Folks, I have a dilema. I have two job offers and don't know which one to take.?
2006-12-11 07:41:25 UTC
The two options are a) a job in Jersey (UK), paying circa 80k pa, or b) a job in London paying 90k pa. Job a involves less travelling but a role which is not 100% my profile. Job b) could involve more travelling in the future but is more within my comfort zone.
Thoughts/Opinons/suggestions welcome.
26 answers:
2006-12-11 07:48:32 UTC
The London job. It pays more, you get to travel and it's within your comfort zone.
The She Beast
2006-12-11 08:20:03 UTC
Congradulations to you and your hard work to be so in demand. It must feel wonderful, enjoy.

Now the difficult task of choosing without the benefit of a crystalball. I recommend you try to look into the future, with the idea that you know yourself well.

Consider your dreams and expectations, then family, pets and friends. Envision what you will be down in 2 years if you take job a or job b.

Traveling sounds good and everyone should do some before they settle down. I do it often and know it is a real pain. Your plants die, you can not have a pet and small children get confused.

You stay in hotels frequently and it is difficult to have any person to person chats except with clients. But you do get to meet many interesting people and it give you an appreciation of life.

When you travel alone you learn to be self reliant, confident, articulant and learn much about people and the world. It changes you without knowing just why. You start to view those who have no clue about traveling as dull and less aware of the world around them which has so much to offer. (Later when you tire of traveling, you think oh how lucky.)Traveling makes you feel more connected to the world without even trying. Some of it is good and some you can do without.

If your life is at a stage where your are wanting to settle down, have someone special and and are ready to start a family, or your have a young family, this is not the job for you because it is murder on a relationship and family life.

The pay for both is good so it just depends on who you want to become from your experiences in life.

Be serious with yourself when you make the descision. I sounds like you have a profitable and interesting future ahead.

Take care, God Bless

The She Beast

2006-12-11 07:49:17 UTC
i think you should go for the london one! not only is it better pay but its london...good opportunities and a big capital you have really good oppotunities 4 promotion, and could make loads of contacts. traveling is a pain but if you put some good music on ya ipod for example then it makes traveling more fun, and after a few weeks it will be a habit and you wont notice the traveling so much. jersey sounds good, depends if you want the easy safe option or take a risk, make the effort, and live it large in london.
2006-12-11 07:54:03 UTC
You should take the one in London even though its not 100% your profile you will get to learn new things from the job. The more travelling in the future, well cross that bridge when it happens
2006-12-11 07:51:21 UTC
Take which ever job you feel you could get the most growth out of in the long run. Money is a great think, but career growth should be the most important thing especially 5 years down the line.
John S
2006-12-11 17:43:27 UTC
Oh dear god; i wish i had your problems - lol.

If it were me (I wish) I would always opt for the job in Jersey. Less stress, cheaper to live, less drawings on your finances.

If you took the london job youd be spendin you wage on housing and travel; not to mention the various places to go and see.

Sometimes in life "Less is More" and a happy life with money in your pocket is better than a stress filled life with an extra few quid.
Miss Behavin
2006-12-11 07:57:55 UTC
I'd go for the one in Jersey - it sounds as though you are getting less, but the tax position is far more favourable - you will pay very little, if any tax on what you earn, and will be able to have offshore bank accounts. It is worth it just to amass your earnings even for 2-5 years in the short term.
2006-12-11 07:48:41 UTC
which one can you grow in 5-10 yrs from now could you have a major role in company and most important or you willing to step outside comfort zone and are you comfortable being away from family friends to be on road more take a piece of paper write down plus and negatives for both job oh congratulation on your new job
2006-12-11 09:13:06 UTC
Having live in jersey for most of life- i would take the london job offer. Unless you want to live on a small island, where everyone know everyone!!
2006-12-11 07:52:11 UTC
To resolve your dilemma, you need to look carefully at your goals and objectives. How important is the salary to you right now? How important is travel to you vs a job with less travel? What are the career advancement opportunities? Which location is more desirable and why? What is the culture of each company and which is more closely aligned with the way you like to work? What business is each company in and which is more interesting to you? What has been the financial performance of each company, and which is likely to provide you greater security? Is security important to you? In looking at the business that each company is in, which is more closely aligned with your personal values? If you can answer these questions (and rank and weight your answers according to which are most important to you), you should be well on your way to resolving your dilemma.
2006-12-11 07:52:53 UTC
If job "b" is within your comfort zone, that should be the job that you should go for. But if you are still debating, if either company gives out employee benefits (like health insurance, vacations, sick pays, family leave, etc.) choose the one with the best benefits.
2006-12-11 07:45:29 UTC
I would go for the London job, but I would prefer to take into account how old you are and whether you are single and looking for a partner
2006-12-11 07:46:39 UTC
shite i'd take either one of them

if your young and single go for the london option as you'll have a great time.

as your changing for maybe the first time i would be more inclined to go for the more comfortable in your zone.

or jersey is supposed to be nice and would be a complete change

if you still can't decide flip a coin
2006-12-11 07:49:23 UTC
I would almost always go with the job which is more attractive, i.e. the one which you are more comfortable doing. The only exception is when it is a job which would take up too much of my social life.
2006-12-11 07:55:51 UTC
money aside points to think on!

1: surely after a few months job a will fit your profile

2: having to travel further in the future will become a big burden therefore much more stressfull
2006-12-11 08:02:59 UTC
Take what you think is the best and be happy, Ive been out of work for nearly six years due to medical problems and it is terrible, and don't complain about your work because being out of work well you cant get any thing worse. Good Luck.
2006-12-11 07:49:48 UTC
Which job do you see yourself enjoying the most in a year and excelling in the best? Take that job. It is important to do what makes you happy.
2006-12-14 13:15:18 UTC
London, comfort is bad 4 us
2006-12-11 07:46:12 UTC
Which one would you enjoy the most???

London vs Channel Islands are two incredibly different locations, so perhaps the lifestyle will help in the decision?
Lee H
2006-12-11 08:06:50 UTC
Life is for living go for the one outside of your comfort zone you never know where it will take you skys the limit!!!
2006-12-11 07:54:05 UTC
Job B. Travel is good. Take it, you might just meet your one and only.
Davy Crockett
2006-12-11 08:56:39 UTC
You may find that the tax arrangements are more favourable in the C.I's. Additionally, many items are cheaper to buy (except property).
2006-12-11 07:52:26 UTC
Take it from one who knows...go for security first, then, given that you are going to spend lots of years working, go for the one

you think will give most personal satisfaction...good luck
2006-12-11 07:44:28 UTC
Take the one that pays more: problem solved.
Ben C
2006-12-11 07:45:32 UTC
You earn far too much , can you lend me a tenner ?
2006-12-11 07:46:24 UTC
Yeah Right ....and i am the son of King faruk..

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