Have you considered Arbonne International? Network marketing in and of itself is very legal and potentially very lucrative...if you're willing to work. They are not get rich quick schemes. Arbonne is a wonderful, very well established (26 years), exploding network marketing company. Network marketing is a method of distribution that a company uses to get their products from the manufacturer to the consumer without all the middlemen (wholesaler, warehouser, advertiser and retailer). Because of this, they can put more money into research and development, and pay the consultants handsomely for their "word of mouth" advertising.
Arbonne has health & wellness products for every member of the family...things that people buy from the store everyday, thus the products are consumable, and that's a VERY important point when looking at network marketing companies. Our products are pure, safe and beneficial, are botanically based, contain no mineral oil, chemical dyes or fragrances, no animal products or by-products, have never been tested on animals, and are pH correct, hypoallergenic and dermatologist tested.
The opportunity with Arbonne is HUGE, and we aren't even global, yet (will be soon...then LOOK OUT!)
There are MANY men that are VERY successful in Arbonne. Take a look at some of the links below.
Check out the sites below, and contact me if you'd like more information. You really owe it to yourself to take a look at Arbonne.
Good luck!