Whether you are a believer, or not. . .this advice from God, will help you understand the importance of money, and life.
Live to enjoy the work you do, and don't be so concerned about money. If you just work, to focus on being rich with money, you'll soon find yourself, unhappy. Many people today, in American's busy-working world, are facing this sad reality. As for me, I been there, done it . .and believe me, money is not worth you health . .your life.
This here ..is wisdom, from God, in the Bible:
"Seek the Kingdom of God, first . .then everything will be added to you." By this, God means, First seek God, and when you do, God will bless you with wealth, if you truly believe He is the Giver of gifts, in life. He is the only One who can give great gifts, such as great health, wealth, and life. God will give all to you, if you ask Him, in His name . .in the name of Jesus Christ, thru prayer.
My thoughts on the importance of money and work-life, is that . .its all about putting God, first . .before everything, in order for a person to live a well-balanced life. God wants to be first priority in your life, and if you fail to put Him first, a self-centered person will suffer, if he/she chooses to disobey God's first law. When people choose not to honor God, first . .in their lives, the truth is . .people are really serving an adol (a false god), by making money their master, rather than God, as their Master. This is a great sin (evil-doing) against God, and He will punish those who do it . .by making them suffer, by working like slaves, and not getting anywhere . .not even enjoying life. .as many have describe in their answers on here.
God is real, and He means well by what He says. Believe in God, thru Jesus Christ . .and He will save your life. He will help you not become prey, to this world's evil ways . . .everything people dream about (true love, true happiness, wealth, health, peace, and freedom . .all lies in God's power . .all we need to do is believe He has the power to help us, humans . .by truly loving Him as Master, and ask Him for it).
When it comes to working for a living, I work out of love . .I serve others thru the love that God blesse me with . . I care less about money. Whatever money I receive, I accept it with a glad heart. I may not be "rich" according to the world, because I am not rich with money, but the little amount of money I have, is enough to pay the bills that I have, and then some ..to spend on things I would like to have, such as a nice movie or a pretty dress. And, with the little amount I got, I am thankful for, because I know there are many rich people out there who have loads of money, and are unhappy. Why? Because they don't know anything aboutGod's love, because love is about sharing. They ought to be sharing the wealth they get, to help the poor, the hungry, the homeless, etc. Its a shame to see, but those people who only want to pursue wealth (ei, be rich in money) will get what they so richly deserve.
Therefore; I wisely spend the money I get, and choose to live a simple life, rather than wanting more and more things, that the world offers. I learned, from God . .that the world has nothing to offer me, but mistery and pain, so I choose to take what God can offer us, in life. Thru God, I am able to enjoy life, more ..with less (money, things etc.). And because God helped me find the secret to true happiness, I discovered the "riches" (in heaven) rather than the world's. So, I believe my life is filled with God's riches (blessings), and these "riches" are all I need to live a happy life.
Hope this helps you . .