What is a good punishment for employees who don't follow rules?
Jim I
2007-01-10 14:21:15 UTC
My office is implementing several changes... scheduling, client database management, follow-thru check-ups, etc.

As much as I want (and will) implement these things, I know people will be slow to respond to these changes.

I need to come up with some type of punishment for the people who don't follow the plan. I could do the pay-a-quarter jar, but that's not a big enough cost. I need something inventive that isn't too harmful (I can't dock pay or vacation time), but something that gets the point across. Perhaps something that divides the office into teams (we have thirteen people on staff) that pushes the team... or maybe a prize at the end for the person who does best (as voted by the staff).

If anyone has any ideas to motivate people to follow the plan, that would be great as well!

Please, serious responses only. No dirty talk!
22 answers:
They call me ... Trixie.
2007-01-10 14:26:34 UTC
I have found that positive reinforcement works better than punishment, and you want to be careful about worker's rights when you start talking about making them pay (even a quarter) - I like your idea of teams and prizes. A little friendly competition works really well in office environments. Give points for everytime someone follows the new plans, and take them away when people don't. The team will be there to encourage their team mates and to help them follow the rules. Give the winning team a pizza party, and make the losing team serve it to them (or something like that).
2007-01-10 14:32:21 UTC
Yeah, here where I work, the punishment is termination.

Why can't you dock pay or vacation time? They don't need to like the rules, they just need to follow them. If they can't handle the fact that the boss has changed things, then maybe they're not qualified to be employees. I honestly can't imagine not doing something in the new way just because I don't like the new's not up to me to make the policies & procedures here, I just need to know how to follow them.

Rewarding good behavior is potentially a good idea...but I still have a problem with singling someone out just because they did what they were told. It seems to me that everyone should be doing so.

Sorry to sound so negative...It sounds as if you must be a really great boss, if you're so considerate to allow the employees to blow off their jobs.
Answer Schmancer
2007-01-10 14:31:37 UTC
First off, I would quit any job that tried to make me pay my hard earned money for a punishment. Plus, I think that would be illegal, so scratch that idea. Instead of punishing your employees, you could try to reward those who do follow your plan. Divide the office into teams, and have a pizza party for the winning team. Or maybe let them leave an hour early and go ahead and pay them for that extra hour. Little things like that won't cost your company much money, but if you can lift morale while at the same time growing your buisness, everyone wins.
2007-01-10 14:26:02 UTC
Typically at three of my locations customer service is generally more frequent on Monday mornings. Working on this day is not the most desirable. Friday tend to be the money days. So people who are not on board with the program write their own ticket. follow the mandate and life's good. don't and well it sucks a little bit
nurse ratchet
2007-01-10 14:30:09 UTC
Set reasonable goals and a time-line for them. If they accept the changes with good attitudes and are really trying, they should meet the goals. If the goals are met, reward them with a bonus, a fun party, gift certificates, or whatever. Tell them right from the start what your expectations are and also what their reward will be. There may even be a little peer pressure among them to do a good job since they are being judged and possibly rewarded as a team. Try to meet this challenge with an upbeat, positive attitude, and maybe that will catch on.
2007-01-10 15:13:52 UTC
Personally, change is always hard for anyone, especially the older the employees are. What I would suggest, which you may not even consider, is training for your individuals of the new plan. Take 1/2 day, or full day, and train them. Tell them this is the way it will be done as everything changes. Support questions, and even suggestions. Give a good speech and remind staff to come to you with questions. Be the best informant and help to your staff. Praise them for all they have done. Good luck!
2007-01-10 14:24:11 UTC
Depends on the rules!

Also, the best way to get people to go along with new procedures is to get them involved in their coming up with them and their implementation. The more they think it was their idea, the more they will comply with them.

'Punishing' people will only create bad will, a bonus system for following and (hopefully) improving productivity will be much more successful.

You are not a teacher with some recalcitrant students!
2007-01-10 14:24:39 UTC
Instead of punishment how about rewards for those who do follow the rules. I think you get more flies with honey than with vinegar. Perhaps they could be put in a drawing for a free lunch or something of that sort.
Phoenix, Wise Guru
2007-01-10 14:57:41 UTC
Why not expect them to be professional adults and just do it right? If they don't, they do it again or fix the problems.

Do we really need to baby people that much?
2007-01-10 14:32:02 UTC
well i suppose you can offer a bonus, put people together to set in motion the ideas you want to implement, and offer them i don't know a day off if the outcome is as good....
2007-01-10 14:25:24 UTC
Just don't let whatever they are trying to do not count unless the go through the proper procedures. If they are submitting something, just give it back to them until it's done properly.
Trust Me
2007-01-10 14:29:43 UTC
best way is to call them into your office make them lay across your desk and wrap their fingers around the edge of th desk top, You'll want to open your top drawer as they assume the position, once they are in place slam that damn thing like a vending machine that took your money. They will know you mean business even if they do type a little slower.
Baked n Blended
2007-01-10 14:25:22 UTC
Why start with punishment? Perhaps you guys need a little team building instead of a butt kicking!
2007-01-10 14:25:12 UTC
Michelle Magen
2007-01-10 14:26:32 UTC
u should make the person who hasn't followed it to write you up a reason for not following it.
2007-01-10 14:24:15 UTC
fire the first few and that should set an example for the rest of the employees
2014-02-12 01:47:01 UTC
2007-01-10 14:24:27 UTC
just mention insubordination and give them a verbal warnig.
2007-01-10 14:24:16 UTC
heavy sack beatings
2007-01-10 14:42:40 UTC
I think ... you all need to get new jobs.
2007-01-10 14:23:14 UTC
a whipping just might work
2007-01-10 14:24:23 UTC
dont let them have toilet paper

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