What are your thoughts on the importance of money and work-life balance when looking for a new job?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
What are your thoughts on the importance of money and work-life balance when looking for a new job?
168 answers:
2007-07-17 16:44:21 UTC
You can earn all the money in the world but if you're not passionate about your job, you won't get far
patrick o
2007-07-17 06:51:52 UTC
Here in Britain the 48 hour week is now starting to bite and causing major problems for a society whose living wage was based on overtime;when you get into the habit fo doing things the wrong way for a long time it is hard to change.Unresticted working has led to drug addiction,alcoholism and all sorts of social problems but one gets so addicted to doing htings the wrong way that you forget that htere is a right way.

On the other hand Britain is the fifth most successful economy in the world and you can see from the number of cars on the road since the accession countries were let in that an unrestricted economy does work in terms of obvious wealth and of course some people thrive on working very long hours.

I am tempted to say that it is a stupidity thing and that low intelligence locks you into a cycle where you need alcohol to go to work so that you can buy alcohol to enable to go to work and so on.But the economy is a massively complicated exchange of goods and services between people who are not necessarily enlightened and benign or even well intentioned and since the basic tenet of our society is that the economy works on self interest unregulated economy could well lead to work dominating your life as the result of an unregulated economy blindly crowding you into some free for all backwater of the system.Many people love this idea as it thrives on hte work ethic principle of hardship which still lurks in people's minds.

So where does that leave you?- well,nowhere at all really.I would only comment that it is difficult ot believe the level of stupidity,self interest and downright evil that exists in people and unfortunately they are part of the economy as well;anyone who was deluded enough to try to run a business on benign principles would be in for a sharp shor t rough shock

Rough answer this and I do tend to err on the side of pessimism.
2007-07-17 01:25:49 UTC
I live in northern suburbs of the Illawarra and work in the construction industry, I know I could get a job paying a much better rate in Sydney but I don't want to live in any part of Sydney I can afford and I don't want to spend 3hrs + on the F6 everyday.

Sure I'm never gonna get a house deposit saved or buy a brand new car but I CAN go for a surf or read a book in the sun on my day bed in the afternoon.

'Work to live' not 'live to work' I say.
2007-07-16 16:41:46 UTC
its very important to feel compensated for a job well done; however, its ridiculous to work and work and work and work and never have time to spend your hard earned money.

you should definetely have a life, if not how can you have anything to offer anyone or anything... job included.
2007-07-18 12:35:26 UTC
The answer to this question depends on what you value most in life. I am an elementary school teacher and I love it. I am passionate about what I do. I get such a great feeling from teaching kids and helping them to be the best they can be. Since teachers don't earn a lot of money I am sure you have figured out what I value more in life. I also have a law degree, and could be making a lot more money, but its my choice to do what I am passionate about - teaching. I could have more 'things' if I earned more money. I could drive a faster car, spend vacations at luxury hotels, wear designer label clothes and eat at the most expensive restaurants. These 'things' certainly aren't going to make me happy though. So, I do what I love and I make sure I don't live beyond my budget. At the end of the day, what's most important to me isn't what I get, but what I can give.
2007-07-17 15:37:00 UTC
Do what makes you happy! A lot of people do jobs that they hate, it affects there health and well being. To me money is important but family is more important, I have sacrificed it to be home with my children so they know who I am.
2007-07-16 22:37:35 UTC
It is extremely important for both. You do not want to go backwards money wise. And as for the work-life balance I think that we are all searching for that. Flexibility on both the employer and employee's bahalf's are important. If we are required to work more hours than what we are paid, then we need to be compensated fairly.

We should be working to live, not living to work.
2007-07-16 17:51:19 UTC
For me it's crucial. We have four kids & that's a lot going on at home. If dh works 70 hours a week, the kids don't grow up knowing their daddy.
2007-07-16 16:51:03 UTC
I've always tried to go by one rule and then build on it: I work to live, not live to work. Of course money has always been the base of what I do, but has not always given me the results I've wanted.... This seems to strained.... I think you should work at something that is rewarding and insures that you can have a balanced life. If you are aggravated with your career, it stands to reason that you take that home with you. Probably the most substantial thought is to enjoy what you do, strive to go to that place. be comfortable in life, this may be the only one you get.
2007-07-29 01:15:06 UTC
WE all need money but there is truth in the more you have the more you spend. Money is a big motivator in our lives but looking back personally I now realise that knowing your kids and having a life is more important, you would be surprised how little money you can live on when you have to. It's up to you what you're priorities are but think about others (our family) not just yourself when making the decision.
2007-08-17 10:53:04 UTC
While money is always a big consideration when applying for a job, your liking the work and the work environment is more important. There are situations that can arise in a work environment that can make working there so intolerable that no amount of money can compensate.Having just left a position that I liked and the money was good, the insurance package was excellent and all the other fringe benefits were also good... but there was an element which caused so much stress it became a tangible entity everyone has to deal with every minute of every day.... a supervisor that is so incompentent and makes work life so miserable for the employees that they dread getting up in the morning to go to work.The Department is very able at achieving the goals without supervision so that Upper Management thinks the supervisor is good Every idea to come out of the department are the supervisor' s.... this person has no qualms about taking credit with upper management for any idea the employees put forth in any discussion.On the days that this supervisor is away from work, the tension does not exist... it's like a vacation for the entire department.You work better when this person is not there....
2014-10-29 15:51:29 UTC
big consideration when applying for a job, your liking the work and the work environment is more important. There are situations that can arise in a work environment that can make working there so intolerable that no amount of money can compensate.Having just left a position that I liked and the money was good, the insurance package was excellent and all the other fringe benefits were also good... but there was an element which caused so much stress it became a tangible entity everyone has to deal with every minute of every day.... a supervisor that is so incompentent and makes work life so miserable for the employees that they dread getting up in the morning to go to work.The Department is very able at achieving the goals without supervision so that Upper Management thinks the supervisor is good Every idea to come out of the department are the supervisor' s.... this person has no qualms about taking credit with upper management for any idea the employees put forth in any discussion.On the days t
2007-08-12 21:50:52 UTC
As a 20-plus years member of a dual-career couple, and work-family researcher, these are my thoughts on the importance of money and work-life balance when looking for a new job. Both money and work-life balance are value-ladened topics which can compete with each other in a couple's relationship. Being clear about what is most important to you, and what you are willing to sacrifice to get or do to maintain it, is the first step. But keep in mind that re-evaluation of your choices is an ongoing process as your priorities may shift or your circumstances change. If you are in a committed relationship, communication about what is important to you as individuals and as a couple is crucial to successfully negotiating the job market in a way that is not detrimental to the relationship and hopefully will be supportive of the careers of those involved..
2016-12-14 12:42:37 UTC
Importance Of Money In Life
rachel b
2007-08-08 10:22:59 UTC
You have to find an equal balance for yourself. You need to be able to enjoy life and still have enough time and money to do that. Don't accept a job offer when the commute is an hour away. You'll spend too much time in traffic an not enough time with family and friends. As long as you can make enough money to pay bills and save a little, 40 hour work weeks should be a good balance for you.
2007-08-06 18:24:12 UTC
I think in today's economy... it's very, very important (unfortunatelly).

I needed to find something that was closer to home. I couldn't, the only jobs around here didn't pay nearly what I make when I "travel". Therefore, I started traveling (1 hour both ways in non rush-hour) The gas prices were killing us.

I heard about the company having telecommuting opportunities and checked into it. I have been telecommuting for close to 2 years now.

Recently, at the urging of one of the Quality Analysts, I applied for the other Quality Analyst position. I was told by HR that the position isn't a telecommuting one... In order for me to travel every day and go into the office, I'd need to be making at least 10K more than I am now to pay for the professional clothing and the gas. Otherwise, it isn't worth it to me.

As a telecommuter, we are saving HUGE on gas and wear and tear on the vehicle (I'd be traveling about 1 hour each way) not to mention, I get to wear my favorite clothing, instead of professional garb. My hours are 9:30 - 6:00 and this works out perfectly for taking the kids to the doctor and such, with some "me" time left over... especially during the school year, I get to see them off to school.

Okay, so long story short...

In my opinion, it is very important to be able to balance work, life and money ranks up there pretty high. It all depends on what you value most.
Senior Manager
2007-08-05 13:05:09 UTC
It's extremely important. I think that more companies are coming around to realizing that one is at work more than at home and so the more the 2 can be meshed the better it is for both. Working from home is great as long as you have a room set aside to be your office and your children know that when you are in there that you are at work and they need to ask permission to come in, etc. Otherwise you run the risk of that room just being another play area and when you are on a conference call you are constantly having to go on mute and say to please be quiet until Mommy is off the phone. Not good and ends up causing stress everywhere. If you are lucky and have the type of job where your employer understands that a happy employee is a more productive employee and that accommodating family activities/obligations is essential to a happy marriage and well-adjusted children, then you are in great shape!!!

You can always get a new job, but you can never get time back.
2007-07-23 18:46:54 UTC
I'm currently in a public service job in a health field that can pay much better if I worked privately or consulted. I'm 30 years old now and paying off a seemingly massive mortgage with little or no saving of any kind. There are days when I feel like my work is making a difference to other people's lives. There are other times when I think that I could ease the struggle and do a lot better for myself in another field. I get scared of quickly increasing rates and how they affect me, and although I am concerned with I also know how having it eases the pressure in my life.

I have been brought up to believe that personal happiness and self fulfillment should be enough to confirm if you are right in a particular job, though I would refine that by saying there ultimately needs to be a balance between that and financial stability.
2007-07-18 23:07:55 UTC
I have a career, not just a job. It's something I enjoy so much I see myself doing it for the rest of my life. Money doesn't come into it so long as I can still pay the bills. This is not to say I don't negotiate for what I'm entitled to, it's just not even close to a priority.

And work-life balance, at the moment it's not an issue as I'm single but later on I know the company tries (although they aren't terribly good at it) to help balance it out.

So long as I'm happy with the work I'm doing, I don't see either as an issue when looking for a new job - no, sorry career...
2007-08-06 01:16:03 UTC
When your work is something you love, work-life balance takes on a different meaning. The need for that "balance" isn't as crucial.

The goal is to find your career fit and to seek work that energizes you, not sucks the life out of you.

Regarding money..... it's important. We forget to factor in the value of working close to home, or having flexible hours, working with great people or simply having a great boss and doing what you love. It's not always about the salary. But money is most people.
2007-08-03 10:05:40 UTC
Money is important because you have bills to pay. I look at the number of hours versus the money to see how much per hour of my time.

Work-life balance is critical because balanced people are more productive. A person who works 24/7 cannot have a life outside of work obviously. They are generally unhealthy and difficult to deal with. Their vision is so skewed because they live and breathe the same things. I think creativity and adaptability suffer. Change is inevitable.

This is not a great question. I cannot believe that I'm trying to answer it. It's so simple.
2007-07-30 09:05:58 UTC
To succeed it is important to have a balance between work and earnings. To much money; privacy Will normally suffer, even when money is the real reason for having a job. The job should give you pleasant thoughts about your importance in society. - But I do not know if I have understood the question right.
2007-07-29 08:14:00 UTC
You MUST like what you do. You spend nearly a third of your life doing it--not including preparation and travel time. Figure out how much you NEED to earn to meet your expenses (and figure in a little "fun" money here--fun is important, too). That's your minimum. If you like your job, you'll be good at it and if you're good at it, you'll rise above your peers. You don't have to rise very high, usually--the world is full of mediocrity. In not so long a time, you'll have a job you love and an advancing career. Don't forget the importance of working with good people. If you're making loads of money; but your boss or coworkers make you dread getting up in the morning, you'll be utterly miserable., no matter how much money you have!

If you HAVE to work, make it the best it can be--because every other aspect of your life will be colored by how your job is going.
2007-07-22 18:40:53 UTC
The answer is pretty simple actually...

I work to live.

I don't live to work.

The only thing you will achieve outta constantly working is more responsibility and ultimately more stress and possibly ulcers.

You may well find yourself earning a squillion dollars a year but the price you pay in terms of lost time with family and friends to sell your soul for a few lousy $$$ just isn't worth it...after all, it's not as if you can ultimately take the money with you...although you may end up with the most expensive coffin known to man :p

Companies will bleed you dry and suck the life outta you if you let them...ultimately you are a resource to them like any is ever indispensable and everyone is ultimately expendable.

Sure...your boss may love you if you live to work, but sooner or later something will give (usually your health) and you will inadvertently let them down somehow and all your hard work will be worth exactly NOTHING!!!

The best advice anyone can give you is - to live your life, enjoy your family and friends, and do what you need to do to get by.

That doesnt mean you slack off on the job or become unproductive or inefficient...just be wary of the carrots dangled in front of you!

Cheers :)
2007-08-19 08:22:47 UTC
Well if you are living a happy life the balance of money and work (as well new jobs) are easier.

when something is not in balance then there's a problem in all your areas of your life.

Money is necessary but can't be put in the first place or before your health, happyness and life itself. In the moment that you know what you want from your life everything starts getting shape.
2007-07-23 20:05:36 UTC
Well to sum it up i work to live i dont live to work.

I own a home and have a fair amount of bills of course so i have to take care of those. Maybe i just have never had a job i "loved" so i have never had a job i would just stay at all day because i loved being there.

I make sure i look out for #1 (me) when it comes to compairing job offers. Its important to figure in benefits along with pay. After all if i get hurt how do i pay the bills from well getting hurt and if i miss work will my work help me out at all? Unexpected things happen if you plan for the unexpected then you are that much better off WHEN it happens.

My accual hourly wage is far less of a consideration. I have a number that i know I HAVE to earn per month in order to be able to pay my bills. I also know i need to earn more then that to pay for variable expenses per month.

It is very important to have a real life outside of work. People usualyl develope some stress while at work and there are a lot of reasons to be stressed at least a little at work. The military has it right work hard PLAY harder. Its very important to have interests that are totally unrelated to work.

Its also very good if yor company has programs to help people outside of work.

It is best to compair companys in the industry if a company not only offers competativly low pay but also has a poor health care plan that you have to pay a good deal of money for they survive only because people are afraid of change as soon as too many employees wake up to the company they work for they are going to loose people maybe too many people.
Jim W
2007-07-18 22:54:19 UTC
The answer is very age variable. What I mean is that at 25+ or - the emphasis should be on the money side of the equation. Married, same anwer, children, same answer. Now when you get into your late 30's or early 40's, You can begin to shift more toward the work-life side of the scale. By the time you reach your fifties, the work-life factor becomes more important simply because you should(by virtue of all the hard work)be making more than enough money.Worked for me.
2007-08-19 17:44:52 UTC
Always go for the most money with these caveats:

1. If the pay is very good because the job is very dangerous or very unpleasant, maybe that's not such a good idea.

2. If the job involves unethical activities, like selling term life insurance to old people, then stay away from that sort of thing.

3. If you feel that you are unsuited for that line of work, you are probably right.
2007-08-20 18:28:26 UTC
No one will lay on their deathbed and say "I wish I had spent more time at work." With that said, however, so much of our time is spent at work, it only makes sense to try to find a job that is enjoyable.

I don't just look for money, but I also look at the health benefits package. If the providers network is very small, that's a problem. I want the best health care, so if I have a problem, I want to have choice in who I go to for treatment and diagnosis of that problem. That freedom of choice is worth a huge amount of money. That's also true because having high-quality health insurance gives the peace of mind that knowing if you or your loved ones became ill, their medical needs would be attended to. No amount of money can replace the one physical body that you have, so it's important to get the best care for it as you can.

I also think it is highly important to have enough time allotted that if I am sick, the company will not give me static about going to the doctor. Vacation time is important, too. I work hard, so they should reward me for that.
2007-08-22 20:36:30 UTC
In the corporate world only the top officers get the big salaries. Society's mind set needs to change, the industrial revolution is over. A balance of work life and money can not be acheived unless you run your own business. Employers have a right to expect thier employees to report everyday on time to fullfill thier duties. Employees have the right to attend to family emergencies, illnesses, but, if it happens too often they run the risk of losing thier job or loss of pay during thier absence. How can you balance the two? Run your own home based business.
2007-07-29 13:48:45 UTC
(That's a question all of us would like answered.)

Between a work-life balance and the importance of money, those whom are smarter in life would pick work-life balance over money. Our finacial life, as all of us know, is very important. But it is just as important to maintain a job that you believe you can tolerate for many years to come without being stressed, depressed, or exhausted day in and day out. The importance of money is to be considered, but make sure that it's sharply in tune with your personal life. If your life is unbalanced and falling more heavily on your job, then your career's needs will dictate your personal life. If your life falls too heavily on personal matters, then you can't focus on your job as well as you usually can. Either way, if the balance between personal life and work is to be disturbed, then one will dictate the other. To more easily keep the two in tune with each other, try to only manage a life that you can easily afford. Financial problems start with going over your head when buying a house or a car.

Finally, if you want to live out a good life, have your career and personal life in tune with each other. If you find it impossible to balance both at one time, try finding a job in which can give you time to satisfy your personal life's hunger for excitement, and pays enough to support your personal life's hunger for excitement.
2007-07-23 03:28:51 UTC
Thats a hard one as you need a job to enjoy life with your family but then when your at work you are away from your family. Its a catch 22 but you have to make arrangements in order to go to work and have a balance with work and home life and rearrange everything to fit into work which helps at the end of the day because you have money.
aotea s
2007-07-19 20:38:33 UTC
First and foremost Family is important so that comes first.

In this day and age money seems to be the be all and end all.

Wrong: However i understand one has to work to stay alive and to meet the needs of others.

Find a job that suits you and one that your happy in doing.

One should be able to work and enjoy the work at hand without beating yourself up against a brick wall.

However there are major obstacles in some circles of work.

So pick the one that shows more promise to and for your abilities and work ethic.

Meet the deadline that is asked of you, work the hours and be sure the money is worth the work you are doing.

Its most important that you enjoy the work and has a balance to your family life.
2007-07-17 21:20:49 UTC
when i was younger, work-life balance did not occured to me at all. I jumped for a mere $50 increment! Now, when I looked back, I knew I have wasted my time for not choosing my career path carefully. Already in my late 30 married with a kid, and I am too old to change my line. I cannot afford to start all over again because I wont be able to get a job that could give the luxury of work-life balance.
Art G
2007-08-24 19:27:32 UTC
Being someone who has been completely out of balance until a few years ago - I never realized what I was missing until my job had me working out of my home...It is a ball. I see my family a lot more.. I do work more, but during times that do not matter - Early mornings on the weekends ECT. The money is great too.
H. A
2007-08-01 11:55:42 UTC
You of course, want the best job available with the highest pay, but you certainly don't want to let your job run your life. You, like everyone else must have a balance in your life. Money is second to happiness, and no amount of money will make you happier, if the effort to earn it completely dominates your overall life. Family and your well being must come first and money is just a portion of that.
Robert M
2007-07-26 07:48:22 UTC
If you do what you love, it's not a job. If you are not excited about getting out of bed in the mornings to go do what you do, it's a job. I have always told people that if you don't love what you are doing change jobs. You will find that when you are working at something that you love to do the work-life thing will balance out just fine.
2007-07-22 08:13:52 UTC
I believe the job you undertake should give you maximum benefits in terms of salary, satisfaction and growth. Also are priorities is our family so a job which can also give sat/sun off. Money is always important & it value will never diminish by times. so always make it a point that the job you choose provides you work -life balance. Also spending hard -earned money is not enjoyment rather saving money is invest is long earned investment.
2007-07-17 23:35:11 UTC
I always thought the concept of work/life balance was a crock until I had a child. It is so difficult to get the balance right. I am married and just assumed that I would work part time and my husband would continue full time work, however hubbie is just as besotted with our little man as I am and wanted to stay home too. We now split the week and care of our son. Poor white trash we are now but it is worth it for us - childcare options sucked!! Get it sorted before you start a new job as employers need to know you appear organised even if you aren't!!
2007-07-25 17:49:45 UTC
Surely money is a big factor in today's world. Also one needs to balance his work life to coincide with his schedule and of course his financial needs.

A most important issue also is liking what you do. To accept a job you don't really like because it pays real good money is the

worst step to take and would surely interfere with a healthy and happy life balance. ...bettyk
2007-07-22 13:40:09 UTC
balance is the key word-without a high income to support a more balanced lifestyle,there is not much point in taking another job-i think those that say it is more important to have a job you like at the expense of income probably are already well off-for me the money is just as important as the job
2007-08-20 21:32:10 UTC
I was offer a job with more money but I took the one with better benefits (which included 30 days vacation, vs 10 days) and I work with great people.

Its important to get paid, but its more important to have free time to enjoy life. I do a lot outside of work and its great.

So when it comes for looking for a new job, be sure you will be happy in the job and it pays you enought so you can enjoy your off time. After serving 20 years in the military (and it was enjoyable, dont get me wrong, but COMPLETELY demanding), I now enjoy my off time so much more.

So in the end, get paid so that you have the free time to do the things you truly love to do, when you are not at work.

Good luck. I wish you the happiness that I have in my work and life.
2007-08-06 12:45:00 UTC
An alternative would be to find out what it is you love doing and do that.

I'm a photographer and there is nothing else i would rather do. It's taken about 16 years to find success. But now it's come in a big way. Even when I was poor it was still ok. I was doing what I loved and wanted to do.

After 16 years of doing that I'm working harder than ever. But i still love it and wouldn't change anything. So for me it hasn't been a question of striking a balance between work and fun.

Hope that helps.
2007-08-02 14:15:21 UTC
When ever I am looking for a new job, I all ways make sure the job is something I like, and I would have extra cash after the bills are paid. Jobs are important, because you could end up spending the REST of your life at the job your at so it better be good.
2007-08-02 09:24:39 UTC
Money does not equal happiness.

In fact, a more accurate equation would be Money = Comfort

On one hand, if you work 100 hours a week, make 500k a year, that's great. But when will you spend it? Who will you spend it with? Certainly other aspects of your life will be lacking in quality. Aspects such as romance(time spent with your wife/husband), family(time spent with kids is irreplaceable), as well as personal interests and hobbies.

It's important to balance work-life with home-life. The most important thing to continually ask yourself is:

What am I working FOR?

If your work is the only thing that makes you happy, then work more. If it's just a means to earn money, then make sure you are making a lifelong promise to yourself to not get overly caught up in work and to take time out for yourself!
2007-08-02 04:32:11 UTC
Both money and work-life balance are important . At an young age, say twenties and thirties,you can afford to give more importance to money than work-life balance. As you grow older you should give more importance to work-life balance , otherwise your money will not be very useful to you eventually.
2007-07-23 15:55:07 UTC
I think that when you evaluate your life in its entirety, and not compartmentalize each aspect of it, you are headed in the right direction regarding this topic. I will explain.

Finances are a critical part of life, but not the whole story.

I'm going to read into your question that perhaps you intended to use a slash rather than a dash in the phrase work-life. If I have interpreted the question accurately, then what you are asking is how we should balance out our work and our non-work segments of our life in order to gain the most from each or both, etc.

First of all, list the non-financial assets that you hope to have available five years from now.

For example,

1. I want to be trusted by both the people I know personally, and by the people I do business with in the marketplace.

2. I want to have meaningful relationships across the spectrum, whether the relationship is intimate, or brotherly / sisterly, or economic / business, or just in a visual / spacial capacity. This last pair includes the folks at the bank I have my checking account and savings with, the mail man who delivers my mail, and the manager at the gym that I spend time working out. I recognize them in time and space, but I don't have any real relationship with them that meets the same criteria as the other groups.

3. I want to maintain, or in some cases, improve as best I can the relationships I have with my family of origin, and as my own children reach adulthood, to maintain ties that are a blessing to them as they pursue their goals and life endeavors.

4. I want my wife to feel secure in what I can provide for her, because I know that life does not get any easier as you get older. However, what I provide is not just tangible, not by a long shot. In fact many marriages and other relationships have ended because more important things were left lacking, even though the tangibles were very plentiful.

5. I want to look back five years from now and say that I have fewer regrets over the past five years, than I can say is the case right now.

All of these are important elements in life, and your work, and the value that it adds to your sense of health and wellbeing will either guarantee these hopes and goals will be achieved, or, on the flip side of the coin, they may be dashed on the rocks at the shore of life's tempestuous ocean swells.

Your work is a part of your life, not the life itself.

Utilize your time to gain as much as you can from life, and your work related reward will come to you. If you make your work your life, the rewards will not outweigh the burden. In order to do the former, rather than the latter, consider network marketing in a product line that you are strongly committed to, and cannot stop talking about.

Instead of looking for a new job, look for a new life. If you succeed in dopng so, then the job will bring you joy, hope, and relationships that are meaningful. When you have these, your temporal needs will be taken care of, and then some.

Along with these words of encouragement is a simple silent prayer I have offered to the only One who can make it happen for you. And not just for you, but for all who read this reply.
2007-07-19 02:43:32 UTC
money and work-life balance were never important ----in one of my clerical positions as a pay clerk and a form processor I didn't discuss wages but worked out the top wage my knowledge was worth in a government position and this is what I expected and asked for after working for 4 weeks and not paying myself. It was certainly not negotiable as I was well worth it and was able to do the job well. I wanted work that was interesting and have worked as a fork lift driver. a spot welder and a process line employee. I like to do more than is required and have done overtime when younger employees need to attend sports practise. I am on my own now as my family has grown up so am working 7 days a week and enjoying it and occasionally do volunteer work as well so I guess my work is my life.
Steph W
2007-08-15 20:11:00 UTC
When you are looking for a new job you should first, look at what you are interested in. Be happy with what you do for a living. The importance of money is great considering that you need to be able to pay all your bills and generate for your lifestyle. Try to take into consideration on what you do on your free time as well as with your daily habbits are. Do you smoke and/or drink? How often do you like to go out to eat if at all? Do you have a girlfriend? Is she costly? Do you have cable or want it? How much energy do you use in your home? Extra iminities that would make you happy. You have to put that into perspective of all things you might want or need in life. Are you able to sacrifice a few things for a cut in pay as well? Do you have kids, pay child support? I mean there are lots of things to total out. I hope all works out for you and you find the job you want and need for your lifestyle! Happy Job Searching!
2007-08-12 10:55:09 UTC
In my opinion, it's really important to find a balance between work-life and money. More money might have it's benefits, but it can never replace spare time. This is even more important if you have children (or sometimes, a spouse). You cannot replace the time you spend with them with money.
2007-08-11 22:22:29 UTC
Budgeting is of the utmost importance because you want to live comfortably will trying to find a new job. And as far as work-life balancing I'd like to know the answer to that one as well.
2007-08-11 16:41:20 UTC
Just make sure you inform your employer up front. These are the hours I am willing to work, these are the days I will work and this is what I expect to get from this job. When first starting your job it's your chance to let them understand your intentions as far as work and personal time. Alot of people get caught up in bending over backwards to impress there boss and then get stuck with certain expectations that they can not maintain. Start off slow, meet the standard and then slowly exceed there expectations of you. All the while learning how to effectively performing at a high standard while making it easier for you to both juggle your work routine and personal life.
Kristina F
2007-07-27 11:41:34 UTC
My thought is this: It doesn't matter how much money you make if you can't take the time to use it!

Being a parent, my husband and I always make sure that we provide for our children and are there for them when needed. We attend every event they're in.

A new job must be flexible toward parents and even those who aren't parents. Time off to live life is a necessity.

Since so many companies push for more and forget about their employees, we see more anxiety, stress, depression and divorce.

We need to re-evaluate our priorities, set our eyes on them, not on what a company wants only.

Best wishes to all that balance life and work!

I want to propose soon
2007-07-18 04:47:08 UTC
money is important. Unless you have money, you can't live (obviously).

I'm sure most people (or everyone) will prefer high pay with less amount of work. But the society is not that kind. People get paid for what you do to make people fair. More work, more pay.

For me, I'm still single so I will prefer to work as much as I can. After I get married and have children, I will chose "family" first and then "work".

The difficult thing is... as I said in the beginning you need money to feed the family.. mm
2007-08-01 08:10:55 UTC
Your consideration for a balance between money and work-life balance is primarily a function of the phase of life you are in.

Are you straight out of college? Then you do not have to worry about the balance as much as one making a middle age career change. When in this phase, you should only worry about making as much money as you can and invest in short and long term return on investments.

If you are making a career change in you later years in life, then you should really worry about the balance.
teresa g
2007-07-27 17:52:07 UTC
I am looking for a new job now, and I too am struggling with that question. It's hard to set your priorities straight when you are trying to get that balance. I think it is important to not try to be superman- or supermom. You have job to do, but need to realize you cannot do all the stuff at home by yourself- cleaning, cooking, soccer practice- hire some help or have your spouse help out.
2007-07-22 07:23:02 UTC
It just needs to be fair. We all seek different things at different times in our lives. It's not fair if you're made to feel like if you don't do unpaid O/T, you'll be fired, or not favoured for that promotion. You should be respected & paid what you're worth.

I was left widowed at a young age with 2 little kids to supoort. I worked long hours for good money, because I needed it at that time. My kids were not neglected because my parents became their substitute parents while I worked my butt off. It took me 10 years, but I paid off the morgage & put enough money aside to pay my kids' educations.

I did not have a "personal life" because every spare moment I spent with my kids. It was real tough sometimes, but my kids understand, and as a consequence they have an exceptionally close relationship with their grandparents.

Sure, I would have loved the luxury of spending more time with my kids, but I had mounting debts & mouths to feed. I did what I had to. Once I was out of the red, I immediately changed jobs & now earn a third of what I did before, but I enjoy my work & am much healthier.

I think the work-life balance changes according to your personal circumstances, so that balance needs to be flexible.
2007-08-23 16:30:36 UTC
Enjoying your work is very important and putting money away for unexpected bills!! Help may not always be there so learn to save there is a future and jobs come and go!! But between jobs you still need Cash to live on!
2007-08-09 14:53:56 UTC
A balance is very important. If you have a job that pays a lot and you have no free time then what's the point?
2007-08-05 19:51:10 UTC
I think that it is important for each individual to assess what is most important to them when looking for a new job.

For some of us, it may be the amount of money that rises to the top, however, further investigation of this criteria may show a deeper need than money. Perhaps the individual is sickly and will need money for doctor visits. Perhaps the individual is lonely and desires money to wine and dine love interests or gain access to a "higher" caliber of friends. Perhaps the money is to go toward increased benevolence or to support charitable activities - or even to support a family.

Either way you slice it, money affects every part of our lives: Social, Family, Spiritual, Health, etc. I think that for balance-sake, individuals SHOULD look deeper to discover the true need. These needs may be satisfied through benefits and incentive programs or through prioritization.
2007-08-03 08:07:04 UTC
I've learned the hard way that money is not the best reason for anything. Reaching outside never satisfies the heart. If you look inside you will find everything you want or need. If the job allows you to help others than go for it no matter what the pay.
Vick B
2007-08-02 08:41:37 UTC
I believe happiness is the key, while money buys you the things than can get you happy, peace of mind makes you happy.

Dont take a job that you will not be happy at just for a little more money, you'll just spend that little money to fill the voids in your life.

If you cant come from work and smile cause you've enjoyed your day, your just wasting life.
2007-07-27 15:53:48 UTC
Money is NOT important.. WE make it important ..its the type of system we live in .. its not our fault ..its the folks before us and before them.. we just continue the cycle however .. think about it ..theres this big incentive (money) and you have to do something to get it? Money isnt even worth what its used to be.. a 10,000 dollar bill was in circulation and if i had one.. i couldn't even spend it .. ! they wont even give you the equivalent amount !! Money has no physical value ..its just comes and goes ..We were cursed to labor in the first place..i know its hard to fathom but what if everybody did what they did for absolutely nothing and just the satisfaction of knowing they helped their fellow man? Can't because of the way the system is set up.. we are plauged by all these images of who has what and what they are doing for it and what they sacrificed .. We all want to be with our families and support then to the fullest so the balance is crucial ..we arent in a perfect world so we got to play with the cards were dealt with....or do we? I hate the fact we have to work in order to survive ..cant do to much but ask ..y'all hirin'?
2007-07-24 10:11:15 UTC
Despite being a lab technician, wedding photographer AND network marketer, I prefer the idea of a regular 8 to 4 job as opposed to numerous extended hours regardless of pay. I strongly believe that our lives must be filled with fun things and fulfilling etc.

I do have a balanced's based on organization.

At nights I dedicate an hour to building my networking's mainly on Saturdays and it's not every Saturday and well my job takes the most of time for the day...In the evenings I spend time with my son and his Mom.

The action Jackson approach doesn't leave you any room for yourself.
2007-07-18 21:21:18 UTC
Very important to me. A job is a means to an end and should assist you in achieving a comfortable lifestyle. Your friends, family and hobbies are what defines you as a person and bring joy to your life. So you should focus your energies into these areas of your life rather than a job. You should enjoy your job, but not live for it. Without friends, family & hobbies, your life would be very boring and lonely.
2007-08-20 22:19:59 UTC
Money at some point becomes a secondary consideration to work-life balance- I can choose to work an excess of 40 hours a week to make more money and spend less time with my family or decide that I am happier spending my time with family and having less money. it is a simple measure of what makes you happiest- whichever way the sale tilts- go in that direction.
2007-08-13 08:00:53 UTC
One of the things i looked at was will the money i make at this job allow me to pay my bills and also have some extra every month for "mad money."

Also, Because family and friends are important to me i looked for a job that had weekends off and allowed for vacation time.
2007-08-02 06:29:38 UTC
when you graduate you have to take any job that gives you experience not just sit do nothing, even if you worked as a receptionist, but it is important to work in a good company, and don't care about the salary, now year by year, you'll be more professional, so you'll work less and get more, but the key for successful is working in a huge company what ever the position is or the salary is, you'll grow with the company and have a good name like the name of the company.
Bill M
2007-07-31 11:00:08 UTC
Work life balance is essential to avoid burnout. Money is nice but if you are too wiped out to use it what's the point. Some companies offer packages but be sure to see if any of the employees actually use it. Its one thing to have paid vacations but if its expected that you wont actually use it whats the point in having that benefit. Like leave awarded to men when they have a kid. Most companies offer it but few men take advantage in fear of being replaced while they are gone. I'd say get whaever you can but make sure you can use it.
cheri h
2007-08-04 14:40:37 UTC
the $ always has to come first for me, at the present time I am waitressing after being in the cosmetology feild for 30 years, I loved doing hair and made good money it wasn't like going to work, waitressing, on the other hand, is hard work and I truly hate it. I make almost double what I did before so at this time I must stick with it as my cost of living has more than doubled in the last 5 years
Deadhead Neil
2007-07-29 23:41:37 UTC
When I was young, money was the driving factor. As I advanced in my career, my personal time became more important. I made enough to survive and so the money was not the ultimate driver. Self satisfaction was. Once you meet a certain level of personal comfort that you are satisfied with, the financial rewards tend to drop on the overall scale of satisfaction.

This follows Maslow's Order of Needs.

Check it out.
2007-07-22 02:11:29 UTC
That an employment agency has to ask this question makes you wonder about their competence. Of course work/life balance is important. It is vital. The question is where the balance should be set.
2007-08-02 00:30:36 UTC
Always insist on a job that you enjoy. If you hate your job, no amount of money is going to make you happy.

Then, find a job at which you can afford to work. If you can make enough $ to get by and enjoy your work, then you're on the right track.

Of course, finding a job you love and at which you will make lots of $ will be most difficult, but that doesn't make it impossible.

"Find a job you love and you'll never work a day in your life." -- Confucius
2007-07-21 15:11:07 UTC
If I were starting out in life, I would work for free, smart enough to find ways to eat and sleep, but I would cherish the opportunity to show who I am, what I can and will do for a company, show my loyalty, willingness to progress and show responsibility.

By having a showcase for my character, I would stand out and contacts would be made. I would be approached or would seek out employment better suiting my needs financially and worry about a life once I was able to show who I am at their workplace and impress someone that will further my future in all ways.

Going into your first job expecting and demanding is a lob level you will never rise above. You need to appreciate work and really work to get to the next place you are going as stepping stones to your future success, jobs are more than a paycheck or cool place to work.
the lad
2007-07-19 20:45:22 UTC
Money is nice and everything but you need to go for the field that you are passionate about. You don't want a job that is going to overwork you either. There needs to be a balance between work and home life.
Lovedeep D
2007-08-16 10:18:41 UTC
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2007-07-18 17:37:33 UTC
It is very important to have a favorable balance otherwise you will quickly become disatisfied with your job even tho you are enjoying what you do when you began your job.

If you are not compensated enough to meet your life style, you will become unhappy, irritable and find yourself struggling. Life is too short, make good choices. Hope this helps.
Robert V
2007-08-19 11:53:52 UTC
First of all i am 49 years of age, and started working for a big corporation at 17 Thur shcool program was there 20 years and shut down no pay, no servence, lost my entire earthly belonging, There for now I just choose a job that I will be happy and be able to pay bills, groceries and rent.
Queen T
2007-08-24 11:51:42 UTC
Don't quit the job you have until you get another. Let everything flow like so. And if you get a call for a interview most of the time they ask you what is the best time for you. Set it up for after work so you want inconvince the job you have.
2007-08-15 20:22:46 UTC
it really just depends on the importance of haveing a job.

do u need one reallly realllly bad, or do u just want a better one?

if u just need one, make sure u can live off of it. u just need to pay ur bills and stuff. (this should be a temp. JOB.....not a CAREER)

if u need/want another one, is a big part esp. when u have a degree in that field.(this would be the CAREER. something that u plan to do or want to do for the rest of ur life)
2007-07-30 11:22:44 UTC
The two kinda go hand in hand. For example, you have to have work to make money. You need money to have work. But most important, you must have your health. Someone once said "The government can take your personal material belongings, but they can't take your educaton away". That is why I think that education, work, health all go hand in hand. That makes us well-rounded individuals when we can have all three. Uf you are looking for a new job, make that your job 40 hrs a week--looking for a job, that is.
2007-07-26 12:24:17 UTC
When I first entered the work force, I was that person that was always volunteering to do overtime and jumping at the opportunity to get involved in a new project. Eventually putting work first and myself and my family last took it's toll on me. Now, I would prefer to have a job that I enjoyed even if it doesn't pay the grand salary that I would like, for peace of mind and to simply enjoy my life, my family and my friends.
2007-07-23 08:28:03 UTC
even that my english is not fluent...and because I live in THE PAMPAS OF ARGENTINA, could I say that must be a balance between what you are (regarding experience, knoledge and willingness etc.) and the kind of job your are doing (responsability, importance) and the final it is not any good if by the end of the month you are "empty pockets" after all.

CHAU desde Punta Rasa donte el Río de LA PLATA se encuentra con el ATLANTICO, un saludo. harry plotter

BUT IF IT´S A NEW JOB LOOK FOR SOMETHING THAT IMPROUVES YOU IN AS MANY WAY AS POSSIBLE. knowledge, human relations, brains storm yr maind
2007-08-01 14:31:54 UTC
I think that today money carries more weight thatn work-life balance when your considering a new job, money plays a bigger role i think. especially, or i should say at least for those of us living in places like california where you need too make more money to live comfortably. it's not even really a choice.
2007-07-16 23:38:45 UTC
Its very important to be happy at work and work to live, not live to work. Everything else will follow suit then, including money. A new job well done could very well have many openings.
2007-08-24 15:50:12 UTC
I personally don't want my job to take over my life. I want to be able to seperate myself from work and do other things, hobbies, vacation... that sort of thing. Money is ALWAYS important but I would take a lower paying job if it gave to me more time to be with family.
2007-08-23 12:37:38 UTC
I can offer some great info on this subject if you are interested. It is of utmost importance to have a balance in your life that allows for maximum financial security as well as time to enjoy life and family. I have written and published several business articles as well as a monthly newsletter on business. If you would like some free info on this, email me at and I will be glad to email it to you.
Chris P
2007-08-17 16:59:48 UTC
1. Work and recreation are seperate entities for you:

If you are always working you cant enjoy your money. What is the point in working?

2. What you choose to do for work and recreation are the same thing

Work until it stops being fun

Bottom line, enjoy what you do. Make sure a massive portion of your life is dediacted to having a laugh and enjoyment. That is how you will work out what proportion of time you want to work and what proportion of time you dedicate to play
2007-07-19 17:40:50 UTC
Our work-life is an important part of our life and therefore needs to be somewhat enjoyable, recieiving a good remuneration always helps with making the job something we are keen to excel at. Money does creat our lifestyle, but we also need to prioritise our lifes along with family and simply time out.
renji r
2007-08-18 12:59:24 UTC
Work-Life balance is more important
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2007-08-25 14:05:38 UTC
i think its very important if you have a family you need to spend its with them dont work on teh weekends durrign the week. work from liek take or give 8- 7 or so then it balances make sure u have dinner with the most important peopl ein you life!

hope this helps!
2007-08-17 14:10:05 UTC
well, its not easy ,of course, but you'd probably want to set up a budget, spend your money on things that are necessities and alot either an hour or two; a day, week, or month, depending on what kind of person you are, to do something that you enjoy doing, preferably something's that free! Just to insure that you aren't getting stressed out over the money, and job seeking situation.
2007-08-03 12:35:49 UTC
i think it is different for me at different stages of my life. as i was mothering children i selected jobs that would allow me a work life balance.. as my kids are now grown i have the freedom to go for the money and devote time to the demands of a high paying job. as of now----my life is my job and that is my idenity and i am content with that situation. i can not see changing this attitude in the future. i am my job. i am my own trademark and people associate me with my work.
TX Mom
2007-07-29 11:03:37 UTC
Pay needs to be substantial enough that you can live comfortably, plus retirement matching funds.

The job itself needs to be flexible flexible. Working at home if necessary, time off for personal business, flex time when personal matters pop up. Overtime scheduled in advance, but I don't want overtime very often, I want time relaxing at home.

If I were offered more money or more flexibility, I'd take time for the family.
2007-07-19 10:41:57 UTC
Most HR managers will specify a job decription, and then try to fit someone into the hole.

Coming from down under we turn the employment world upside down. We design a job to suit the strengths of the individual. If he has shortcomings we help strengthen those through appropriate training - not through performance review bullshit. Or we match them with someone else who just loves to do what you find boring, or drives you around the bend. But keep in mind - every job has a component of druggery endurance.
2016-03-15 09:15:29 UTC
Lie Arjun said, do Yoga, meditation, deep breathing. Also do some exercise like running everyday. Other than that, lead a balanced lifestyle, learn some hobby, meet and talk to people, do not stay alone too much.
2007-08-12 22:52:23 UTC
i think work life balance is more important of course with enough money to continue life. happiness is not in money
2007-08-02 17:20:28 UTC
i put work shoes and a good bed in the light -- you have to spend so much time in all three try to have the best but al so the best means to be happy in the situation.. i have been very lucky in my life == i never had a job that i hated to get up and go to == to me that is the most important thing.
2007-07-23 03:03:22 UTC
it all depends on who you are , a year ago when I had a mrs and kids , I was all for the makeing money , and building the bank balance , now , it is more about job satisfaction , so whoever you are whatever situation you are in there is a position which will suit your life , skils , and what you want to do , to get what you presonally need.
2007-07-18 23:16:41 UTC
Make sure you enjoy the job, the mony is important cause it will help in a lot of ways, but always ballance both work money and lifestyle to suit you.Remmembe this work to pay for your lifestyle and family ,don't make work run your life for you.At the end money is great but not everything.
2007-08-18 09:43:44 UTC
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2007-08-09 17:25:50 UTC
Very important to maintain a balance.
2007-07-22 17:26:03 UTC
Both are fundamental considerations in viewing / accepting job offers. $ has to cover current costs (including mortgage & child education expenses). Work has to be flexible to cover unexpected happenings (child illness, family deaths etc). Because of the need, "standard" employment hasn't been able to accommodate my requirements - hence I've done contract work for the last 14 years.
2007-07-18 03:43:08 UTC
Very important if you want to maintain your life style.

If you are looking for a new job, that job should at least be paid enough to support your existing life style or if you are downsizing your material needs then it wouldn't matter how much you are paid.
madhu s
2007-08-21 01:40:19 UTC
If your are in your early 20s, I think you need to concentrate on earning. Once your have enough money at your disposal automatically everything else will be the way you want.

And if you are in your 30s need to concentrate on both.

After 40s its time to rest relax,and work your way through.
2007-08-24 18:41:06 UTC
i would say that money is part of the key but if you don`t like your job then the money really isn`t worth it.. i love my job and the people in it.. i would love a raise but i also would be just as happy without one..i worked in a job for 16 yrs. and hated every minute of it but the money and the benefits were great.. then the down sizing came.. i worked retail for a few yrs. til i found my calling... and it`s the people i work for and with that makes me love what i do..i wouldn`t care if i ever got a raise..
Richard J
2007-08-08 09:33:23 UTC
It can be a grey area...

I definitely agree with work to live, not live to work.

But consider...

1) Having a lot of money but no time to spend it won't make you happy.

2) Neither will having a lot of free time, but no money to do anything... unless your idea of a good time is doing a lot of reading at the public library... but even for that, you need gas money.
2007-07-28 14:20:03 UTC
Work to live... don't live to work.

Money is highly over-rated. Things are not important, love and happiness are. If you feel you need expensive cars and clothes and houses to impress others, you need to look inside and see why that is so important to you.
2007-07-18 21:28:20 UTC
When you start in the workforce, money or future money is very important. As the end mortgage starts to come into view, it becomes less so and then you cannot have enough time for your wife and kids.
2007-08-11 00:13:29 UTC
Go for both. Usually the jobs that make you work 60 hours a week only pay you an average salary.
2007-08-21 19:44:19 UTC
In my opinion, money should support the work-life balance you want to lead. To sacrifice your life for money, unless you are planning seriously for retirement, is absurd.
2007-08-11 14:26:12 UTC
Without balance we fall /or fail. We need balance in work and life. Have the courage and the energy to take action. Clean up your life; it affects our attitudes. Don't give up until you feel harmony. Good habits will become your destiny (or bad ones will become your destiny); the choice is yours /mine.
Big R
2007-07-31 15:40:11 UTC
Jobs are important.

Life is important

Blending them is also important

But I would believe that life is far more important than work and work is really a means to an end.

The real choices are yours.
2007-07-20 13:25:41 UTC
I certainly believe money plays a HUGE role in this, Life is too short to 'try & make ends meet'.

This day and age life is hard enough if your not compensated well enough for your duties. I believ there are a lot employers out there that still take thier employees for a ride.
2007-08-26 19:24:21 UTC
I've found here (in the USA) either you note it on your application for a job, or the prospective employer calls to find out from your old employer just what you earned there...then the new employer either starts you out at that wage or a tad more.
2007-08-05 21:12:05 UTC
Well, when I finished High Shool and I had a choice of going to college, or going into the Air Force. (My choices) I choose to go into the Air Force because I feel it's important to serve the country. I got educational benefits when I got out.
2007-07-31 10:50:15 UTC
well the importance of a job is when u work harder and u get really means u are ready to work.just like when u work in guinness,u will be paid at list a week $1000.per week.
2007-07-29 02:49:32 UTC
Standard of living has to be considered but the quality has also has to be considered if they are not in balance the price to health and happiness can be long lasting!
2007-07-22 04:28:05 UTC
I am already in the rat race so at this stage I just work as hard as before in order to get up there...I am trying to focus on having a bit of a life, as I don't at present but in some positions you are expected to put in the hours and it comes with the package....
Wayne B Australia
2007-07-21 06:13:29 UTC
Work is something that should add value to your life, not the other way around. It's simple. do what you love to do, and his feeling will extend to the rest of your life. There is no competition between money and happiness. If you're happy with what you do, the money will flow, and you and your family will grow.
2007-08-08 03:57:05 UTC
If you have enough money to live, service your debts and have a little left over, then thats enough.

You can earn more money etc, but you never get your health back if you burn out Divorce is also a distinct possibility if she never sees you!
2007-07-26 09:51:03 UTC
I believe you have to enjoy what you are doing or it does not matter how much you make. It also depends on whether you are by yourself or have a family to support. However, I believe people are more driven by their passion for something rather then the money.
2007-08-01 00:08:39 UTC
Twenty years ago I would have answered this question differently than I do now.

The balance is very important!
atul s
2007-08-13 09:56:33 UTC
in the context of money refrence with a new job where i am looking ,that time i'll be ordinary of work and money coz "a new job will be a new step of my career and money is decoration of my this new step."these are my thoughts whenever i'll groom in these condition.
2007-07-27 07:55:50 UTC
I will like to be compensated as well as saving potential too.

Work Life, i.e, Working environment and Job satisfaction.
2007-08-25 07:36:36 UTC
money is like water , and when looking for new job this is good for life to get such job which can give comfort , satisfactory,and knowledge growing in life
dolly c
2007-08-22 05:02:26 UTC
work is very important, so is your family life. If things are bad at home, in tends to come to work, then your work life becomes bad.
2007-07-19 05:48:17 UTC
Whats more important to you - money or family? I can always get another job but I can not get another family.
2007-08-24 04:36:28 UTC
Have u ever thought about the dynamic laws of prosperity?Forces that bring you the riches?

Just think about what u can do to change the world.Every one of us are able to to anything.But unfortunately we don't think and even care about our capablities.You must wish for this capablities
friend ferry
2007-08-10 22:53:06 UTC
There must be cognial atmosphere at work place as if it is hazadous it will cause health problem and consume almost all the money we earn.
Engineering Exec
2007-07-27 10:33:35 UTC
Depends on what your life goals are. Do not let others define how you view success and what it takes. Create your success and your vision of how to get their. Success is only fleeting when you come across it artificially.
2007-07-17 02:05:33 UTC
Money-from credits-credit cards-traveller cheques- bank cheques- debit cards-bank books-banks stamps-collateral notes-collateral items-golds-silvers-platinums-precious metals are medium of exchanges. Man basic needs require them to work to acquire any of those things in exchange for basic food and job is merely incremental endeavours for better life and balance of budget.
2007-08-22 22:13:16 UTC
I am working for money , I want to gain energy & money equaly , so i can enjoy the life.
Sme T
2007-08-11 04:36:02 UTC
If you are an adult it is very important. As a child it is only a bit important.
2007-08-09 18:25:06 UTC
2007-07-29 18:59:48 UTC
Basically I want what everybody else wants. A straight 40 hours and full weekends, with great pay.
2007-07-18 03:52:44 UTC
Can I get lots of money for doing nothing much just sitting around talking. ohh also 5 min traveling time
2007-08-22 08:09:13 UTC
You have to be happy with your job, or no amount of money is worth it.
2007-07-17 02:25:51 UTC
It's important to work hard and play hard. You need to work to live, not live to work.
2007-08-08 22:16:37 UTC
money is the second one but always do that work in which u enjoy so u can do work with very intrest and heartly
2007-07-29 11:20:46 UTC
Well I love visiting nursing because it gives me freedom as far as the kids, it pays well, and has excellent insurance.
2007-07-30 14:11:48 UTC
Push yourself, even if you have to sacrifice some fun in the short term.
Andrew M
2007-07-22 16:28:03 UTC
i think it all comes down to your aims wants and needs,work hard and achieve or win lotto and adjust,but the need is we are now materalistic people and want things aimed at us by our peers etc so it is now a necessity to have to work to achieve our aims wants and needs
Aref H4
2007-08-04 09:49:16 UTC
Never cared much for money.

Money can't buy me love. - the Beatles?

And then, there's a classical.

From Doris Day. "Enjoy Yourself."
2007-07-26 12:49:54 UTC
u should get 100 points for this question! good job!
2007-07-20 06:26:40 UTC
I read a reply to another question from another user, sorry I can't quote them correctly because I can't remember where it was from, but its an awesome motto, maybe my new it. Here it is:

2007-08-11 11:46:29 UTC
be very patient with the old job until you get the new job.
2007-08-06 13:17:02 UTC
well if you dont want a job and your a women...and you have a boyfriend....take your shirt off and possess him to pay your bills
2007-08-08 13:00:06 UTC
it is definately worth accepting a position which suits you and pays your worth, but you have to work to live and not live to work.
Prabu L
2007-08-14 00:59:51 UTC
money makes many things
2007-08-22 13:41:00 UTC
Very simple: there are 24 hours in each day...8 are for working...8 are for sleeping...8 are for you to do as you please...
2007-07-27 22:49:12 UTC
Its depand on satisfaction
2007-07-17 08:07:03 UTC
work hard to earn money initially but don't spend wastefully. Use your saved earnings to leverage more money and invest wisely. Once your investments start to pay off, you have choices!!
2007-08-07 16:04:24 UTC
Do sometin you like and love, advance as far as you can.
mohan rao kotari k
2007-07-28 04:54:09 UTC
2007-07-31 19:34:43 UTC
Check out this website!!!
2007-08-07 16:03:03 UTC
Money is evil..
2007-07-20 09:51:02 UTC
Whether you are a believer, or not. . .this advice from God, will help you understand the importance of money, and life.

Live to enjoy the work you do, and don't be so concerned about money. If you just work, to focus on being rich with money, you'll soon find yourself, unhappy. Many people today, in American's busy-working world, are facing this sad reality. As for me, I been there, done it . .and believe me, money is not worth you health . .your life.

This here wisdom, from God, in the Bible:

"Seek the Kingdom of God, first . .then everything will be added to you." By this, God means, First seek God, and when you do, God will bless you with wealth, if you truly believe He is the Giver of gifts, in life. He is the only One who can give great gifts, such as great health, wealth, and life. God will give all to you, if you ask Him, in His name . .in the name of Jesus Christ, thru prayer.

My thoughts on the importance of money and work-life, is that . .its all about putting God, first . .before everything, in order for a person to live a well-balanced life. God wants to be first priority in your life, and if you fail to put Him first, a self-centered person will suffer, if he/she chooses to disobey God's first law. When people choose not to honor God, first . .in their lives, the truth is . .people are really serving an adol (a false god), by making money their master, rather than God, as their Master. This is a great sin (evil-doing) against God, and He will punish those who do it . .by making them suffer, by working like slaves, and not getting anywhere . .not even enjoying life. .as many have describe in their answers on here.

God is real, and He means well by what He says. Believe in God, thru Jesus Christ . .and He will save your life. He will help you not become prey, to this world's evil ways . . .everything people dream about (true love, true happiness, wealth, health, peace, and freedom . .all lies in God's power . .all we need to do is believe He has the power to help us, humans . .by truly loving Him as Master, and ask Him for it).

When it comes to working for a living, I work out of love . .I serve others thru the love that God blesse me with . . I care less about money. Whatever money I receive, I accept it with a glad heart. I may not be "rich" according to the world, because I am not rich with money, but the little amount of money I have, is enough to pay the bills that I have, and then some spend on things I would like to have, such as a nice movie or a pretty dress. And, with the little amount I got, I am thankful for, because I know there are many rich people out there who have loads of money, and are unhappy. Why? Because they don't know anything aboutGod's love, because love is about sharing. They ought to be sharing the wealth they get, to help the poor, the hungry, the homeless, etc. Its a shame to see, but those people who only want to pursue wealth (ei, be rich in money) will get what they so richly deserve.

Therefore; I wisely spend the money I get, and choose to live a simple life, rather than wanting more and more things, that the world offers. I learned, from God . .that the world has nothing to offer me, but mistery and pain, so I choose to take what God can offer us, in life. Thru God, I am able to enjoy life, more ..with less (money, things etc.). And because God helped me find the secret to true happiness, I discovered the "riches" (in heaven) rather than the world's. So, I believe my life is filled with God's riches (blessings), and these "riches" are all I need to live a happy life.

Hope this helps you . .

2007-07-21 01:36:35 UTC
Marquita :D
2007-08-17 23:51:52 UTC
2007-08-05 07:15:10 UTC
check this link its good

2007-07-26 06:01:14 UTC
are you never works on what would be
2007-07-16 22:19:55 UTC
2007-08-13 14:53:08 UTC
2007-07-31 02:30:34 UTC
i dont know yet :)
Abyss Child X
2007-07-18 00:40:39 UTC
Don't go into HR...?
2007-08-01 07:43:58 UTC
idk i m a child

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.