* Business: Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals (1,924)
* Health: Medicine: Research: Institutes, Departments, and Laboratories: Biomedical Research (48)
* Science: Biology: Biomechanics (43)
This category in other languages:
French (9) German (11) Italian (11)
Japanese (18) Spanish (4)
* Abmin Technologies, Ltd. - Biomaterials for oral, craniomaxillofacial and orthopedic applications.
* Advanced Medical Technology - TUDelft - Advanced, body-powered, arm prostheses and orthoses.
* AGA Group - UK based bioengineering company, with expertise ranging from water quality assessment to fisheries management and river restoration.
* Annals of Biomedical Engineering (ABME) - Interdisciplinary, international journal published as the official journal of the Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES). Produced bi-monthly by the American Institute of Physics.
* Biocompatibles - International bio-materials group focused on the development and commercial exploitation of its biocompatible phosphorylcholine for use in cardiovascular and urology applications.
* BioDevices Biz - Medical devices and diagnostics portal and B2B marketplace.
* Bioelectronic interaces, EPFL - Research on implantable electronics, including artificial CMOS retina, endoporator, and in vitro probing of the electrical properties of stem cells.
* Bioengineering at the University of Colorado - Education and research in biomedical and biochemical engineering at CU Boulder.
* Bio-Engineering Student Society - Students who share common research interests in bioengineering and applied biology at Rutgers University.
* Bioinformatics Institute of India - Postgraduate diploma program in bioinformatics, biomedical informatics and related sciences.
* Biomechanics Knowledge Repository (Biomch-W) - An organized collection of biomechanics related information in a wiki.
* Biomedical Engineering Online Journal - Published by BioMed Central, the journal covers all aspects of biomedical engineering.
* Biomedical Technologies, Inc. - Reagents for life science research.
* Biophan Technologies - MRI-compatible Pacemaker - Implantable cardiac pacemakers and other critical medical devices insensitive to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and other equipment using magnetic fields, radio waves, and similar forms of electromagnetic interference (EMI).
* Biosyntech - Advanced Biosensing Technologies - Technology-based company dedicated to providing equipment, software, and services for research, product development, quality control, and biomedical applications.
* Biotechtronics, Inc. - New technology for visual display for physiological monitoring and evaluation products for the health, education and medical industries.
* BME Central - Jobs, news items, and listings of labs, researchers, companies in the sector.
* CAM Implants - Hydroxyapatite-coated Implants, Bonegraft Substitutes - Ongoing research in bioceramic materials.
* Cardiovascular Implant Research Lab - Clemson - Cardiovascular Implant Research Lab at Clemson University's Department of Bioengineering. Focuses on the design of implantable devices for the correction of defects of the cardiovascular system.
* Cardiovascular Mechanics and Biofluid Dynamics - Ghent University - Research site concentrating on cardiovascular and extracorporeal fluid mechanics (in artificial organs).
* Cartela AB - innovative integrin research - Research centered on two collagen-binding integrins, alpha 10 and alpha 11, present on the cell surface of connective tissue cells.
* Center for Computational Biology - Montana State University - An interdisciplinary academic unit supporting research, training, and technology transfer in computational biology.
* Centrum Techniki Laserowej - LASERINSTRUMENTS - High and low power lasers for medicine: 5-, 10-, and 30-W lasers for surgery (CO2) and contact microsurgery (Nd:YAG); 5- and 10-W Er:YAG lasers for dentistry and dermatology; red and infrared diode lasers from 100 mW up to 500 mW for LLLT,; 15- and 30-W high power diode lasers for contact microsurgery. Plus industrial lasers and accessories.
* Cicero Bioinstrumentation - Biomedical engineering services including software, test and measurement, FDA-compliant documentation and support, and clinic and laboratory IT.
* Clinical Engineering Society of Ontario - The Clinical Engineering Society of Ontario, CESO, represents the professional interests of Clinical Engineers and Biomedical Engineering Technologists and Technicians in the Province of Ontario.
* Comedicus Incorporated - Cardiac Medical Devices and Technology - Cardiac medical devices and technology used for accessing the pericardial space and performing epicardial diagnostic and therapeutic procedures on the heart.
* Computational Neurobiology Lab (CNL) - The long range goal of our laboratory is to understand the computational resources of brains from the biophysical to the systems levels. The central issues being addressed are how sensory information is represented in the visual cortex, how memory representations are formed, and how visuo-motor transformations are adaptively organized.
* Convergent Engineering - Focuses on biomedical research using neural networks.
* DOE Advanced Biomedical Technology Research - Advanced Biomedical Technology Research --- basic research into medical technologies that can be transferred to the medical field for further study. Sponsored by the Medical Sciences Division of the Office of Science of the Department of Energy.
* Downstreamconsult - Protein Purification Consultants - Protein purification consultation online.
* EBME Biomedical Engineering - Medical, biomedical and clinical engineering portal website. Educational articles, discussion forum, recruitment section.
* Eiffel Technologies Limited - Biomedical drug re-engineering using supercritical fluid (SCF) technology to create sub-micron particles with improved solubility and bioavailability, for enhanced drug design and delivery.
* Electrobionics - Electronics in Biology; Biology in Electronics - Research and references on electric and magnetic fields and pulsed power in biological systems.
* Electronic Engineering Corporation - Instruments and Pumps - Manufacturer and exporter of biomedical instruments and pumps for scientific applications.
* Endotec - Orthopedic Products - Ankle, knee, shoulder and hip replacement implants in standard and custom configurations.
* Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society of the IEEE - Advances the application of engineering sciences and technology to medicine and biology, promotes the profession, and provides global leadership for the benefit of its members and humanity by disseminating knowledge, setting standards, fostering professional development, and recognizing excellence.
* The Equipment Review - Medical equipment reviews by users.
* Esophageal Research - Manchester Royal Infirmary - Latest work and publications.
* Etex - Bone Repair and Fracture Healing products - Calcium phosphate-based bone graft substitutes, implant surface coatings, and resorbable orthopedic devices.
* FESnet - UK Network for FES Rehabilitation Engineering - UK network for coordinating research and implementation of FES (functional electrical stimulation).
* Flinders Biomedical Engineering - Clinical engineering and laboratory equipment support to Flinders Medical Centre, medical device research and development in Adelaide, and biomedical consultancy and training internationally
* The Foundry - Biomedical Business Consultants - Transform concepts into companies.
* Fresenius HemoCare - Extracorporeal blood treatment and infusion technology. Adsorber (arthritis, lupus, percholesterolemia), immune, transfusion, and infusion methods.
* Friedrich-Miescher Institute - Biomedical research institute in Basel.
* Grad Student Josh Lovekamp's Site for Bioprosthetic Heart Valves - Graduate student's description of biomedical engineering research in heart valve replacements.
* g.tec - Guger Technologies OEG, Medical and Electrical Engineering - EEG, ECG, EOG and EMG acquisition and analysis systems based on MATLAB and Simulink.
* Heiko Kuhn - Center for Advanced Biotechnology - Peptide Nucleic Acids - Research in Frank-Kamenetskii's group at Boston University involving peptide nucleic acids (PNAs). Related links.
* Howard Hughes Medical Institute - HHMI investigators have been involved in many important recent advances, from the discovery of genes related to cystic fibrosis, obesity, and other diseases, to new insights about how human cells develop or communicate.
* Human Brain Mapping - The Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) has evolved in response to the explosion in the field of human functional neuroimaging. Provides an educational forum for Human Brain Mapping research exchanges.
* Human Motor Control Research - Adaptive Model Theory - Human motor control, including details of the Adaptive Model Theory of human voluntary movement (AMT).
* i2m Design - Design and fabrication services for biomedical micro and nanotechnologies.
* Imaging Physics Laboratory - University of California, Irvine - Limited staff and research information.
* Implanted Devices Group - University College London - Implantable and surface systems for restoring function to paralyzed muscles with Functional Electrical Stimulation.
* In Vivo NMR Centre, University of Alberta - A part of the Biomedical Engineering Department at the University of Alberta. We work with NMR in the pursuit of in vivo (internal to the body) research.
* Innovative Biosensors - Rapid, portable, sensitive detection systems for infectious organisms based on engineered lymphocyte luminescence.
* Kevin Tan's Biomedical Engineering - Advice for Students - Opinions and information about biomedical engineering programs and careers. Directed toward Chinese students.
* Kuros - Bone, Skin, Soft-tissue Repair - Therapies for biosurgery, tissue repair and regeneration.
* Lipid Sciences, Inc. - Pleasanton, CA company that manipulates lipids and their role in human health. Includes an overview of technologies, an introduction to the team, and news and events.
* Lipomics Technologies, Inc. - Resources in therapeutics and diagnostics for metabolic disorders. Includes powerpoint-dependent slide show of lipid metabolites, and library of fatty acids and sterols from discovery and development company, offering commercial lipid analysis and contract research, based in West Sacramento, CA.
* Los Alamos National Laboratory Bioscience Division - Multidisciplinary research and engineering at the interface of biology, chemistry, physics, and computational biology
* Lung Nodule Detection Using Template-Matching Technique - unpublished manuscript - Description of a simple technique for computer-aided diagnosis of lung nodules in chest radiographic images.
* Margret & H. A. Rey Laboratory for Nonlinear Dynamics in Medicine - Interdisciplinary research laboratory at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, affiliated with Harvard Medical School, Harvard-M.I.T. Division of Health Sciences and Technology, and the Center for Polymer Studies at Boston University.
* Master Training Packages in Biomedical signal Processing - Graduate "distance learning": Extraction of Signals from Noise, Computing Methods for Simulation Modelling and Analysis, Instrumentation Signal Acquisition and Stimulation, Signal Analysis for Medicine and Physiology, Biomedical Signal Processing: Concepts and Techniques, sound and vibration, biomedical signal processing, ISVR, Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, University of Southampton
* M-Biotech - Hydrogel Biosensors - Glucose biosensor based on pressure changes from hydrogel swelling. Other analytes under development.
* McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine - Tissue engineering, biomaterials, cellular therapeutics, stem cells - University of Pittsburgh research institute.
* Medical Device Forum - Bulletin board-newsgroup for Medical Device industry professionals. Share ideas, discuss current issues, or seek solutions regarding the design, manufacture, or regulation of medical devices.
* Medical Devices Centre at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute - Multidisciplinary research and training opportunities related to the development of medical devices and patient care support.
* Medical Engineer - Resources for Medical Engineering including jobs boards, discussion forums, and online calculation tools. Features the open definitions discussion project.
* Medical Engineering & Physics Journal - A journal of the Institude of Physics and Engineering in Medicine, issues monthly, subscription required for fulltext.
* Medical informatics laboratory, University of Cyprus - Medical Informatics Laboratory of the Department of Computer Science of the University of Cyprus
* Mediomics - Fluorescence-based test products for rapidly and sensitively measuring the activity of sequence-specific DNA binding proteins and their specific small molecule co-regulators (ligands).
* MEMS with Maskless Photolithography - MEMS fabrication service.
* Microscopy Primer - Web treatise on microscopy that covers a broad range of topics from basic to advanced.
* Models of Fetoplacental Blood Circulation - 1993 thesis describing blood circulation of human placenta, with in vitro experiments and models. Language: Italian and English.
* Monash University Rehabilitation Technology - Catalogue of prosthetic, orthotic, and rehabilitative devices developed by REHABTech and available for the industry. Information for amputees - advice and links to support groups. Information for the health professional, continuing education, reports, relevant research, practice forms, discussion groups.
* Morphogenesis and Regenerative Medicine Institute - Integrative biology effort at the University of Virginia targeting the basic principles underlying how cells form, organize, maintain, regenerate, and repair the proper three dimensional structures of tissues and organs.
* Motus Bioengineering, Inc. - Motus uses gyroscopes to quantify gait, tremor, dyskinesia, and range of motion in individuals with Parkinson's, stroke, and sport injuries, and can track rehabilitation outcome.
* NanoLight Technologies - Marine bioluminescent and fluorescent proteins for medical diagnostics, tumor imaging, and drug discovery.
* National Center for Biotechnology Information - U.S. government-funded national resource for molecular biology information. Access to many public databases and other references, including the draft human genome.
* National Cheng Kung University Institute of Biomedical Engineering - Institute of Biomedical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
* National Institutes of Health Bioengineering Consortium - BECON is a collaberation between senior members of all NIH institutes, centers, and divisions to steer bioengineering development.
* Netech --- Biomedical and Industrial Test Instruments and Calibration Services - Products and services for test and calibration of medical instruments.
* Neural Engineering Center, Biomedical Engineering, Case Western Reserve University - Analyzing the function of the nervous system, developing methods to restore damaged neurological function, and creating artificial systems by integrating physical, chemical, mathematical and engineering tools. Free neuron simulation software provided (Neurocal).
* Neurocybernetics Research Group - Technische Universitat Ilmenau - Methods and applications for neurodiagnostics, neurotherapy, and neurocontrol.
* Nian-Crae, Inc. Technology Solutions - Computerized devices for rehabilitation, including ambulatory physiological data recorders and an artificial hand.
* NIH Center for Biological Field Modeling, Simulation, and Visualization - University of Utah - Center for research and development of advanced modeling, simulation, and visualization methods for solving bioelectric field problems
* Nippon Medical Research - Biomedical venture company with an injectable antibiotic for MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus)infections.
* OakRiver Technology Corporation - Provider of engineering and contract manufacturing solutions specializing in electro-mechanical and medical devices.
* Optobionics - Silicon Retina - Artificial silicon retina for restoring vision in humans --- in clinical trials.
* Patient Telemonitoring - Telecare - telemonitoring over mobile networks for interactive, continous care.
* Pega Medical Inc. - Design, development, evaluation, and manufacturing of medical devices (bone repair products). 3-D CAD/CAM system, Finite Element Analysis, static and fatigue biomechanical testing, contract manufacturing, forensic engineering.
* Personal Page - Oliver Wagner, Ph.D. - Biomedical researcher's personal page including curriculum vitae and examples of current scientific work.
* R. M. Baldwin, Inc - Multi-Disciplinary Engineering Services For Medicine & Industry. A truly unique consulting firm that offers a comprehensive approach to product development, regulatory compliance and engineering.
* Radiophysical Methods in Medicine - Biomedical engineering, biomedical physics, biomechanics, and bioacoustics. Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences
* Reiners Biomedical Engineering Site - Reiner Beck lists his favourite links regarding medical science and biomedical engineering.
* Roar Biomedical, Inc. - Fluorescence-based protein activity kits with "Spectral Interference Protection".
* RWTH Master Programme Biomedical Engineering - Interdisciplinary course of studies in engineering, medical, and natural sciences at the Aachen University of Technology (Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule, RWTH). Taught in English.
* School Of Medical Science & Technology, IIT, Kharagpur, India - Thi newly established school in the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur provides interdisciplinary education and research in Bioengineering, to medical doctors, giving them the cutting-edge in the competetive and upcoming field of bioengineering research!
* Storm2k.com - Links relating to surgical technology and images of surgical tools.
* Stryker Biotech - OP-1 Implant - Bone Morphogenetic Protein (BMP), OP-1 (Osteogenic Protein-1) - stimulates repair and regeneration of bone and joint tissue. Initial applications of OP-1 will be as an osteoinductive, or bone-inducing, bone graft material for skeletal repair.
* SwRI Medical Device Design - Medical technology development based on a multidisciplinary approach to problem solving, with innovative medical device design, prototyping, and testing.
* Systems Biology at the University of California, San Francisco - Biosystems research at UCSF: bioengineering, bioinformatics, computational biology, systems biology, modeling, simulation, computational therapeutics, and therapeutic engineering.
* Texas Center for Superconductivity at the University of Houston - Superconducting technology in magnetocardiography (MCG), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Forces browser to full-screen.
* TGR BioSciences - biotechnology development - Support for development of discoveries of novel bioactives to the stage of commercialisation through license agreements or the formation of new companies.
* T3I - UV Decontamination - High-output, monochromatic UV source for fluid decontamination.
* Tianjin Baoxin International Oil and Fat Biological Engineering Co., Ltd. - The major products of Tianjin Baoxin company are PUFA Linolenic Acid microencapsule powder, for example : -Linolenic Acid microencapsule powderiGLAj/ Linoleic Acid (LA) Microencapsule Powder/ EMBCONDA -Linolenic Acid microencapsule powder (health food).
* Trans Spectra SIFT-MS FA-MS - Research, development and production of SIFT-MS and FA-MS instruments for trace gas analysis of air, breath and liquid headspace.
* UIC Biomechanics - University of Illinois at Chicago. Biomechanics Research Facility
* UIC Biomedical Engineering Society - Activities and organizational information - University of Illinois at Chicago chapter of the Biomedical Engineering Society.
* Unit of Biomedical Engineering, Hippokration General Hospital of Athens, Papaioannou TG - Research and education group at Hippokration General Hospital of Athens, focusing on cardiovascular engineering and technology.
* University of Hartford Biomedical Engineering - Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering program.
* University of Iowa Biomedical Engineering Department - Accredited undergraduate program at the University of Iowa, with research focus areas including biomechanics, biomaterials, and bioimaging.
* Veryan Medical devices flow mechanics - Relationships between flow mechanics and disease. Veryan Medical is using this unique understanding to develop a series of medical devices to significantly improve the long-term effectiveness of medical care in patients with vascular disease.
* Vivoxid Ltd - Biomaterials for oral, craniomaxillofacial and orthopedic applications.
* Washington University Department of Biomedical Engineering - Courses, Faculty, Research.