2008-10-01 23:17:07 UTC
Since then, I have applied at numerous jobs but only get 100% commission sales jobs, which I always get fired from or quit on bad terms because the stress of living on my own and trying to work on commission and selling to people in Michigan's economy is tough! I just don't think it's the right fit for me...
I was really depressed but found a job doing online sales for an adult website! I did really well at first, but now the company is going under and I can't find anything similar! I am embarrassed to put it on my resume, so now I have this weird employment gap....I tried to get over my embarrassment and even listed it but so far no one responded, or when they did I swear they were just laughing at me and not serious about hiring me.
Not to mention I feel like at every job I have I work hard, but people still dislike me! :( I have been fired many times, or pushed out of my job until I quit. I think I may have some kind of personality disorder , or need counseling (so please be nice when you respond!! I'm doing my best!) but I can't afford to get help without a job! But every job I've been at either doesn't pay enough for me to get counseling or I get fired before benefits kick in....
I know a lot of people who seem a lot less nice than me, bad personalities, etc...but they still manage to keep a job....I must be really awful then?!
So, I have this huge employment gap, and bad references....I have no idea even what my job skills are in or where to even apply...
I feel like I work hard, I try to be a good/nice/decent person...but I get nowhere....sometimes I just want to give up....I don't know what to do anymore!!! I have no one to help me financially, and if I can't figure out something soon I'm going to be homeless....I've even considered that jail would be better than the way I'm living...