Do you look down on minimum wage workers?
2016-12-25 19:25:38 UTC
I'm referring to those in their 30's still working in low skill jobs, such as retail, cleaners, etc. In my opinion, minimum wage jobs are for 16 year old's new to the job market or immigrants who just arrived to the country. A lot of minimum wage workers tend to be uneducated (everyone can afford to go university nowadays) and have little to no ambition to improve their life. But to each their own.
178 answers:
♥Willow♥ ♪♫My♪♫ ♥Doxie♥
2016-12-27 22:01:23 UTC
Heck no. First of all, when I was in high school I couldn't even get a minimum wage, entry level job because I had no work experience. How are you supposed to get experience if you entry level positions won't accept you? I was only able to get my first job because I volunteered at the place first, did a great job and got hired.

Second of all, no, not everybody can afford to go to university. Where did you get that idea from? I am $11,000 in debt from my Bachelor's Degree and nowadays all you can get with one of those is still an entry level position!

Thirdly, just because a job is minimum wage doesn't mean it's easy. The physical work may not be that difficult, but usually they are working longer hours, and receive more verbal abuse from customers. They are providing a service that people use. Someone needs to work the job so why look down on them?

Not every high school student can work because not all of them have transportation, and just because someone is an immigrant doesn't mean they can't get a higher paying job than minimum wage. To be honest, if everybody could afford to go to university and become a doctor or lawyer etc, who would pump your gas? Man the grocery store you buy your food at? Cook the food at the restaurants you frequent? I'm pretty sure there are more minimum wage positions available than 16 year olds and "immigrants" can fill.
2016-12-26 19:51:29 UTC
Back in the 'old days' maybe minimum wage jobs were for 'young people', but even then the 'purchasing power' of the minimum wage was far greater than the inflation ravaged minimum wage of today. The minimum wage today, depending on what part of the US you live should be somewhere between twelve and fifteen dollars an hour just to stay even with the purchasing power of the 1970's.

Point two: The fast food industry, the hotel/motel and the big box retailers grew up on the ever diminishing minimum wage. Before the 1970's there was no fast food, hotel/motel or big box industry with the size, political power, and massive profits as today. Allowing wages at all levels to slip and taxes to fall created the space for these industries to become what they are today. Couple that with the massive outflow of factory work and the busted unions that began in the Reagan administration millions of Americans today are forced to accept the lower wages offered by the expanding corporate interests. As it's not likely that wages will ever go up significantly the idea of tax supported public education at state colleges and universities, Medicare for All and decent old age pensions makes sense. Taxing the massive trans national corporations who make billions of dollars on 'cheap labor' to pay for these benefits of citizenship also makes economic, political and social sense. I'm sure the operatives of the current GOP/Tea/Fox/Koch/Jesus party will disagree. Low wages, low taxes, no social benefits and a constant propaganda effort against doing the right thing will continue. The poor will get poorer and the rich richer and the poor will get the blame for being poor. As for the shrinking 'middle class'....the handwriting is on the wall for them as well. Unless this gets turned around the future looks like a healthy minority or even a majority of Americans will be nothing but peons and coolies living in a crumbling physical and social infrastructure of poverty. Bummer, eh?
2016-12-27 04:55:51 UTC
I do not personally look down on them as that is their decision and their life choice. Any career is better than no career after all !!

However, I do agree that minimum wage jobs should primarily be for high school students looking to gradually enter the "real world"/job market. The hope of minimum wage jobs is that eventually one will move up the ranks and move into a managerial position where more money can be made that can properly provide for a family.

As long as they are paying taxes and doing their part economically I am pleased :)
2016-12-28 16:27:10 UTC
No of course I don't look down on minimum wage workers. My dad is minimum wage worker and he's extremely hard working and intelligent (his IQ is 155). The only reason he didn't go to college is because he had to look after me and my siblings while my mom went to college. Also, its probably not a great idea to put 16 year old kids in charge of most minimum wage jobs.
Chris C
2016-12-30 01:51:51 UTC
I do not have the right to look down on anyone. I do not know their personal situation, which may be unable to get a very good education, the ability to retain that knowledge, sickness within a family that may have prevented (or changed) the working status of the person, their desire to work harder, or perhaps simply a choice they made to be happy with all that they may have at this point, among many, many possibilities within those I mentioned or those that I didn't. I have worked jobs ranging from minimum wage all the way to well above it. I am happy to say that I can provide what I can for my family and strive to learn something new everyday in order to better myself either as a person or as a worker, or for both.
2016-12-27 20:37:47 UTC
Not at all. To each his own.

Personally, my main goals in life are to make money and love my job (as opposed to having a family or other passions). Lots of minimum wage jobs seem to involve customer service, which I find draining. For both of these reasons, having a minimum wage job would probably make me utterly miserable.

However, not everyone's main goal in life is to make money. Some people have other goals - maybe more focused on family, finding love, or pursuing a curiosity with the sciences. Who knows. Also, maybe some people just really enjoy their minimum wage jobs and don't like the higher paying options.
2016-12-29 10:50:19 UTC
Not really. Sometimes life is just hard and things happen. Maybe you couldn't afford college. Or maybe even you made a mistake in life and ended up in jail for a year or two and had to start over. (Not all ppl who've been to jail are bad or insane). Maybe you've had kids and let one partner do the working but then you got a divorce and had to start somewhere.

There's not many people with perfect TV lives. I'm sure every life has had a weird turn.

Right now I am a beautiful 15 year old girl with a low paying job and I don't know what may happen. I want to go to college, become a architect, get married and have kids but I'm sure I'll have some weird things to happen in life, who knows. Yes I have a sharp mind a good grades but idk what exact age I'll graduate college they just give ages (like start college at 18) so all people will have the same idea of life and not be all over the place.
Smokies Hiker
2016-12-26 18:45:52 UTC
I would never look down on anyone willing to work for any type of living! Making less money than someone else isn't to be looked down on, it's the person who does no work at all and sits around all day waiting for a handout from someone, who deserves little respect from those who find something to do to earn a living. There were times when I was without work because of being laid off or on strike against the company. But there were houses, barns and television antennas that needed to be painted until I was back to work again. The bills don't stop coming in just because you're not working.
2016-12-27 12:28:25 UTC
Some people just want to lead simple lives. They may like the idea of working for less and not having to commit time and money they may not even have to education for a supposed higher paying job. Besides minimum wage workers are important as well.
Genius PC Girl
2016-12-27 21:56:29 UTC
No, I do not look down on minimum wage workers. Unless they are out there trying to make a honest day's living than leeching off taxpayers via welfare and other hand out "entitlement" programs. As for colleges being affordable, a four year degree nowadays costs $30,000, and unless your family is either upper middle class or rich, your chances of going to college is really slim with tuition keep on increasing, and you are barely squeaking by.

Here's why a 30 something old are working minimum wage jobs:

-They graduated from college, but there is no demand for jobs in their major because the job market where they live could be flooded with applicants who have the same degree that they have, or jobs for their major have mostly gone to Asia or Mexico for cheap labor.

-That minimum wage job is all that they can find in this crappy economy.

-They could be working a full time job but that minimum wage job could be their second job to help pay down debt, save money, or for extra fun money.

-Their kids are still in school and the only job they can get is working at Walmart or McDonald's.

-They could be in school trying to better themselves, but had to work two part time jobs to help pay for books, tuition, etc. Financial aid doesn't cover everything.

-They could have majored in Computer Science or IT, but employers these days want 1-2 years of experience for an IT or CS job, and it is hard to get experience when no one would hire you first.

Do not look down on people who are putting food on the table and trying to survive this crappy economy. At least they are out there working, which is way more than I can say for people who don't have any intention to get out there and get a job. There are 20+ million people who are unemployed and will gladly take even a minimum wage job right now. In their eyes, working a minimum wage job is better than not working. Minimum wage workers have my respect.
2016-12-26 01:48:04 UTC
You are entitled to your opinion but the reality is that there are people returning to the labour market after a break eg. stay at home mothers, some who do it just out of boredom, those who lost their job, those who are in higher education etc. The fact is if all of those people who were not 16 or immigrants all tried to move up, there would not be jobs for all of them.

Hell i've got a masters degree and i've worked for free before... or even had to pay for the privilege as i was helping out in the family business. I've also worked minimum wage on holidays just because minimum wage was like double or triple normal rate.
2016-12-29 13:58:37 UTC
I would never look down on anyone willing to work for any type of living! Making less money than someone else isn't to be looked down on, it's the person who does no work at all and sits around all day waiting for a handout from someone, who deserves little respect from those who find something to do to earn a living. There were times when I was without work because of being laid off or on strike against the company. But there were houses, barns and television antennas that needed to be painted until I was back to work again. The bills don't stop coming in just because you're not working.
2016-12-28 07:08:08 UTC
I think your still in the 70's and 80's and not in reality. I do not look down on them because it is difficult to achieve an education, and a job that pays well. This idea that they are all high school students in entry level work still exists, but the idea that all minimum wage workers are going on to better jobs is not necessarily reality.
Common Sense
2016-12-26 12:41:05 UTC
You speak through ignorance, I assure you.

I know a lady who has a great education, including degrees. She worked for a large company who downsized and eliminated her position. She was forced to get a minimum wage paying job until she was able to get her resume together and seek other employment. I know another man who ran his own restaurant for two decades while earning quite a bit of money as the restaurant was always crowded because they served great food and had wonderful service. Then he became ill and had to sell the business. A couple years after than, I see he is a cashier at a liquor store. It broke my heart.

No, I do not look down on minimum wage earners. At least they are working, regardless of their pay.
2016-12-27 23:06:23 UTC
I feel sorry for most. But do not look down on them. Most are proud to have a job. Are good people. But average wage here per population for a 6 day week 10 hour day is. U.S. $3,500 a year. That is a better job than minimum wage.
2016-12-28 00:47:24 UTC
Believe it or not, minimum wage jobs were created with supporting a whole family in mind. Now, with inflation, minimum wage jobs are looked at as a starting point. It's sad, really. For them. Hahahahahahaha get ******.
2017-01-07 19:35:56 UTC
i make more than min wage but i work in a cafeteria so it's a typical food service job... i have a young child... my husband travels a lot 'cause of his job so i have to make sure i have ideal work hours... i am educated but since i have no family nearby, i can only do part-time work for now... most of my co-workers have 2-3 jobs so what you might see is just one job out of the multiple ones that a person has...

when janitors go on a strike at airports, the whole place turns into a dump in only one day... don't have illusions that those jobs are so easy btw...
Sunday Crone
2016-12-27 02:25:42 UTC
No. Most of my family is involved in construction, truck driving and farming.

People who earn minimum have to work hard and some have to hold more that one job to support their families. I started at entry level pay, and when I retired I had earned a college education and was still not earning as much as I should have with the education I have. I paid for my tuition. books and supplies for 10 years going to school part time, working full time and raising my son alone. I now make more that I did working with my Social Security, but it is still not enough to raise my standard of living. I get by, I own nothing on my education and had that paid for within 3 years of graduation. I still believe that a college education is of value, but I believe it was of value for my personal understanding of many things. The first was that I have a 140+ IQ and probably do not need the degree, but didn't have the money to start my own business.
2016-12-27 17:21:54 UTC
When I got out of the Army, I was certainly not the typically young fast food worker. I was older, wiser, more experienced, and had a much better work ethic than most of my peers. I used my GI Bill to get an education, but worked 2 jobs while going to school full time to support my family. You would've come into the retail store I worked at, and looked down upon me, but in reality who's to say I shouldn't have been looking down on you?
2016-12-26 08:15:37 UTC
I make more than min wage but I work in a cafeteria so it's a typical food service job. I have a young child. My husband travels a lot because of his job so I have to make sure I have ideal work hours. I am educated but since I have no family nearby, I can only do part-time work for now. Most of my co-workers have 2-3 jobs so what you might see is just one job out of the multiple ones that a person has.

When janitors go on a strike at airports, the whole place turns into a dump in only one day. Don't have illusions that those jobs are so easy btw.
2016-12-26 22:40:42 UTC
No, I do not look down on "minimum wage worker". To do so is actually pretty snobby. Before you judge someone, you had better had walked in their shoes.

Hopefully, with your wonderful education and a badly needed attitude adjustment, you will never need to take a minimum wage job to support your family.
2016-12-27 01:48:52 UTC
I can see yor point. A lot of people would rather work minimum wage jobs and get gov help. Those kind of people tend to have drug and alcohol problems. There are alsopeople who are a little slow who cant exactly get better skilled jobs so they have to work minimum wage jobs. I feel bad for them and they deserve gov assistance. My point is some adults dont have much of a choice when it comes to working minimum wage jobs.
2016-12-26 20:35:39 UTC
Nope. You gotta do what you gotta do to make a living out there. Life ain't easy and beggars can't be choosers. You take what you can get and, unfortunately, if that happens to be retail or fast food that's likely where you'll end up for the long haul. It's very difficult to transition away from that as very few people are able to propel themselves from liquor store clerk to CEO of a fortune 500 company. It's just not realistic given your work experience (or maybe even given the jobs that are available where you live if there aren't any fortune 500 companies for hundreds of miles in every direction to be the CEO of). There are a lot of limiting factors and barriers to employment.
2017-01-06 09:05:25 UTC
i make more than min wage but i work in a cafeteria so it's a typical food service job... i have a young child... my husband travels a lot 'cause of his job so i have to make sure i have ideal work hours... i am educated but since i have no family nearby, i can only do part-time work for now... most of my co-workers have 2-3 jobs so what you might see is just one job out of the multiple ones that a person has...

when janitors go on a strike at airports, the whole place turns into a dump in only one day... don't have illusions that those jobs are so easy btw...
2016-12-27 16:33:52 UTC
Everyone in the country is a minimum wage worker.

That's 320 million people.

But, no, I don't.

People who don't work at all, and don't plan on working, should be looked down on.
2016-12-26 02:47:47 UTC
Don't look down on anyone who puts in a hard day's work. Some never were offered the opportunity to do more for themselves for a variety of possible reasons, or enjoy what they're doing. Society needs all types of work done by those who can do the jobs well.
2016-12-27 01:49:52 UTC
what a moronic ideology...uneducated and anyone can afford to go to college ? geesh must be from some ritzy family if you think that

the people that built this Nation were those who had a 5th grade education or only working education, those who have ran this country in the ground are College educated rich kids who think people who Worked for a living were uneducated and think they know better than the normal citizen

and FYI college tuition is so high and unless a child goes into debt to go to college ( which they spend the next 20-30 years paying off the school loans ) most do not get to go ( so the anyone can afford it remark is foolish )

i found the most ignorant people on the planet are college grade liberals who can not use a simple plunger to unstop their own mess...yeah most of you will call the uneducated plumber ??

I quit school and got a job worked most of my life and now am retired...and there is NOTHING a college grad knows or can do that i can not do or have not already done...But i guarantee I can hand any of them a hand tool and 99% of them will not know what it was or how to use it....and the 1% that would know what it was would not know how to use it in the correct way !!!

so much for the Government Educated...99% of you are morons !!
2016-12-27 06:35:20 UTC
I know many people in their thirties working those jobs and I feel a little bit sorry for them because I wish for them to live a much better life with a better job that they should have. Ultimately I don't look down on them at all. If anything I sometimes have great respect for those being able to deal with jobs other people won't do. Maybe it doesn't take a strong person to work their jobs, but it does take a very strong mind to be able to work the jobs that others like you and I might not admire.
2016-12-27 14:30:43 UTC
I never look down on an individual that is employed. They are attempting to pay their own way and not depend on government subsidies or assistance.

In many instances a person would be working in these type jobs for a decision they made at a younger age for some reason.

#1. I am pissed at my parents, therefore I will move out

#2.The person get pregnant and the other is required to take on the responsibility of providing for the child and mother.

#3. I am tired of attending school.

Of course all or many of these individuals had plans of attending a college and obtaining a degree. Obligations and other obstacles prevented them from attending college and getting a degree.

Now they do not have the skills to be employed in another career field. They are not able to quit and return to school because of financial obligations to wives, children or debts they have incurred.

There are some that would be working to have an addition to their income. There are some that work two jobs in one of these careers in order to be able to pay their financial obligations.

In many instances most should take the time out of their daily lives to get am education by attending a degree producing college or a career school that would teach them a skill employers are looking for.

I hope this has been of some benefit to you, good luck.

Chantal G
2016-12-26 05:34:29 UTC
No, I don't look down on people who earn minimum wage. At least they are WORKING, which is more than can be said for some people.
2016-12-26 17:59:08 UTC
There's something I believe in and that is called "dignity of labor ". A cleaner in a hospital job is as important as a doctor . Good clean environment is a must in those places . Every person working hard to make a living with honesty should not be looked down upon . We should look down on people stealing , robbing and cheating to make a leaving . As long as you work hard with honesty low skill or high skill I will have respect for you whether you are a doctor or a janitor .
2016-12-27 17:18:26 UTC
No. Sometimes that is the only job available at the time. You take what you can get.

No college is not available to everyone. I don't know where you live but here in SC, college is here for the upper middle class and the minorities. If you aren't one of those, you are out of luck. My grandson is very smart but he is not a minority and because he lives with me and I own my house, he can't get a loan or grant. Therefore, no college. He is working in construction. It pays ok but is a dead end job.

You never look down on anyone, you never know what their life is like. I was taught that if you look down on someone or make fun of them that Karma will make you understand the other side of the coin.
2016-12-26 04:27:51 UTC
Think again on everyone affording university.

There are those of us with physical limitations that really do cost, either through insurance extras and minimums or the actual cost of materiel and supplies such as meds.

All of these must be taken into account

Here in Ohio the average cost per quarter of school is around $800.00 US. Just for tuition.

Couple that with an average income for the common person as roughly $1,000 per month before taxes, based on the reality of the average person here not working full time.

You will find a university education more difficult than you imagine.

There are those of us who have been on our own because of various negative situations since our mid-teens.

Looking down on someone due to a lack of education, or more likely the failure of one automatically negates their native intelligence.

In my opinion, by doing this, you denigrate yourself, by letting your emotionalism and (emotional) need for a sense of superiority effectively override your own intelligence
LindseyS499 usetobe LINDSEYS
2016-12-27 14:15:32 UTC
No, because I've been there. I've never had a problem with drugs or alcohol. I just didn't get the right education to help me get a better job. I loved retail at the time but it eventually got old and I couldn't support my self with it. I found another job that I like, it pays better and it's full time.

I think you haven't even looked at the cost of college or university, it's expensive for some people and not every one can afford to get post secondary education.

Looking down on people like that is rude, specially in retail.
2016-12-27 23:29:07 UTC
I don't look down on people making minimum wage.

But I do look down on socialists who make minimum wage.
2016-12-28 10:03:08 UTC
I don't actually look down on them as that is their choice and their life decision. Any vocation is superior to no profession after all !!

In any case, I do concur that lowest pay permitted by law employments ought to essentially be for secondary school understudies looking to bit by bit enter "this present reality"/work advertise. The trust of the lowest pay permitted by law employments is that in the end one will climb the positions and move into an administrative position where more cash can be made that can legitimately accommodate a family.

For whatever length of time that they are paying assessments and doing their part financially I am satisfied :
Josh W
2016-12-30 17:33:45 UTC
No, there is honor in all work. For some people the hand they were dealt in terms of capability means minimum wage is where they will stay. For others it is a choice to stay there. Not a choice I would make but it's their life. For others it is a stepping stone to greater responsibility and greater income.
2017-01-01 22:19:26 UTC
Of course not, my boyfriend is 29, nearly 30, and he works a minimum wage job in Tesco. I also want a job in a shop, not because he does, but because it's what I would be good at, and what my experience is at (my boyfriend and I have disabilities, and we didn't go to uni. I did GCSEs, but he didn't because he went to a special school). Having a minimum wage job is better than not working, also even people who went to uni get degrees, but can only find jobs in fast food and retail, because the job that they got a degree in usually requires experience, and they may not have it.
2016-12-26 21:57:34 UTC
No, but I could be one of them. Since China is dictating this country more snd more, throw in some crazy hiring/ stone walling laws to hire collegiate communities only. Maybe 30 years ago, even then only a little and I was a child that did not kbow any better. China grew by $7.3 Trillion USD this year. We grew at 1% and $50 million USD or Tom Cruise's salary.
2017-01-02 10:25:37 UTC
you are entitled to your opinion but the reality is that there are people returning to the labour market after a break eg... stay at home mothers, some who do it just out of boredom, those who lost their job, those who are in higher education etc... the fact is if all of those people who were not 16 or immigrants all tried to move up, there would not be jobs for all of them...

hell i've got a masters degree and i've worked for free before......... or even had to pay for the privilege as i was helping out in the family business... i've also worked minimum wage on holidays just 'cause minimum wage was like double or triple normal rate...
2016-12-27 03:04:48 UTC
I feel bad for their situation but never personaly look down on them because i feel like im better. I know what its like working in those jobs and know the stress and hard intense work that they require and demand. We've all been there so i personally believe that no one should ever look down on them because when we do "We become that person that we hated or dreaded helping in the store, taking thier order, or checking them out on the counter. That person that made our day awful and made us feel like ****"

I imagine you say its easy because you had help probably from your parents or some one but its not easy and everyone is at a different point in their lifes with all different problems. But with that said its never too late to make something of your self.

And remember some things come easier to people than others. And many people take for granted the simple things that others may find extreamly hard to obtain. This is my personal point and what i think.
2017-01-12 01:49:23 UTC
you speak through ignorance, i assure you...

i know a lady who has a awesome education, including degrees... she worked for a large company who downsized and eliminated her position... she was forced to get a minimum wage paying job until she was able to get her resume together and seek other employment... i know another man who ran his own restaurant for two decades while earning quite a bit of money as the restaurant was always crowded 'cause they served awesome food and had wonderful service... then he became ill and had to sell the business... a couple years after than, i see he is a cashier at a liquor store... it broke my heart...

no, i do not look down on minimum wage earners... at least they are working, regardless of their pay...
2016-12-26 20:04:34 UTC
No, so offensive and judgemental. Everybody's circumstances are different. I've known businessmen take to shelf stacking because they have been made redundant, I've seen teachers take up management positions, I've seen people work two jobs. That barman you see mopping the mens toilets in the evenings, could very well be a management accountant by day. He does it to get out of a stuffy office enviroment. Your question makes you sound so naive and clueless. Nothing wrong with pride of purpose either.
2016-12-27 10:52:37 UTC
You shouldn't look down on these people.

If they didn't do those jobs, how would you buy your clothes, and get food? For example.

Sadly not everyone can get top end jobs, the educational system doesn't suit everyone, and not everyone can do exams. (Hence the image:

Just because someone can't get a letter A doesn't make them stupid either.

It's that very reason other people who are probably capable of doing some jobs can't, all because of one silly little letter.

That's why I believe education should be completely hands on, doing physical things, not all written and theory, and instead of exams, there should just be apprenticeships.
2016-12-26 05:24:39 UTC
You sound like you've had everything handed to you. A person has to do whatever they can to put food on the table. As for the "everyone can afford university" argument... Most people have to use financial aid. Financial aid does NOT pay for everything all the time. There are people working 2 or more jobs. Just because you have opportunities to do more doesn't mean everybody else does.
2017-01-09 13:15:10 UTC
you speak through ignorance, i assure you...

i know a lady who has a awesome education, including degrees... she worked for a large company who downsized and eliminated her position... she was forced to get a minimum wage paying job until she was able to get her resume together and seek other employment... i know another man who ran his own restaurant for two decades while earning quite a bit of money as the restaurant was always crowded 'cause they served awesome food and had wonderful service... then he became ill and had to sell the business... a couple years after than, i see he is a cashier at a liquor store... it broke my heart...

no, i do not look down on minimum wage earners... at least they are working, regardless of their pay...
2016-12-27 10:29:01 UTC
Yes. Especially when, like in Chicago, they want the minimum wage to be raised to $15. No way in hell should a cashier or burger cooker at McDonalds be making $15.
2016-12-28 00:20:12 UTC
what a moronic ideology.........uneducated and anyone can afford to go to college ? geesh must be from some ritzy family if you think that

the people that built this nation were those who had a 5th grade education or only working education, those who have ran this country in the ground are college educated rich kids who think people who worked for a living were uneducated and think they know better than the normal citizen

and fyi college tuition is so high and unless a child goes into debt to go to college ( which they spend the next 20-30 years paying off the school loans ) most do not get to go ( so the anyone can afford it remark is foolish )

i found the most ignorant people on the planet are college grade liberals who can not use a simple plunger to unstop their own mess.........yeah most of you shall call the uneducated plumber ??

i quit school and got a job worked most of my life and now am retired.........and there's nothing a college grad knows or can do that i can not do or have not already done.........but i guarantee i can hand any of them a hand tool and 99% of them shall not know what it was or how to use it............and the 1% that would know what it was would not know how to use it in the correct way !!!

so much for the government educated.........99% of you are morons !!
2016-12-28 16:05:11 UTC
No. I look down on a national economy that in the past 40+ years has created more minimum wage jobs than living wage jobs. I can't find fault in people who work in those jobs if they're the only ones available.
2016-12-26 16:23:24 UTC
No I don't my experience most people do based on soceities set standards. Example a doctor is a better person then a cashier at mc Donald's" which is complete crap. People shouldn't be judged based on there job but based on who the are by character a job does not define anybody of who they are or make anyone better or less....that's what I think .... Now if we could only get everyone to think like that
2016-12-27 03:19:30 UTC
I am much different than the other thieves in our system, I can barely look them in the face, and draw my social security.Those folks make so little and it goes to the pockets of rich old segregationists, people who worked during segrgation made a good wage as a white folk and the colored folk made a smaller wage. Now we have a chronological segregation, enslaving the youngros, part of the time, in social security taxes, for folks like you to look down at. listen to ""eat the rich" by aerosmith. Remember most Americans are a broken leg and a month from homeless.
2016-12-26 06:13:01 UTC
My brother in law was never offered the opportunities which I had. I went to uni, he joined the army. I got a salaried job, he became a security guard. However it was obvious just by talking to him that he was a very very intelligent man who would have done well at uni. Life is not fair and looking down on minimum wage earners tells us more about your character than it does theirs.
2016-12-28 06:25:55 UTC
Some families aren't always born rich and wealthy. That's why it is so hard to make it to the American dream. Ima be honest, my father was a refugee from Vietnam and came to America after world war 2 and he didn't even have enough money to buy chicken when he came over ( chicken was the cheapest meat you could buy ) he worked his *** off as a fisherman and bought a shrimp boat which cost 200,000 and sold it to his friends and bought a cleaners and then later built a building. To be honest, now a days I think you can still do it but you just have to be dedicated and save money.
2016-12-26 15:19:18 UTC
I don't look down on people on minimum wages nor do I look down on people who don't work at all and live on state benefits. However I might feel differently about those who don't work than I think about those who do work if they don't work because of idleness. I'd have to know more about 'why' some people who don't work though before feeling that I had the right to 'look down on them.

People can be out of work for a variety of reasons and, unless they have deliberately caused themselves to be out of work (because they can collect more in benefits than wages), I feel sorry for them for being unemployed. Those who have no intentions of ever earning their money (because it is given to them on a plate) have lost my respect.

Government benefits are meant as a stop gap to help in times of crisis of one kind or another. If we all had the same mindset as the scroungers our governments benefits systems would run dry so who would help who in those circumstances?

Those who accept low paid jobs and get on with it without complaint are the people keeping some areas going. They are, often, to be admired rather than looked down upon.
2017-01-01 07:45:18 UTC
i think your still in the 70's and 80's and not in reality... i do not look down on them 'cause it is difficult to achieve an education, and a job that pays well... this idea that they are all high school students in entry level work still exists, but the idea that all minimum wage workers are going on to better jobs is not necessarily reality...
2016-12-28 21:52:09 UTC
Whether college/university is affordable or not; it is not the only thing that determines whether one decides to go to college. I am a mature adult with only a high school diploma but have held jobs that REQUIRED bachelor degree's and preferably master degree's which I did NOT have. I graduated with HONORS from high school, however, I know I can NOT handle college. I am a person with a disability and was DENIED accommodations when I wanted to take classes at night while working full-time by a well-regarded state university.
2016-12-27 02:25:17 UTC
That is NOT true that Everyone can afford to go to university nowadays. And it is not that they don't have ambition, it could be that they are just struggling to survive, they did not get a good education, have medical conditions that make working difficult or a variety of other reasons.

So just like you shouldn't look down on them for having low skill jobs, I will try not to look down on you for being so judgmental and snobbish, deal?
2017-01-02 18:08:30 UTC
no... most of my family is involved in construction, truck driving and farming...

people who earn minimum have to work hard and some have to hold more that one job to support their families... i started at entry level pay, and when i retired i had earned a college education and was still not earning as much as i should have with the education i have... i paid for my tuition... books and supplies for 10 years going to school part time, working full time and raising my son alone... i now make more that i did working with my social security, but it is still not enough to raise my standard of living... i get by, i own nothing on my education and had that paid for within 3 years of graduation... i still believe that a college education is of value, but i believe it was of value for my personal understanding of numerous things... the first was that i have a 140+ iq and probably do not need the degree, but didn't have the money to start my own business...
2016-12-26 21:09:15 UTC
That's horrible. No, I don't. At least they are working for a living and not collecting welfare. Also, they might be going to school while working those jobs. Everybody has to start somewhere. Even Hillary Clinton had to work at restaurants in the early years, to pay for her education. Almost everybody does, unless you are Donald Trump and get 100 million dollars from your father.
2016-12-26 05:30:27 UTC
No we all start somewhere Me i was a delivery Boy to the fashion Industry

the CEO McDonald's started off his Life would you Like fries with that

the people i Look down on are those that wear ex Military Uniforms never served and claim to be Veterans so they can beg for Money
2017-01-01 23:33:28 UTC
I use to look down at jobs like that, and I use to think I wanted a better career with more respect etc. But believe it or not, I recently started working as a cleaner and I actually like it: it is a state job, all benefits, pension if I do it for 20 years, I work alone, stress free, and it pays pretty good.
2016-12-26 00:26:39 UTC
And sometimes that's the job the can find and they still take pride in their work. The job market has been a lot harder for the past several years, with so many companies shutting down or cutting back. It's not always a lack of ambition - and it's certainly not your place to look down on them.
2016-12-26 13:27:59 UTC
NOt unless you want to do that work yourself.

You are grossly uninformed about the people who hold low-wage jobs.

They are often better workers who put in far more effort than a lot of middle managers.

They also make the economy go, and without them, you would be hauling your own groceries to the car, or taking your own garbage to the dump.
2016-12-27 11:25:03 UTC
Yep. Those are the people that didn't pay attention in school. I did, so I've never worked for minimum wage.
Steven S
2016-12-27 08:17:20 UTC
The minimum wage worker is the backbone of the American work force. They do the grunt work that so many upper level elitests thinks is below them. If it weren't for them the heavy work would never get done.
2016-12-26 02:53:38 UTC
where in the world did you think that education is affordable? Not everyone wants to go into debt on student loans. These people may do this work because they actually enjoy it, Maybe they are thrifty with money and not materialistic. Maybe they made mistakes in their lives and can't get anyone else to give them a break. You're an idiot.
2016-12-27 12:31:31 UTC
No. I don't know their story and someone has to do the minimum wage. Maybe they aren't capable of being a CEO or something. Maybe they've gone back to study. Maybe they were retrenched. Maybe the economy / job market is terrible and it's all they can get...
2016-12-26 17:41:34 UTC
What happens if get laid off or get fired from your high paying job ? Do look down on yourself if you have no other choice but just to get a minimum wage job ?
2016-12-26 21:42:52 UTC
I don't look down on anyone for their career choices. Its their career, not yours or mine. Some people that work these kind of jobs are not uneducated. Some of them made bad choices, and have a criminal record. Some of them even have degrees that are virtually worthless with their criminal background. Life is hard enough for them. They don't need to catch crap from you because you think you're better or that they're inferior somehow.
2016-12-26 22:21:27 UTC
I am not going to look down on someone for working for a living. Besides, you do not know everyone's story. I know someone who went to work in a big box bookstore after a teaching career just because she sincerely wanted to help people enjoy good books. After a while, she got bored with it because apparently; most customers assumed she was just a meatpuppet who just put book on shelves she rarely got to use her professional expertise in the joys of reading. Not everyone who works at a low-paid job needs the money.
2016-12-30 14:22:05 UTC
no... most of my family is involved in construction, truck driving and farming...

people who earn minimum have to work hard and some have to hold more that one job to support their families... i started at entry level pay, and when i retired i had earned a college education and was still not earning as much as i should have with the education i have... i paid for my tuition... books and supplies for 10 years going to school part time, working full time and raising my son alone... i now make more that i did working with my social security, but it is still not enough to raise my standard of living... i get by, i own nothing on my education and had that paid for within 3 years of graduation... i still believe that a college education is of value, but i believe it was of value for my personal understanding of numerous things... the first was that i have a 140+ iq and probably do not need the degree, but didn't have the money to start my own business...
2016-12-25 19:42:25 UTC
Nope. A job is a job. Who did you look down on when there wasn't a minimum wage? Plus why do you not realise how important cleaning is?
Web Jock
2016-12-28 17:56:01 UTC
I am a forty-four-year-old college graduate and I am currently working as a janitor at a grocery store. It may not be the best job in the World and it may be low-paying, but it still helps me pay the bills somewhat. Just because someone past their twenties is still in the low-income bracket as opposed to others past their twenties does not necessarily mean that they are inferior, stupid, uneducated and/or ignorant. It's just that many unfortunate circumstances get thrown in their way, and they wind up having to work with what they have, that's all.
2016-12-25 19:30:34 UTC
No. I look down on annoying snobs who judge people by their paycheck and who probably aren't worth 1/16th as much to the world as the average minimum wage worker.
2016-12-27 09:54:41 UTC
the only people that looks down, are people who think they are rich, and all important people. most people will be lucky to have a minimum wage in this day and age.
2016-12-26 22:09:12 UTC
I think that society tends to look down on males who are minimum wage worker but not women. There is this idea that a man needs to have "ambition" and be "driven", otherwise he is a "loser". But the same standards are not set for women.
2016-12-27 13:54:36 UTC
It makes me feel a bit saddened when I see people above fifty in a minimum wage job.
2016-12-25 21:03:00 UTC
No I do not look down on them. I know nothing about their lives and family history.

I'll be the first to admit there are many reasons I WILL be unimpressed with a person, but working hard will never be one of them.
2016-12-26 06:22:15 UTC
No I don't look down on them. But I do want them to not settle for that type of job because jobs are out here. I believe those jobs are only for students and not to support a household with. Don't settle there are better jobs out here
2016-12-28 01:06:30 UTC
**************NO!!!!!!! But I LOOK DOWN on you for asking a stupid question!!!! There are 30 year olds in graduate school, law school, medical school, nursing school working minimum wage jobs through school until they graduate. Some people lost there jobs or are in change of a career and back in school.
2017-01-06 23:57:09 UTC
i feel sorry for most... but do not look down on them... most are proud to have a job... are good people... but average wage here per population for a 6 day week 10 hour day is... u...s... $3,500 a year... that is a better job than minimum wage...
2016-12-26 15:56:26 UTC
Treat others like you would like to be treated. If you have a job today you are doing quite well. Over 20 million Americans are out of work. That means about 100,000 family members might not have the basics to live on.

Of coarse that is another part of the job situation.
2017-03-03 21:23:02 UTC
2016-12-26 16:49:25 UTC
No. I do look down on lay-abouts and on-the-dolers who milk the system for every nickel they can get, without doing anything to earn it. I am not referring to those who are truly disabled, just those who pretend to be, so they can play the system. And those who are just too lazy to do any sort of work.
2016-12-26 15:01:18 UTC
I'd look down on a man in his 30s in a crappie job. I won't look down on a women though because I know (as a female myself) how hard it is to get a good job in a man's world.
Anne Campbell
2016-12-27 14:58:21 UTC
I hear what you are saying but many people for various reasons are happy to make just enough to get by and in the process provide services that those who are in higher paid work require. What annoys me is that often those who provide vital services which require considerable skill, dedication and knowledge, for instance care workers, are paid so little.
2016-12-26 04:53:22 UTC
The Bible teaches that "ALL work is GOOD and HONORABLE unto GOD" God thinks very highly of people who work for minimum wage. Worry more about what God thinks of people working for low wages and don't worry at all about what people think.
2016-12-25 19:26:43 UTC
Not if they are doing what they enjoy. Everyone should do what they enjoy, and for some, that means a minimum wage job.
2016-12-27 10:29:54 UTC
no lots of people out of work

would love earn the minimum wage
2016-12-27 19:55:13 UTC
I look down on anybody. I dont care who they are, if ur a little whinging jerk that complains and doesnt appriciate anything ill look down on you it doesnt matter to me if ur earning $1000 a day or 10 cents an hour (like the chinese girls locked in factories making all our clothes so we dont have to walk around naked) its all about talent, and if talent is having no talent and the best of everything, well were all in luck then arent we?
Pearl L
2016-12-27 04:36:02 UTC
no cause i cant even find minimum wage jobs, i wish i could, i end up going to school just so i can live on financial aid
2016-12-28 10:19:53 UTC
We all start from minimum wage unless your are from Rothschild family
2016-12-27 10:13:56 UTC
I worked in retail for 2 years and worked with 5 uni students who had sh!t loads of degrees but couldn't get a new job as they have no experience
2016-12-25 19:41:00 UTC

Have you ever thought that lots of these people are actually graduates who have not been able to get a job in their field. Where would you be if we didn't have cleaners,retail, bar staff etc?

Learn to be less judgemental as you never know what the future is for anyone.
2016-12-27 22:50:09 UTC
Hell no. I'm a custodian making $18 an hour with health benefits and paid vacation. I have friends with bachelor degrees making $12.
Gerry G
2016-12-27 15:40:44 UTC
Nope, sure do not. But, there should not even be a minimum wage.
2016-12-30 10:11:52 UTC
I grew up poor, so if anything I empathize with them. It's not their fault they're not being hired to better jobs. My mother, who is 47, took 6 years of college and was hoping to get a career in criminal science, but that never happened. And she did try very hard.
2016-12-26 20:41:53 UTC
Depends on their situation. If they've been lazy and entitled their whole life then maybe, but if they're hard working / trying to make their life better, then no. Everyone's circumstances are different and I wouldn't judge without knowing it.
2016-12-26 22:46:16 UTC
No. There are any number of reasons. They could be qualified for other jobs but not be able to find them. Sometimes it is a second job to make ends meet, or a part time that someone who takes care of the kids rakes when their partner is home.
2016-12-27 00:21:53 UTC
you sound like you've had everything handed to you... a person has to do whatever they can to put food on the table... as for the "everyone can afford university" argument......... most people have to use financial aid... financial aid does not pay for everything all the time... there are people working 2 or more jobs... just 'cause you have opportunities to do more doesn't mean everybody else does...
2016-12-25 19:55:28 UTC
As long as you're being productive and contributing something to society (i.e, having a job), I don't see anything bad about that. We can't all be a doctor or a lawyer. Everyone has their role.
2016-12-25 23:38:27 UTC
No not one bit.

They're paying taxes, showing up for work on time, putting in an honest days work and that's admirable.
2016-12-30 01:31:50 UTC
No. They serve people who are, on the main, of superior to the little office workers who have been employed by a class system. Oh, what a sad question.
2016-12-28 00:57:28 UTC
Not at all.

I look down on people who choose not to work and sit at home all day living off the government and what I pay in tax.
2016-12-27 05:26:10 UTC
Not everyone can go to college. there are not enough colleges. Nor seats available in them.

Not everyone has the knowledge of how to study, and not everyone is smart enough to pass entrance exams.

Not everyone is cut out for a office type job.

If everyone goes to college, who is going to manufacture the items we need to live? Who is going to take care of the patients in hospitals, the doctors? Who will cook and serve our food? who will stock the shelves in stores? someone needs to.

You did not think this question out very well. So many people use a labor job to get to a professional job. Experience. It is very valuable. Minimum, wage jobs are often used to gain entrance into a field, or to support someone while they get their education.
2016-12-29 17:49:30 UTC
2016-12-25 22:49:12 UTC
No. it is good that one want to take care of their needs.

Now we are giving you instructions, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, to withdraw from every brother who is walking disorderly+ and not according to the tradition* that you* received from us.+ 7 For you yourselves know how you should imitate us,+ because we did not behave in a disorderly way among you, 8 nor did we eat anyone’s food free.*+ On the contrary, by labor and toil we were working night and day so as not to impose an expensive burden on any one of you.+ 9 Not that we do not have authority,+ but we wanted to offer ourselves as an example for you to imitate.+ 10 In fact, when we were with you, we used to give you this order: “If anyone does not want to work, neither let him eat.”+ 11 For we hear that some are walking disorderly among you,+ not working at all, but meddling with what does not concern them.+ 12 To such people we give the order and exhortation in the Lord Jesus Christ that they should work quietly and eat food they themselves earn.+

13 For your part, brothers, do not give up in doing good.
2016-12-27 04:06:02 UTC
No. Why would anyone look down on a worker of any sort?
2016-12-26 17:51:37 UTC
While people like you keep looking down people like keep looking up life's great enjoy every moment let them look down at you while you look right pass them holding your head up high
2016-12-27 04:14:22 UTC
My sister has a doctorate in education and a masters in Psychology and she is stuck working at Target because employers say she is too qualified to work in the school system.
2016-12-26 20:27:52 UTC
HELL no, I respect anyone that works. Those that are to lazy and think the world owes them a living, I DO look down on and feel no pity for them.
2016-12-26 07:55:36 UTC
Hell no atleast they are working when some people do nothing. Everyone can afford college? Is that why I have so many friends in massive debt for student loans?
2016-12-26 12:47:53 UTC
no i don't look down on them... but i do want them to not settle for that type of job 'cause jobs are out here... i believe those jobs are only for students and not to support a household with... don't settle there are better jobs out here
2016-12-28 06:02:41 UTC
Why would you look down on someone willing to work for a living?
2016-12-27 05:39:54 UTC
lol, "anyone can afford university?" It now costs an average of nearly $10,000 a year to pay tuition and other fees for a four-year is extremely hard to go to university these days if you don't have parents who are able to help pay for it.
2016-12-27 12:56:57 UTC
Yes when necessary.

Often times I will not throw my cash in the trash.

Too many are handling their dirty cell phones both in the food preparation areas on company time after chatting on the toilet.

Dirty tables and toilets plus no hot water in the bathrooms.
Raymond L.
2016-12-29 02:02:55 UTC
obviously you are unaware of the MILLIONS of good paying jobs that have LEFT our country over the last 25 years since Clinton signed Nafta and Bush and Obama have done nothing.

TRUMP WILL do something about it!!!!! Glad he won , so Glad
2016-12-31 00:36:27 UTC
Nope, I know guys in their 30's who work more than one job not just to pay the bills but, to get ahead in life financially.
2016-12-27 12:25:16 UTC
Everybody's born equal.
2016-12-26 12:36:24 UTC
If it's each to their own why did you bother with this question? You're a snob!
2016-12-26 23:03:15 UTC
At least their working... there's people out their who freeload and depend on other people to take care of them.
2016-12-28 01:57:50 UTC
I only look down on lazy people who live off of welfare and food stamps. How they pay their bills is none of my business.
2016-12-26 12:47:39 UTC
No, I don't. I feel they possess the courage to earn at least that much amount of money.
2016-12-25 19:28:00 UTC
No, I respect people who work and don't expect everyone to have the same talents, ambitions, and opportunities.
2016-12-25 22:53:21 UTC
if you nice to customers and coworkers alike, no way. if you are lazy, talking to coworkers instead of working or taking calls from friends at work. yes, i do look down on you.
2016-12-28 01:03:47 UTC
Dont look down on anyone
2016-12-26 16:39:30 UTC
I look down on no one my motto is there but for the grace of god go I
Richard L
2016-12-29 01:42:54 UTC
yes i do , i also look down on over paid doctor lawyers and accountants , oh politicians and business people too
2016-12-28 00:02:36 UTC
2016-12-27 02:24:17 UTC
Never look down at anyone.
2016-12-28 13:02:45 UTC
No. However, I look down on everyone.
2016-12-25 23:02:38 UTC
Yes, I do. They should be trying to build themselves up not stay put on the lowest rung of the ladder.
Jan C
2016-12-26 18:19:10 UTC
Absolutely not. Only people like you bother to degrade people.
2016-12-28 00:26:46 UTC
Only at midget bowling
2016-12-29 16:10:51 UTC
2016-12-27 03:14:56 UTC
2016-12-26 11:18:06 UTC
2016-12-26 05:41:10 UTC
2016-12-26 11:29:40 UTC
I am not ignorant and do not look down on anyone.
2016-12-28 01:49:03 UTC
No i dont. If you live in cali its going up next month so yay for you.
2016-12-27 03:37:14 UTC
No, as long as they are tryingoing to make a living.
2016-12-27 16:53:45 UTC
Smug judge mental shitbags like you deserve to be killed.
ed m
2016-12-27 15:47:32 UTC
I look down on you. You are stupid, lazy and indecent. And while you blather about education, you can't use your native language correctly. " But to each their own.", "But to each, his (or her) own.". Treat others as you wish to be treated, jerk.
2016-12-27 03:52:07 UTC
No because sh*t happens and at least they are working not lazy.
2016-12-27 05:59:57 UTC
Not. at. all.

P.S. College has little to do with education... just means you paid for yours.
2016-12-28 09:14:43 UTC
At the end of the day someone has to do it. Not everyone is gifted.
lee k
2016-12-27 06:48:22 UTC
Your ******* stupid. Do people look down on your mom for being a whore ? I am a two dollar whore.
2016-12-29 02:49:40 UTC
2016-12-29 01:45:28 UTC
No, but we have to make up the difference by providing them welfare.
2016-12-27 15:57:55 UTC
everyone has to start somewhere, we all did unless we got handed cushy job from the outset
2016-12-26 10:01:24 UTC
ONLY if I'm taller.
2016-12-28 02:44:56 UTC
No of course not, and how do you identify them?
2016-12-27 15:57:13 UTC
No, I think everyone should have a job
2016-12-27 05:05:33 UTC
Sharon S
2016-12-27 18:04:49 UTC
definitely not as I am one myself
2016-12-28 17:26:37 UTC
simply no. ever a living.
2016-12-29 06:43:33 UTC
if you do your a scum bag who does not know hard work.
2016-12-26 20:37:55 UTC
no i don't is there a reason i should>?
2016-12-26 16:58:00 UTC
at least they WORK for a living.....
2016-12-28 11:52:29 UTC
2016-12-27 21:26:11 UTC
2016-12-27 16:55:51 UTC
2016-12-27 01:05:57 UTC
2016-12-26 19:14:05 UTC
2016-12-25 23:49:09 UTC
2016-12-29 02:03:07 UTC
2016-12-25 23:29:59 UTC
NEGATIVE ! We R all equally worthless !
I care
2016-12-26 01:43:56 UTC
Why would I?
2016-12-28 16:23:05 UTC
2016-12-28 22:23:01 UTC
Kill the poor to fix the world I say. Kill kill kill kill, kill the poor toni-hi-ai-ai-ight.
2016-12-28 19:00:50 UTC
2016-12-27 19:26:48 UTC
2016-12-27 08:57:49 UTC
2016-12-26 17:11:05 UTC
2016-12-26 07:05:15 UTC
2016-12-26 11:23:44 UTC
Cheeky *****!!!
2016-12-26 04:23:46 UTC
2016-12-27 02:33:17 UTC
wtf no.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.
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