What degree you have? Not necessarily will they disregard you because of your Address. But, like your thinking, I would look and find a job first, then move. It expensive paying rent and eating when you not have a job. What you may be able to do. Try to find some Cities you would like to live and work. Have more than one, with you favorite descending down to your less favorite. Then see if you can go on-line and search the classifieds of a major news paper in those towns. You may have to Subscribe, say, to a Sunday only Paper, they mail them to you. May be Monday or Tuesday before you would get the Sunday paper, but that an option.
AND, you may be able to do an on-line subscription to the paper and may get that everyday. When you find a job opening give them a call and ask for their Personnel Manager, and explain where you live and your Degree and that you would be interested in employment with their Company if they would like to talk with you. Have a FAX number if they want to FAX an Application to you. Many store will do this ask around what they charge and get the Number so you already have it and look professional. Also, check with things like Monster.com I think that what they do is list job openings and there are others. Have you a good Resume already made up. List Schools, Work (If any), Goals, Hobbies and any Clubs you may have been in. Have at least 3 References, not more than 5 and add, "More References available upon request". Use people like Neighbors and Pastors, Professionals and Friends, be sure you tell these people you want to use them as a reference so they not caught off guard and with their Name, Address and phone number tell what they DO!!!! You not necessarily have to use past employers as references they in you Work History, if, you have one. Good Luck.