2019-04-12 13:10:22 UTC
We have incoming reports all day every day.
When she comes across a report that she doesn t know how to do, she openly says "Oh, I don t know how to do that," leaves it on my desk, and proceeds to walk away.
It tries my patience and at one point, I told her to just ask and I ll show her. She says she wouldn t understand.
I ve gone to the office manager upwards of five times about this. Most recently I was told to "Let it go."
It has gotten to a point where I just cannot ignore the pure obviousness of it and I am convinced she must have a learning deficiency.
This has been going on now for almost two years and I am sometimes frustrated to the point of tears and unnecessary anger.
Should I go to HR? Sometimes I am so swamped with my own work, I cannot get it all done because she refuses to learn it and points everyone in my direction after openly admitting she cannot do it. I am not the only one that has gone to the office manager about this woman, but somehow, she turns it around so the other person is the bad guy.
Her seniority seems to take precedence over frustrated and crying employees. I m not sure what to do anymore.