2013-08-08 20:18:52 UTC
I have been at the new job for several weeks and I am miserable. The interview misled me. The culture is to work 7 days a week, 12 hrs a day and people are made to feel guilty if they dont work those hours. I have a 2 year old daughter and by the time i get home she is in bed and I never see my family. A manager told me it will probably be like this for along time, because the workload is so high. We are working through labor day and Christmas this year because we are behind schedule.
There is nobody to train me, and my boss does not know what he is doing. When I ask him to explain things, he is sketchy and doesnt answer directly. He shows me something for a few minutes and then turns it over to me to "own". When i ask for questions he sends me on a goose chase. THe other people supporting the project dont know what is going on either. They are all new.
After being there a week, he turned the project over for me to manage. It's a $2.4B contract and it is in big trouble. Over budget, behind schedule and it is complete chaos. I have worked stuff like this for years and I can recognize a poorly run program - this is the worst i've ever seen. Nobody else in the company wanted to touch it, so they put me on it. I am responsible for the cost and schedule and I am already answering to the government and executives about it and I have no clue what is happening. Not alot of backup and support from my boss.
My boss is distancing himself and he often goes to lunch or goes home early and throws me into meetings with the customer to fend for myself. I spend all day trying to prep for my next meeting. Everyone on the project is new (less than 6 months) and it is complete chaos. He thinks he is doing me a favor, but he is allowing me to fail in my acessment.
I was told I would be analyzing cost and schedule, and coordinating production, but it turns out I am more like a fall-guy and the name and face that gets associated with the project when it comes to communicating status to the customer. The workload is insane because many things have to be reworked and done multiple times.
The compnay does not have the proper project management tools in place, so it's fly the seat of yoru pants all day. I have the responsiblity, but not the authority or the tools to be successful.
At first I thought, ok, its just new job jitters, i will get past this. But everyone who works there tells me they feel sorry for me for being thrown on this new project, and that it makes no sense to throw a new guy into it. Everyone is very stressed and confused, and bewildered as to why i am on this. The managers talk it up like its a great opportunity for me, but i really dont see what is so great.
My ability to add value is hindered because of forces way beyond my control - things that should have happened years ago in the design.
My boss goes out of town alot and says he needs me to cover the meetings. When he gets back, the meetings i covered now become my responsibility.
The few people who seem to know what is going on will not get involved with me, either for fear of being sucked into the project or because they are protective of what they know. The experienced people are on the good project that runs smoothly.
I really feel like I made a mistake and I can not continue to live like this. In a year's time, I will probably learn what is going on, but by then the project will be done and the next one will start. THe program has a 10 year history of being like this. Since i've been there I have already had to slip the schedule because I am unable to get production accomplished. The engineering is faulty and nobody knows how to fix it.
I feel overwhelmed and I am angry that they would just throw a new hire after a few weeks into such a bad position.
It's almost like they just wanted to throw a warm body in there just to check a box. My boss is trying to get out of town as quickly as possible. He is young, inexperienced and disorganized. He can't show me how to do anything. He wants to leave in 6 weeks and then I will be by myself.
So I pulsed my old boss, who would love to have me back. I left on good terms, gracefuly, and they were understanding.
I have a window of opportunity to go back to my old job and not miss a beat. I will burn a bridge for sure, but at this point I don't really have respect for them for doing this to me. I have always had training and support in previous jobs.
Should I stick it out? I have never quit a job so soon.