Congradulations to you and your hard work to be so in demand. It must feel wonderful, enjoy.
Now the difficult task of choosing without the benefit of a crystalball. I recommend you try to look into the future, with the idea that you know yourself well.
Consider your dreams and expectations, then family, pets and friends. Envision what you will be down in 2 years if you take job a or job b.
Traveling sounds good and everyone should do some before they settle down. I do it often and know it is a real pain. Your plants die, you can not have a pet and small children get confused.
You stay in hotels frequently and it is difficult to have any person to person chats except with clients. But you do get to meet many interesting people and it give you an appreciation of life.
When you travel alone you learn to be self reliant, confident, articulant and learn much about people and the world. It changes you without knowing just why. You start to view those who have no clue about traveling as dull and less aware of the world around them which has so much to offer. (Later when you tire of traveling, you think oh how lucky.)Traveling makes you feel more connected to the world without even trying. Some of it is good and some you can do without.
If your life is at a stage where your are wanting to settle down, have someone special and and are ready to start a family, or your have a young family, this is not the job for you because it is murder on a relationship and family life.
The pay for both is good so it just depends on who you want to become from your experiences in life.
Be serious with yourself when you make the descision. I sounds like you have a profitable and interesting future ahead.
Take care, God Bless
The She Beast