do it and get on with your life. You still have to pay your bills and the company you are with wont pay them for you if they let you go.

2008-09-26 10:24:21 UTC
well: according to "Other -Careers & Employment you can give

an 2week notice if changing jobs or quiting but knowing about

that would be very important things just basically towards Answers

Careers & Employment says yourself must talk with the Supervisory

and they will forward an memo to your CEO Administrative only it should be approved as Memorandum of Better Understanding "
Jenna A
2008-09-26 09:57:41 UTC
I would be a bit leery of any company that wants you to start without establishing a salary, first. The rate at which they will pay you is part of their offer of employment, and if they want you to accept employment without complete details of the offer, it's sort of like someone having you sign a contract that's missing half its pages.
Travis D
2008-09-26 09:58:24 UTC
To much to read. However I will say that you have to look out for yourself. If you can't give a 2 weeks notice then that's to bad. Don't apologize just do it. Take the new job.
2008-09-26 09:58:27 UTC
If you're going to be loosing the job anyways, then just quit. If you don't like the other job you have 2 weeks to find a new one.
Brian K²
2008-09-26 09:55:45 UTC
Two weeks is a courtesy, not a law. You or your employer can terminate your employment with or without notice. However, if you leave without notice generally you have burned a bridge you may want/need later.

In the end the decision is yours and only you can make it.
2008-09-26 09:58:48 UTC
Do what is right for you. These big companies do not care about you. You need to look out for you. Is a 2 week notice nice? Yes, but only if you are able to work that out.

2008-09-27 15:04:26 UTC
Two weeks is less and less necessary. Quit and go to the other job. If they can't under stand then that's their problem not yours.
Black Curtains
2008-09-26 09:55:40 UTC
Screw the two weeks, they don't give you two weeks if they fire you right? Take the other job if your current one isn't as stable...2 weeks probation is nothing, just act cool and do your job.
2008-09-26 09:59:45 UTC
you dont need 2 weeks just say u quit. AND WALK OUTTA THERE
2008-09-26 09:55:23 UTC
You don't have to give 2 weeks I think you'll be ok
2008-09-26 09:58:40 UTC
go for it just say you are leaving
2008-09-26 09:56:12 UTC

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