a lost guy.
2011-04-29 18:22:42 UTC
CONS: -Store Manager talks trash about everyone, its a well known fact, I've seen her do it myself (she's a 40 year old woman)
-the floor manager is a total B****, she swears, calls you effing stupid, retarded and all sorts of things when you dont understand what she said and such.
the assistant manager is gay, therefore he walks around and thinks its okay to tell me i'm cute and -hug me, and talk abotu the guys he met and what he's trying to "do" with them.
HOURS: i work one week for 35 hours (great) and then the next I can work as low as 15 hours.. tell me how do i survive off that? Impossible... yet i see all the other people have pretty consistent hours (not days which would be fine by me).
Today: I've gone for my 2nd day of work at my sandwhich shop (2nd job) and i informed mcds with an assistant manager, and a note in the day off box 5 days ago that I will be late today by 10 mins and tomorrow i need the first 2 hours covered. NO ONE GOT THE MSG so i got blamed, so I appologized but never heard the end of it from the Store manager... at the end she threatens me and says "Why do you even need a job, i dont think its fair we need to work around you now because we are your first job" I told her my 2nd job works mornings upt ill about 2.. i never EVER work at MCDS until like 3 average.. 2pm rare. she then said "the GM wont like this, she's going to tlak to you i hope you dont lose anything" so i told her flat out, are you threatening me because you're coming off a bit hostile. and she backed off and repeated her first question so i said " you want to know why? because I'm 20 and i have bills to pay and you guys dont give me hours, you have to work around me i did the best i can with the hours its not really affecting you. I devoted a year of my life as you guys yanked me around for whtever hours you pleased, I'm in need of consistency or i leave. she then said okay the GM will talk to yuo, but u can have the consistency.
honestly guys i know im ranting but seriously this is BS, there literally is sexual harrassment, the managers put you down and make you feel like terrible like a DI in the marines would! (I've gone through MEPS so i have a generalized idea what DI's actually are). Now they think that I still want MCDS as my primary job, I want to work 2 jobs now for summer, then drop MCDS for my new job (better pay and more hours) I just dont know if i can really take this BS anymore honestly...
what do i do?