going to colleage important 2 geting money or do yall think someone could finish high school and make good $?
2006-04-07 08:54:43 UTC
going to colleage important 2 geting money or do yall think someone could finish high school and make good $?
Seven answers:
2006-04-07 09:00:09 UTC
I think that a high school education alone is not enough. The world today doesn't want to pay good money to a person without a college degree. Yeah you have those luck few who become rich even though they didn't have a college education, but look at the key word, few. I think that in order to make yourself know, a college degree is necessary.
2006-04-07 16:37:24 UTC
It's not impossible that someone can make it good without entering college, but like what was previously said, it is getting unlikely.

There is a lot of competition in the job market. You have to show people something which makes you stand out. If you finish college, it gives you a head start above all those applying who didn't go to college.

Going to college gives you more knowledge and experience. Chances are, you will be able to get a more decent job with a decent income when you go to college.
2006-04-07 08:57:45 UTC
Yes, but not likely. Stats show you will make much more with a college degree than with only a high school degree. But some beat the odds just like in a Casino. But don't bet on it.
2006-04-07 10:24:27 UTC
If you are willing to learn, then you can work in financial services. A finance degree is not needed. Education is important, it increases critical thinking skills and common sense.
2006-04-07 08:58:58 UTC
depends on the career you choose, some careers only let you get so far with out a degree while others only take hard work. so like i said it depends on what you want to do with your life
2006-04-07 09:07:15 UTC
no not really depends but you should get through high school for sure perhaps learn how to spell
2006-04-07 09:00:40 UTC

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