Ok my husband and our 19 month old daughter just moved to Little Rock Arkansas in May. PLEASE READ!!?
Kara S
2008-09-01 22:02:17 UTC
Ok we were offered an amazing opportunity by my husbands old boss to come and work for him. My husband grew up here and then moved up to Washington to go to college and then we met and got married. Anyway he called and said come work for me. I'll pay you 40,000 the first year. My hus. said ok and he asked how much is insurance for a family. That can be a big difference. He told him 500.00 which was a stretch. We have some debt! It cost us 15,000 to move here! 6,000 is on a credit card, my husband had to buy A LOT of tools to do this job as he is working a as a toyota technician!

As you know when starting a new jib you do not have insurance for 90 days. Well wouldn't you know it? I had a misscarraige and since it was a missed misscarriage I had to have a D&C which racked up a 10,000 dollar bill. Then a few weeks later a tree fell on BOTH of our cars. Our insurance told us it's not covered because we weren't under covered parking?
And just last week we find out his insurance is actually 700.00 a month AND I didn't tell you he is making 10.00 per hour. Luckily he isn't on commission yet

SO he isn't making 40,000 obviously.

Anyway I'm scared to death. We are about 1,650 short a month. It's worse now because the cut his hours by a day and no overtime and our savings ran out this month.

I have no idea what to do? We already have 2 credit crads we are paying on. We have about 7,000 dollars in equity since we JUST bought our house. We have a baby girl that I REALLY do not want to put in daycare because my 4 year old niece had a BAD experience with a 14 yr old boy! I just can't trust anyone I don't know! So I babysit, I clean homes, I will do errands, sell stuff on CL. filing, I am great at data entry, does anyone know of anything PLEASE I'm, not asking for money or charity. I am asking for advice.

What do you suggest? What can I do? We aren't gonna make it? I don't wanna lose our home. And more than that it's tearing apart our marraige, the stress it's horrible. Money is evil

Please help me

Thank You
Four answers:
2008-09-01 22:14:06 UTC
You might try applying for Medicaid, or Arkansas version of it. Assuming you're husband was making 10 per hour at the time of the miscarriage, you most likely qualified for pregnancy related Medicaid and, assuming the miscarriage and associated costs were within the last 90 days, it's possible you can apply retroactively, in which case they would cover the last 90 days of medical expenses.

I would also encourage your husband to have a sit down meeting with his boss and point out the differences in both pay and insurance expenses.
2016-05-27 07:55:17 UTC
I'm not going to tell you whether you should spank your kids or not, but I can tell you that spanking before 24 months is not effective. They have no idea what it means and it teaches them to model the hitting behavior they learn from mom and dad. The reason they listen to their dad is because he is an authority figure in their little minds. It's an instinctive association that most children who live in a home with a male caregiver have. My husband has never raised a hand to either one of our kids (I'm the disciplinarian) and they both mind him better than me. For children that young, a little timeout works pretty well. Designate a timeout place. They probably won't voluntarily sit somewhere at that age, so you might want to use a playpen or highchair that they can't escape from. When one of your kids is misbehaving tell them to stop specifically. Don't just say "no." Say "no hitting," or "no throwing toys." If they don't stop, warn them that a timeout is coming. If they still don't stop, say "timeout" and place the child in the timeout spot. Yes, the baby will probably scream and cry, and you have to ignore that. Just walk away. Leave the child in timeout for about two minutes and then review the reason for timeout when it's over. You might have to do timeout for the same behavior over and over again at first. The key is to never get angry or give any special attention to the child in timeout. Yelling or lecturing is a big reaction and that can teach the child to repeat the undesirable behavior in an attempt to get the same reaction from you. So react minimally. Just put the child in timeout and walk away. The same goes for temper tantrums. They're pushing two, so there will be tantrums. Just put the tantrum-thrower in a safe place where no amount of thrashing is going to cause injury (or property damage) and walk away. Never give in to the tantrum. That will reinforce the behavior. If there is tantrum potential in a public place, remove the child from the situation. If the baby is going to scream in the grocery store, leave the cart and take both kids to the car. Hold one child and put the screamer in the car seat. Wait outside the car with the non-screamer until the tantrum has run its course. Then take the children back into the store and finish shopping. Most toddlers have temper tantrums because they don't know how to internalize negative emotions like anger or frustration. But if the tantrum is rewarded with treats or special attention the child can learn to use it as a way to manipulate mom and dad. Your job is to make sure things never get that far by making sure the tantrums have no real beneficial outcome for the child.
Michelle t
2008-09-01 22:11:50 UTC
Try not to get mad at your partner. (i know it's very hard)

just try pay your credit card off.( get the credit people to have you pay monthly payments towards the bill)

also try not to spend you money on stuff you don't need... only spend money on what you need the most...

and make sure you take care of your children.. and there needs first..

Also if your looking for jobs....

Go to this websites: OR

THis websites will tell you what there is that hiring around you...

also if your looking for a job. get up around 8:00am and go to every place you know and fill out an aplication and also make a Resume...
2008-09-01 22:04:52 UTC
After 4 years of trial and error, I finally created an income of over 1000 bucks per day. Funny thing, it was pretty simple, I just didn't have the right information or support. Making money is fun when you know what to do. It is very frustrating when you do not. If you are serious about making this kind of money I suggest to really go over this resource site.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.