2011-05-16 18:45:39 UTC
I'm currently a level 2 tech at a hotel and casino, which requires I know and support / troubleshoot and in some situations write for IBM as/400(and all of the hotel, entertainment, payroll, ordering and credit card processing that runs on two of those 400's.)
I am also support for the guests wireless system, from the physical implementation to helping the guests fix numerous problems with their personal computers.
I am unofficially the webmaster and web developer and have integrated entertainment ticket sales online along with a custom geo tracking system with complete database of 3 million IP ranges to compare to target marketing for zip code radius. Develop flash advertising for the website and provide support for the cms system and its database.
I've had to develop and support a webcam that watches and pans the building 24/7.
I have to provide support to the casino's player tracking and slot tracking systems and their sql backends.
I have been given the task of integrating a new cinema content delivery server and setting that up along with all the network for 6 projectors and the server, from pulling cable to instructing the theater staff on how to use the frontend and being made the first response support for that system.
I am now being asked to integrate airline packages into the website that will allow for reservations to be booked online.
For all this I'm having to use sql, flash,, as400 cl, unix, networking, low voltage wiring, all the windows server applications, domain control and user administration for all the casino and countless other skills that I feel any other company would hire 5 people to do the jobs I'm doing.
I've been working here for 3 years and am the last person hired in the department but I find myself training the rest of the department on how to do their jobs, and I make about 1/4 what the rest of the people in the department do, yet I have more experience, and I give 100% all the time. I'm expected to work doubles and overnights and be on call 24/7 with my hours to adjusted so that overtime isn't incurred, where the rest of the department is not expected to have to do this.
I have been the company's employee of the year my first year working here.
I also do all this without gripe, until today.
I make 14 dollars an hour. I support my wife who cannot work and I'm tired of just barley making it.
What do you think I should be making? Is the grass greener anywhere else?
Flame on if you think I'm just crying, but I feel like what I'm doing is worth considerable more, even in the present state of the economy, and especially since I'm generating revenue.