Quitting without notice?
2017-01-27 12:03:41 UTC
So I work at a retail store and I want to quit without a notice but I'm terrified. It's my first job and I have a lot going on in my life right now and my doctor recommends I quit as soon as possible. I get treated poorly there so nobody understands why I'm having such a hard time just giving them a letter or call saying I won't be coming in anymore. Does anyone have any good advice? I'm just too scared to tell my manager.
69 answers:
2017-02-26 08:45:24 UTC
don't do it, as an hr manager it shall look bad, talk to them tell them for medical reasons you need to give notice... and unfortunately you need to make this your last day or the next day at proper...
2017-02-20 18:28:59 UTC
2017-01-31 21:24:47 UTC
Do the best you can...
2017-01-30 20:39:11 UTC
I've worked in retail over 16 years...I've always been an excellent worker & totally reliable...There's always people who dislike or discredit you regardless...Most are in management.,so I can't go complaint to them...It's made me very depressed & isolated...It has affected my health within the last 3 years...Every night I tell myself to "get out"... Away from these toxic people who are bringing me down...I happen to like my job for many reasons to have these losers interfere, but when someone is discriminated against by management who gives preferential treatment to others...You know it's wrong, but cannot do anything about it, but quit. One of these days I'll tell them where to get off...I clearly don't owe them an explanation...Meantime, I hang-in waiting for them to leave before I do.
ron h
2017-01-29 10:07:59 UTC
Give notice and tell your mgr, that you hope they can replace you in less than 2 weeks. There's a pretty good chance they'll let you go sooner. Possibly the same day.
2017-01-29 04:23:00 UTC
Quitting without notice is bad protocol and I am sure moving forward you will like to use this job as a reference. Do not leave on poor terms. Put in the two weeks notice and if you can get a note from your doctor possibly backing up why you should leave sooner than two weeks that will be better. Trust me when I tell you that you do not want to be blacklisted or burn any bridges in the work world
2017-01-29 01:18:02 UTC
Quit, stop being a pussy.
2017-01-28 17:20:22 UTC
You can do but you won't get paid
Linda R
2017-01-27 15:18:55 UTC
In America, EVERY state is 'at-will......meaning an employer can let an employee go for no reason and an employee can quit with no reason. If you quit, with no reason, when looking for another NOT list this place on an application or resume - if you do list it....they will be contacted for a reference.
2017-01-27 12:19:31 UTC
I suggest you spend a good portion of time thinking of a lie to tell your boss on why you are quitting. If you quit without notice then your boss may be grimey and not mail you your last check.
2017-01-31 03:13:45 UTC
assuming you want your final check up front when you quit, you give 2 weeks notice, you're quitting anyway, so what's 2 more weeks? you'll feel better knowing you won't have to face a long wait for your final check
2017-01-31 00:12:10 UTC
Not good
2017-01-30 11:34:38 UTC
If you quit without notice the company can keep all the money owed to you since the last day (compensation for leaving them short staffed and having to pay the rest of staff overtime to do your tasks) AND write you a bad reference (they can AND will say you are unreliable).
2017-01-30 01:51:58 UTC
best thing to do is tell them for medical reasons and say you have a relapse of contagious virus.
2017-01-29 07:02:52 UTC
2017-01-29 01:30:31 UTC
Nothings need to be scared. Come on you can do it!
2017-01-28 23:10:54 UTC
You can but you probably wont get paid and it doesn t look the best on your record but you should be fine!
2017-01-28 21:40:47 UTC
If you plan on staying two more weeks the go ahead and give them your notice. If you want to leave right away then go - your health is more important than some crummy retail job. It's only your first job anyway. It wont haunt you for the rest of your life. About half of my jobs I left without notice. Nothing bad happened. Good luck.
2017-01-28 18:39:47 UTC
I wished I could do it for you, but you should give them a call. If you are afraid of being talked into going back in...your health comes first! Just stop showing up.
2017-01-28 18:39:03 UTC
2017-01-28 04:39:59 UTC
your really going to take our word on such a thing are you
2017-01-27 22:28:14 UTC
2017-01-27 20:30:18 UTC
don't do it, as an HR manager it will look bad, Talk to them tell them for medical reasons you need to give notice. And unfortunately you need to make this your last day or the next day at best.
2017-01-27 17:05:15 UTC
Companies want a two week notice, and so, society thinks it's bad to not give two weeks notice, but if you quit on the spot, really, there's nothing immoral about it. In some cases, you may have to quit on the spot, for example, if something happens at the job that threatens your life. Why would you give two weeks notice for that? You may get killed during those two weeks. But, in general, since society thinks that it's bad to not give two weeks notice due to the fact that employers would much rather have two weeks notice, you may as well give two weeks notice.
2017-01-27 16:10:16 UTC
you want to start your working life with a good mark, give them a two week notice, in writing or verbally and be done with it

if your doctor advises that you do, you really don't have much choice but to simply do it
Donald B
2017-01-27 15:46:11 UTC
It is bad to quit a job without notice because the next time you want to get a job you cannot use your first job as a reference. Go to your manager and tell him that your doctor recommends that you quit as soon as possible. He may let your go early and you will not screw up your reference.
LindseyS499 usetobe LINDSEYS
2017-01-27 12:47:20 UTC
At least call them and tell them that you're going to quit, or they will keep calling you and or expect you to come in for your next shift. If you want to quit properly and be able to use the job on your resume in the future, then give them at least 1-2 weeks notice with a resignation letter.

I've worked in retail for 10 + years I can tell you, most retail places treat their employees poorly.
2017-01-27 12:39:24 UTC
Legally you can. But it's rude and juvenile.
2017-01-27 12:10:14 UTC
everyone is treated poorly in retail. welcome to adulting. which also includes manning up and quitting the correct way. by giving notice.

if you quit without notice you can forget any references from that employer, which makes you look unattractive to any fixture employers.
2017-01-27 12:06:01 UTC
Good advice: give two weeks notice and learn to cope. I'm sure you think you're treated poorly but, odds are, you're just treated like an employee.
2017-04-21 05:37:21 UTC
don't do it, as an hr manager it shall look bad, talk to them tell them for medical reasons you need to give notice... and unfortunately you need to make this your last day or the next day at proper...
2017-02-26 03:16:25 UTC
companies want a two week notice, and so, society thinks it's bad to not give two weeks notice, but if you quit on the spot, really, there's nothing immoral about it... in some cases, you may have to quit on the spot, for example, if something happens at the job that threatens your life... well, why would you give two weeks notice for that? you may get killed during those two weeks... but, in general, since society thinks that it's bad to not give two weeks notice due to the fact that employers would much rather have two weeks notice, you may as well give two weeks notice...
2017-02-16 16:08:38 UTC
companies want a two week notice, and so, society thinks it's bad to not give two weeks notice, but if you quit on the spot, really, there's nothing immoral about it... in some cases, you may have to quit on the spot, for example, if something happens at the job that threatens your life... well, why would you give two weeks notice for that? you may get killed during those two weeks... but, in general, since society thinks that it's bad to not give two weeks notice due to the fact that employers would much rather have two weeks notice, you may as well give two weeks notice...
2017-01-31 17:03:32 UTC
try to end on good terms so you have a reference it looks unprofessional to just leave like that and may impact your future
Thunder Thunder
2017-01-30 02:53:00 UTC
2017-01-29 23:51:09 UTC
If you want a reference down the road, quitting without any notice is a terrible idea. If you're willing to live with the consequences then go ahead. Again, I would just put in the two weeks.
2017-01-29 22:39:04 UTC
you quit without giving notice means your boss doesnt have to pay you. Why dont you man up and consider yourself lucky you have a job. your just a pussy.
2017-01-29 19:54:02 UTC
Doesn't matter
2017-01-29 18:45:16 UTC
It is rude and juvenile give them a notice to be polite.
2017-01-29 16:09:15 UTC
Give your 2 weeks. He or she has no right getting upset seeing as quitting is a perfectly normal thing to do. That's their problem.
obey ♥
2017-01-29 15:15:31 UTC
Talk with your manager as soon as possible let him know what is going on he should understand. Don't be scared to speak with your manager about quitting at least they can do is get upset or be OK with it. Don't just quit it will look bad on future references. Ask to put in two weeks notice and ask to use leave remainder of the two weeks notice. I've done this when I left my HR position when I got offered a position I am in now. I had to finish up someones work and they wanted me to start right away so I talked with my employer and told them whats up and they understood and my boss let me use leave for two weeks and had someone cover my shift until they found someone for me.
2017-01-29 01:45:55 UTC
If you get laid off, would they give you any notice? Just wait for your last pay, cash it, them walk out. If your next employer discovered you did not give notice, just tell them you did and they told you to leave immediately.
2017-01-29 00:21:47 UTC
bad move
Trifid Research
2017-01-28 11:49:52 UTC
2017-01-28 05:05:24 UTC
I suggest you spend a good portion of time thinking of a lie to tell your boss on why you are quitting.
2017-01-28 02:44:49 UTC
if you plan going back in the future
2017-01-27 16:35:18 UTC
While it's not required, I would highly recommend giving at least a two weeks notice. It's only two weeks, you can make it through.
2017-01-27 12:38:04 UTC
What do you expect to happen just because you write a letter. NOTHING happens. Just do it. It's simple good manners.
2017-01-27 12:07:58 UTC
if the place is that bad just don't back. they probably won't even miss you. if they call, don't pick up. you could send someone an email.
Rick B
2017-01-27 12:06:24 UTC
My advice is to give notice.
2017-02-24 05:14:28 UTC
everyone is treated poorly in retail... welcome to adulting... which also includes manning up and quitting the correct way... by giving notice...

if you quit without notice you can forget any references from that employer, which makes you look unattractive to any fixture employers...
2017-02-08 04:15:56 UTC
it is bad to quit a job without notice 'cause the next time you want to get a job you cannot use your first job as a reference... go to your manager and tell him that your doctor recommends that you quit as soon as possible... he may let your go early and you shall not screw up your reference...
2017-01-30 23:30:48 UTC
bad move bro.
2017-01-30 16:48:23 UTC
You can buy if you decide to apply for another job in the future, there is a possibility that your first job will be on your record. That isn't something you want.
2017-01-30 04:59:02 UTC
You could, depending on retailer/business you might not get paid for that week (s) or that month. Just for quitting without notice...
2017-01-30 02:10:00 UTC
Let them know you have to leave due to medical reason and since you have a doctor telling you, have them write letter and get 2 one for them and other for you. That way when you apply for new job you can say you had to leave for medical and current employer can't disclose anything negative since you have a doc note
2017-01-29 20:10:29 UTC
i say kill yourself
2017-01-29 13:48:05 UTC
Just quit man
2017-01-29 10:58:07 UTC
Sound like you want to quit immediately due to medical reason. Get a medical certificate from your doctor recommending you quit working immediately and show it your boss and personnel office. Be apologetic and polite and leave! No one should be penalized for quittting due to medical reason.
2017-01-28 18:40:47 UTC
Give your two weeks or just quit. Take it from me, if you're being treated poorly, you should get mad. It's easier to walk away if you get mad but stay polite. I don't know you but you can't take that crap from people. Stand up for yourself and you'll feel so much better, especially if your doctors saying it'll help.
2017-01-28 16:42:54 UTC
Welcome to the adult world. Not sure how/why they hired you in the first place. You need to grow a pair now and give Proper notice, in a letter or phone call to the manager. Will take less than 2 minutes, to do either. In the time you have wasted asking on here, you could have composed a suitable 2 paragraph 'quitting' letter. The reason for this is - in future, you may get your act together and apply for a job you really want. If their hiring manager phones Mr. Retailer for a reference, he/she will say, 'well, Jean was overly sensitive and left without notice.' That's a black mark on your work record, right there. Always consider the future and potential consequences of your actions. It puts one on the road to maturity.
2017-01-28 14:50:16 UTC
Do not go into work, call in sick and ask your doctor to sign you off in writing and enclose this with written notice.
2017-01-28 08:06:35 UTC
Best to talk to your Manager and share what is don't want a bad review which could effect the next job.........

Being treated poorly.........happens sometimes in the work field, the answer to this is find a friend and move on if you end up staying there.........Some people will always be is a shame but true.
2017-01-27 22:34:50 UTC
Why does your doctor say there is something wrong with you? How come, you did not get a letter from your doctor requesting a leave of absence, so you could still get paid, but look for another job in the mean time?
2017-01-27 17:58:04 UTC
this is your 1st job - dont expect you will be treated much better in the future, maybe you will, maybe you wont, only way you will find out is to do the job

Its a common problem - people think they can turn up. be treated nicely, basically do what they want, and still be well paid

If this applies to you then better get used to it, or you are gonna be disappointed in keeping a job

NOBODY gives a f//k whats going on your life as far as doing the job

Employments aint a charity or a social club -you are paid to do a job, you dont do it you get fired

Nobody is really interested in WHY you cant do it unless they have a quick simple solution
2017-01-27 17:51:23 UTC
It's better to just put in your notice and leave
2017-01-27 14:55:53 UTC
You give notice because it's the RIGHT THING TO DO. That is reason enough. Is that lost on people these days? Take the upper road if they've treated you poorly.
2017-01-27 12:26:35 UTC
You're running away from responsibilities. Call and tell them you won't be back. Do it right.
2017-01-27 12:08:50 UTC
The problem is is that I haven't read one good reason why you should quit without notice. I see good reason why you should quit, but not quit without notice.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.