No, I do not look down on minimum wage workers. Unless they are out there trying to make a honest day's living than leeching off taxpayers via welfare and other hand out "entitlement" programs. As for colleges being affordable, a four year degree nowadays costs $30,000, and unless your family is either upper middle class or rich, your chances of going to college is really slim with tuition keep on increasing, and you are barely squeaking by.
Here's why a 30 something old are working minimum wage jobs:
-They graduated from college, but there is no demand for jobs in their major because the job market where they live could be flooded with applicants who have the same degree that they have, or jobs for their major have mostly gone to Asia or Mexico for cheap labor.
-That minimum wage job is all that they can find in this crappy economy.
-They could be working a full time job but that minimum wage job could be their second job to help pay down debt, save money, or for extra fun money.
-Their kids are still in school and the only job they can get is working at Walmart or McDonald's.
-They could be in school trying to better themselves, but had to work two part time jobs to help pay for books, tuition, etc. Financial aid doesn't cover everything.
-They could have majored in Computer Science or IT, but employers these days want 1-2 years of experience for an IT or CS job, and it is hard to get experience when no one would hire you first.
Do not look down on people who are putting food on the table and trying to survive this crappy economy. At least they are out there working, which is way more than I can say for people who don't have any intention to get out there and get a job. There are 20+ million people who are unemployed and will gladly take even a minimum wage job right now. In their eyes, working a minimum wage job is better than not working. Minimum wage workers have my respect.