Alex Gonzalez
2011-03-09 13:40:50 UTC
Dear Alexandria Gonzalez,
Hope you are doing great and ready to start work. I am presently in Philippines on a business trip and also representing the Company in an exhibition here and this will be my last duty before i relocate to Glassboro New Jersey on March 26th.
However, you have just been approved by the Management and this is to confirm your Appointment as Parker Knoll Furniture's Personal Assistance effective from the 28th of March after you might have met with me for our employee orientation.More so, you will be signing your Appointment contract and your Paychecks of $500 will be available at the end of every week.
Kindly Read Below Your First Task As Our Personal Assistant.
Parker Knoll Furniture is planning an Art Exhibition in Glassboro New Jersey and all hands need to be on deck to make sure it is very successful, since we have top level clients coming to this event, both foreign and local.
The Exhibition is going to be held on April 2nd.The venue is yet to be determined as we have many clients coming however it will surely be held within Glassboro New Jersey . You will be duly informed of the exact location upon my arrival. It will be held from 10am until 5pm as we intend to have a full active day of events. The type of furnitures to be exhibited will include contemporary furnitures from various regions of the world and this includes ancient Roman art work, Latin, Asian, European as well as African.
It is going to be a civilization-rich filled activity and clients from all around the world will be present.In fact some of the foreign managers which you will be working with will be present. The company will provide your expenses including transport as well as other miscellaneous expenses.
We want you to send to us your ideas or suggestion (insight) through email on this so we see how vast you are and how the program should be lined out. Emphasis should be concentrated on presentation, entertainment and refreshments for the high profiled guest we would be expecting. Kindly make it short.If we like your idea it will surely be implemented.
We have also received complimentary remarks from one of our clients who are ready to issue payment for the forthcoming Exhibition. But since we don't have any ready staff there yet we would like the check payment to be made out to you. You will cash the check and collect your First Weeks’ Salary of $500 and have the re-fund sent to the Shipper for immediate shipment of various furnitures for the exhibition.I will keep you posted with further instructions.. Please confirm your interest asap.
I will be expecting your email response soonest.
Thanks and i look forward to meeting you on the March 28th.
Feel Free to Call me @ 006392 7876 4406
Thank you
Mr.Cole Rice
BTW i called the number and it can't be reached... but tha tmay be because its international?