I realize my answer may be a bit wek, but maybe the solution lies in finding amazing ways of reducing the cost of living to the point where footing the unavoidable bills becomes easier.
Here are a few ideas (I happen to be a bit of a money-miser):
1. You can reduce your power bill by switching to mini-fluorescent bulbs and not using the AC, as well as not cooking hot meals, and reducing the temperature of your hot water boiler to the minimum.
2. You can reduce your gas bill by increasing your tire pressure to the maximum (check your car's manual for those data or ask a tire mechanic)
3. You can reduce your food bill dramatically by cutting out meat and using lentils and eggs instead, or milk, and shunning ready-made meals (the thing that will amaze you is that you will need a lot less food to be full and healthy if you switch to a diet of salads with pulses and native oils and wholegrain bread and brown rice).
4. cut out alcohol and replace it with gourmet coffee and tea
5. no smokes if you do
6. find somebody to share your apartment
7. convince your insurance company that you are taking certain precautions to secure your car and ask for rebates for female drivers
8. build up a social network of people to make sure people are aware of you and your needs (church maybe?)
9. Consider not having a telephone and TV.
I hope this seems practical to you - has helped me a lot.