2012-09-04 08:37:09 UTC
I went for an interview on Friday that I thought went really well,I was even introduced to all of the staff and the manager had me shadow the other secretary so I knew some of the things I would be doing. She even showed me what desk I would be working at so I sort of assumed I had gotten the job.
Well I guess not because I think they would have called me in today if I had. It's 11:30am now and the working hours start at 8am. :(
I also filled out an application the same day for Blockers and I answered all of the questions very thoroughly (there were two personality tests attached to it) and attached a resume to it. I also received the last application which would make me think it would be on top so I was hoping that they would call me in for an interview. Well they haven't and I know they were open yesterday too.
The same thing happened with a clerk position with a staffing agency they told me last week they would get back to me in a few days so I guess I didn't get that either.
I don't know what to do. This is getting absolutely ridiculous. It's like NOBODY will hire an 18 year old even though I have more experience,honors and business certifications than people twice my age. I'm not ugly either,I'm skinny,young and attractive. I don't mean to sound arrogant or boastful but I just don't understand why nobody has hired me yet! People tell me my resume is incredibly impressive...then why don't businesses call me in? Do you think it's just because they read my age and when I graduated and throw it away before seeing I have presidential awards and thousands of volunteer hours with business certifications?
How long should I wait before assuming I didn't get any of those jobs? I've filled out almost 250 applications and I haven't gotten any calls! D=