So I work for two gas stations in my home town, where I maintain the carwash, outdoors areas, and run the register. The company has become somewhat dependent on me as I am the only person they have been able to hire that will actually meet their ridiculous expectations. I have to stay late literally every day to finished everything they ask (Scrub entire parking lot, clean pumps, trash, etc.) I was recently told by my boss (who I have good relations with) that I will be made to scrape all of the gum off the parking lot with only a razor blade that doesn't even meet the width of my palm. I've asked him to allow me to bring tools from home to make my job easier but he seems to have a problem with that. I do not believe that what I make per hour ($8.25) is worth getting on my hands and knees scraping gum off an extremely busy parking lot, among having to deal with other impossible request. I have to leave this job on a good note, as I go to church with the family who owns the stations I work at. I've never had to quit a job like this before because I've always been my own boss. I know if I leave the company they will have a hard time finding someone to replace me quickly. My plan currently is to use the excuse of school and or legitimate medical problems to resign without burning bridges. I'm still a bit indecisive as to how I should actually handle this situation (which is why I made this post) Maybe someone will leave a comment saying they scrape gum for $7.25 an hour which would make me feel a bit better if I decided to keep the job.